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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Allrighty, As much as i like the idea of teleporting onto a goliath with some plastic explosives OOC(not sarcasm, i swear) I genuienly don't think that Quentin would be able to stop and mold a proper chaped charge for something like that to work while under the extreme duress of the current situation, all he has are blocks of explosives that still need to be shaped.
Well, the thing is, you don't have to shape the plastic explosive ahead of time for it to be effective. It'll still work fine if it's just a brick. The effect will just be a bit less than optimal. They can be used as a satchel charge, or if thrown hard enough with a PA, a sticky bomb assuming the consistency is right and it hits properly.
No I'm sorry. This have been real hectic and crazy on my end and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get a post out in time.
The giant was initially firing on both groups to its left and right, but after Ylfa's group moved, it turned to its left and marched through the train cars themselves. Quentin's attack damaged a leg, but Vaikon's shot to the head disrupted its sensors. Because of that, it's stunned and on all fours for the time being.

However, they're both exposed to the militant closest to Terrance and Rachael, who in turn is exposed to them, since it was taking cover against those two, and not the two Mindy clad marines.
There were only two small ones and one big one. I don't believe there ever was a third in this case, and the map points that out too. Three in total, but they're definitely not the same weight class.
@Wyld - Yeah, after the slide attack, he came to a stop somewhere around the third train car from the left in the upper row. The large militant meanwhile, was at the fourth, which was right in the middle of them all when it tried to work its way through them. The militant that's got sight on him is about where point C was on the map prior to it moving north.
Hiya Talonis Wolf. I apologize for the inactivity. I usually play at work, but work has been crazy these past few days, so everyone has been working twice as much as usual. Anyways, I will try and get a post up.
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@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Wyld @Captain Vaikon

Post is up guys, and the status report is updated! I made a mistake in my last post and wasn't clear enough on who was fighting what, so I went ahead and had Vaikon change targets from the Giant Militant to the Upgraded one directly behind him. Also, Talonis Wolf PM'd me saying he's unable to join now since he's now occupied with classes picking up steam.

The fight's almost over guys - there's just two of them left!
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Wyld @Captain Vaikon

Ok. Things are getting weird over here. I got connectivity problems, and had to hunt down two adolescent possums that got into my house. But, post is up, and the status page is updated! For now, the major combat of the chapter is order, so toss post order out of the window and have your characters talk freely. And remember, the goalposts they're trying to cross are not too far away, so it could be something on their mind.
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