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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

@HAMnJAM - you'll want to update the post. We moved out of the briefing room already and are at the brig visiting a friend. I'll post later tonight, so you got some time to edit.
Gotcha, also, looking around the wiki at the armor screen, when did they get a SAoY refit? I always imagined NAM armors.
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That's from the previous chapter, where they were stranded on a Yamataian station and had no choice but to use their equipment instead. Breastplates abound.
@Syaoran @Semjax @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM

Ok guys, for those of you who are new, understand right away that characters will remain in-character. If they're not the nicest people around, they're not going to be the nicest people around, so your own character will have to deal with the challenges of their persona. It is, in no way, shape or form, personal if one of the characters does something offensive to yours or another player's character.

And for those of you that are wondering, since he's posted in the briefing room, I had to come up with something. :3
You're in charge of your own character Talonis. You decide what's in-character for them, after all, we're here to 'play a role' for fun. I'm just making it clear regarding my own characters, and any NPCs you may encounter later on.
Hello there! I was just in the character submissions thread, and learned that I am being allowed to post and game with you guys for now. So I wanted to say hello and hope that I am a great asset to Sledge Mama. I have read the history on where exactly we are, so I was primarily wondering; how should I introduce my character into this plot of yours? To help, here's the link to my character's wiki page: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:edgardo_cortez
I'm very sorry I haven't posted yet - I've been completely drained by how things have been lately IRL, but fortunately, the worst seems to be over. Better yet, it looks like I'll be able to really pick up back to my old pace come January. From then on, I should have a lot more time on hand thanks to a more regular schedule, and most importantly, proper sleep.

Keep in mind that I'll be posting at about 4PM west coast, which is about 7PM east coast. Because of this, as well as the position that some of your characters are in though, you guys can go ahead and move them so they're where the others are at. Talk with them here in the OOC to coordinate and find out who wants to go where if that helps even. Right now, it seems the party is dividing into a group going for a peek at the new weapons, and another that wants to head into Providence.