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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Since you're all Nepleslians, that is very good advice.

And Akemi's? Well, only if that's where your characters all agree on - the driver did offer several places to choose from. Though in hindsight, I should have detailed the Freespacer one a little bit more. There's a reason the food is worthwhile. Also, I got to come clean; I do imagine the Abwehran driving you all as basically being a four armed Arnold Schwarzenegger with small glasses and geeky combed hair.
Place your bets on how my bit of rash action will affect my character!

My character is supposed to be the sane one, but I realized just now that my definition of 'sane' may be flawed when I considered that a normal reaction...

Edit: Sane was autocorrected, fixed
Yeah, I can see why Ylfa would be depressed. Two thirds of us decided to dogfight in Power Armour against faster, more agile craft designed for dogfights, and the two with rifles (me included) abandoned the only one with a weapon that was actually effective.

We're idiots. :P
@Syaoran @Semjax @Compouds117 @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey @Shadow

Post is up!

Right now, I think this early strip from Terminal Lance roughly catches the concept behind how Ylfa is feeling right now. More importantly though, try and picture what Ylfa is doing after you put into context how tall she is - the Neko is 4'9" while she's 6'4". Any men who find themselves unfortunately short enough can be smothered to death! Same goes for the Giga-Neko. A good day to die. Also. THIS. IS. DONMURAS!
Dangerously high cholesterol levels?
...you realize I'm now going to read through ALL the updates since they arrived at the diner in an attempt to figure it out?

*sigh* there goes my free time. :p


"Inside the "Akemi's" the Abwehran pointed out, they could all definitely see Nekovalkyrja amongst the women there - as well as a Mishhuvurhtyar 'sitting' at a table, menuin tentacle and a cat-eared hostess nervously taking the order."

Errmmm... Is this really odd or am I missing something in the setting? I thought they were the nasty, unwelcome failed invaders?
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There aren't enough pieces to the puzzle to figure it out yet. As for the Mishhu, it'd be racist if they were all treated the same - for that one to have been granted access, it's safe to assume it's been doing business trading or other with the asteroid for some time.
@Syaoran @Semjax @Compouds117 @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey @Shadow

Ok, dividing us up, I now realize in hindsight that a new side-thread should have been made. Right now, I'm waiting for one more post which should come tomorrow. If it doesn't arrive fast enough, I'll go ahead and move us forward by separating it into two separate threads. That way, one side is not waiting for the other due to me having to make a post addressing both at once.