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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

It's like active camo in Halo, except you're not yanking it from elites or using a downgraded version. It works as advertised. They didn't spot him, but they realized that the squad was no longer at the asteroid, pinged the area, and noticed them somewhere in the back of the store.
Just an update:

We've narrowed down the list of individuals we will be approaching soon with regards to taking over this plot - or possibly even forming their own plot.

Sorry that this seems to be moving rather slowly. We're trying to find the best qualified candidates for you all.

After some deliberation Lamb and I have decided to open the plot up for GMing by inviting two interested players forward.

The first two players to come forward will be entered into the voting.

These players will be voted on, with the individual getting the most votes being the GM and runner-up being the co-GM.

It's no secret that a lot of you folks are new players.

So I'd like for interested parties to keep in mind that we would like for fairly experienced roleplayers to be able to GM.

This is however still a highly developmental position.

As such the GM and co-GM will be "mentored" by Lamb and I fairly closely for a time to ensure things transition smoothly.

The benefit to having an FM and co-FM here is that generally one of us is always on, so your questions should be responded to fairly quickly.
Alright, it is becoming clear that our attempts to find a GM from the pool of current players is not going very well.

In the interest of retaining your characters and interest in the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, I will be GMing this plot.

Give me a few days to get up to speed with where everyone is and draw up some plans for a transition between your current command and the new one.

I'd like a head count of players still interested in being in this plot.
I'll continue playing in here; was withholding my withdraw based upon who would take the mantle, but I'll continue taking part since you're GMing.
I'm still here, frankly if I weren't new I'd probably offer but I don't know SARP or Nepleslia well enough yet to feel comfortable running it.
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