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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Yeah, that happens from time to time; I find manually refreshing a page or opening a new tab on stararmy helps though.
What's the state of my gear after that charge? I'd like to avoid any unfortunate malfunctions or failures at a bad time, thank you very much.
So right now the door is closed out, are there any militants in the room with them, or is it just them for now?
My understanding is that we kept the majority pinned within the hallway, destroying the few that broke through. I could be wrong.
Just explosive satchels? No. But, he did find those ARROW speed loaders - with some improv, it could be used as such.
@Centurion0507 @HAMnJAM @Syaoran @SirSPT @Talonis Wolf @Soresu

Alright, post up!

Though, it's that time of the year again; audit time. I'm not going to ask anything formal though. What I'm most curious about is how you guys are feeling with the NPCs and such. I don't want to 'doll-house' things, yet at the same time, I'm doing an ok job of having them interact with your characters. What do you guys think? Also, is enjoyable so far? Ups? Downs? Things that could use work?
I've decided to step in on the issue. I usually don't do such things anymore, my being an old timer as far as SARP being concerned. I mean to see this plot stick around with @CadetNewb manning the helm still.
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