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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Sorry about the lack of a post. A combo of pissy weather (We had a tropical storm) and Labor Day/Labor Day weekened have disallowed me to get online reliably.
@Centurion0507 @HAMnJAM @Syaoran @SirSPT @Talonis Wolf @Soresu @Compouds117

I know things have slowed down a lot lately, but I still want to know how you guys are feeling about the plot. Right now, how are you guys feeling about the general direction it's going in? Do you guys got any suggestions, or would prefer it to go in a different direction? Hell, how's the post quality? Anything I could do to improve the GM posts I make, or play the characters interacting with yours better and make things more interesting?
@Centurion0507 @HAMnJAM @Syaoran @SirSPT @Talonis Wolf @Soresu @Compouds117

Alright guys, I need to be honest. There's too many of you now for me to very easily post and reply to. It's very difficult for me to keep track of everyone, what happened last turn, what they're fighting and who they're fighting alongside. Because of that, I'm thinking of dividing this plot into two separate plots; for me, it'll make things a lot easier to manage, and give more focus on your characters. However, that also means dividing us up. I wanted to see what you guys think of it before I do anything though.

Your thoughts?
It's really not only about what's easiest for me though; it's sorta pointless if you guys aren't enjoying this as well.

Right now though, I'm thinking of dividing the plot into the Sledge Mama, and something else. The Sledge Mama would remain a lot like it is now, but a bit lighter in tone as it goes from place to place in the setting to clean up messes or stop them from occurring. Meanwhile, the new plot would be more dark in tone and focus on story arcs as they investigate some buried threads and secrets. Both will still feature marines in power armor as its bread and butter however.
More interested in that are you? I'll keep that in mind.

One thing to point out though, is that the Sledge Mama will show more of the setting to the players in it, as the plot will travel more. However, the other plot I'm thinking of will not, since its focus will be much more narrow. Alternatively, I could be taking too drastic a step and could just use a Co-GM, though, I'm not sure how that'd work out either.
I want to make things clear though, we'll still finish the current thread. It's just that I gotta wrestle with the post size and figure out who goes where.
A suggestion, though not sure how to handle it ICly, break your roster up into groups, and have them decide what kinda Plots/Missions they want to do and work from there.
A suggestion, though not sure how to handle it ICly, break your roster up into groups, and have them decide what kinda Plots/Missions they want to do and work from there.

Remind me of how 'Einstein Roulette' was/is run on the Bay12 Forums, only with every player becoming a 'munchkin' to merely survive the time in between missions.
@Centurion0507 @HAMnJAM @Syaoran @SirSPT @Talonis Wolf @Soresu @Compouds117

Well, I'm just glad most of you are warming up to the idea of potentially splitting the plot. Though, if it weren't for this class, I would be able to grind out the huge, long posts necessary to keep us going as-is. Chances are though, the plot split won't even happen until this class is over since it'll take a while IC. However, after that, we should still consider it, since RP quality would go up since I'd be able to pay more attention to each of you, and make your actions matter a lot more.

But speaking about class? It's basically kicking me in the balls and yelling at them to turn into steel in Russian now that we're down to our last four weeks or so. I finished two tests today, and I'm scheduled for one tomorrow and another the day after that. I don't think I'll post tonight, and chances are low this week overall. I'll still try, but I can't make a promise that you guys will get one.

I'm really sorry everyone.