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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

So, question. Did Ylfa just die die or is she going to end up all mixed in with Jerry or what. I'm confused.
She's still sitting there talking and everything. It's just that she had her blood pump removed to replace Jerry's. But...someone forgot to open up Jerry.
As you say that, I am reminded of the first Kingdom Hearts. The main enemies were the Heartless.
My internet goes through the fritz and I come back to open heart surgery. XD Sorry for disappearing like that, but it was kinda out of the blue so I couldn't warn you ahead of time.

I'll write my post once I figure out how to put Stripes hesitation in-character; I'm kinda stumped to be honest. Been staring at it for 5 minutes now...
Well, there's still a handful of other things to try doing; the Cyber Neko is starting to move more, so helping Richard hold it down may be a good idea. XD
Meanwhile Jaime the "Jaime" is awaiting his drink to get buzzed, then look around aimlessly as usual.
He could also try talking to Alexis more. With what happened to her friend, she could possibly use some emotional support after all.
Well, if people get mad at me for Ylfa dying (which I hope doesn't happen) at least I can say I wasn't off getting drunk with the sniper who was just shooting at us. War truly makes strange drinking companions... :'D
Here comes the awkward Jaime after the next GM post, he'll need the next shot to give him ideas.
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