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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

@Rizzo - ah, the speculation on how O'Neil was using his suit confused me a bit. Fixed it.

@Compouds117 - it's just some In-Character chatter. I know he was a Red, but given how quickly the group was put together, Ylfa likely doesn't know, and quite possibly doesn't care too much about that either.
Thanks. I'll try to be more clear with my writing next time. It's something I'm working on.
@Morbius have you contacted @CadetNewb or drafted a character?

@Syaoran Richard just 'stepped out in front of everybody.' That means there's now a large piece of metal blocking out everyone's shot. Most of the people shooting are not very experienced. The shotgun alone could more than cover her whole body and when all the rifles get going it'll be a bullet storm. If something were to happen or go wrong Richard is probably going to look like Swiss cheese. The odds of the Neko going anywhere but the floor is pretty slim. Just thought you should know if you'd like to edit before cadet goes and cements all out posts together.
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I kinda liked the whole good cop/bad cop thing we had going.

And it's not ruined yet. Cadet's post seems to really be what glues it down
Calming the Neko down while they still have a prisoner and weapons is not the best move. <.< We have Push Pull Plating that can easyly throw a neko across the room. And we were told to capture them without killing them. So everyone being a bad shot makes that even more difficult. If the Neko starts attacking us we can't really stop it without killing it, cause no one 'cept maybe Ylfa has the skill to shoot it's arms off. And this is a Type 29 not the new types, so it's even more rugged than the PC nekos, taking out it's legs wont stop it form shooting.

So considering that majority of the team has lowered integrity on their armor, we're trying to take it alive, it has a prisoner, and that it didn't immediatly surrender after seeing a squad of marines in power armor step into the room, the safest bet is a surprise attack to hopefully knock them out, but at least stun them to give people time to take the rifle and Kerosine grenades away. Then we can play good cop bad cop.

Also, if the marines hit Richard when he's at most 2 strides infront of him, they shouldn't be a marine, it's easy to shoot around them, we have targeting computers.
I'd say losing both your legs in a hyper fast shower of molten tungsten is enough to make anyone stop shooting.

Also, I didn't say everyone is a bad shot, I said they were inexperienced. Everyone is trained and qualified to shoot a gun and wear PA, however, if his move were to fail and the other guys opened fire Richard is now standing dead center in the middle of a firefight. If he's going to gamble his life by trusting fully in a computer he's nuts. The computer cannot provide 100% accurate shots, especially when the weapon is bouncing around from the recoil of fully automatic gunfire. If the system was perfect no one would use armor, the PAs would be phased out by drones who can think/react faster, shoot straighter, and in every way out perform a human operator. The targeting computer is a tool that must be skillfully handled by the person using it. A bunch of weary marines may very well make a mistake, human error, and when that happens the consequences can be severe for the person who purposely places himself between the target and a row of shooters. Also, this Neko is probably not an idiot. Imagine:
A spray of death paints the wall next to her and she is yelled at but the shooter stops approaching. Another person tells her to drop the weapon and stops approaching.
At this point she's fully aware that her next move will be her last but has the option to surrender. Now continue:

Another person runs two strides past everyone else.

Here she can probably assume that he is not going to honor the request to surrender that the others have offered and is proceeding with the intent to bring her harm. She has an armor piercing weapon and a will to live, so what will she do? What would you do?
I wouldn't know what he intended to do, I'd be scared and panic and do exactly what I was trained to do. I'd shoot him right I'm the face.
Yeah sure the helmets are armored but I'll tell ya what, getting hit hard in the face by anything moving fast while wearing anything on your head hurts like a mother. Now I'm not the GM but my prediction is as follows:
He gets shot in the face and the monoeye get busted, so he's blind, and the shock of impact rattles his brain, so he falls over. Delmar, Ylfa, and Mark simultaneously open fire and shred the Neko, because machine guns and shotguns are messy, meaning we have no one to interrogate and a marine who needs medevac, because the kinetic force of impact can cause whiplash and disorientation made worse by the current state of blindness. All in all the result in my mind would be unfavorable. I'm not trying to be a jerk about things, I'm just letting you know he's in a horrible place as far as safety is concerned.

Additionally, we are in an RP where giant crabs fly and do barrel rolls... I wouldn't put it past a Neko to just walk through the force push thing and kick him straight in the nuts.
@Rizzo these computers can target things moving at hundreds of miles and hour. The PAs in SARP are no joke, I doubt even modern fighter jet computer systems can even pretend to be as accurate. Yeah they're not perfect shots, but there shouldn't be much ricochet with the force of the rounds, and if they hit Richard while behind him at this distance they shouldn't really be marines. The reason Richard stepped out in front is because the Push Pull Plating is not entirely specific target, so if he stayed behind there is a chance he could've pushed his team around. Either way though it's not like Richard is like 30 yards in front of them and blocking their only line of sight to the target. They made it through a hall sequence without friendly fire, and through the crab battle without it, the likely hood of FF is slim.

Now also, you are thinking with the logic of a person in our time with things. That's not the case here. NMX neko are trained to pretty much be disposable soldiers. Surrendering to them is a horrible thing and a lot of them would rather die than surrender. So the logic that "She wont fight back cause it would mean her death" doesn't really hold up cause likely she'd rather die than surrender anyway. And again these are type 29s much more durable than the ones players have now. And -all- neko are literally born to be soldiers, if they're desperate enough they could easily fire while losing their legs.

Your prediction is also rather lacking in the analysis of the situation. Richard took the time to adjust and ready his PPP before stepping up. In other words he's already ready to fire. The likely hood of the neko getting a shot on him -before- he fires is slim. The likely worst case scenario would be a simultaneous exchange in which case Richard still wins because all he's trying to do is the same thing you're saying would happen to him, stun her with impact shock. Even if she's not knocked unconcious giving enough shock to give someone the time to close the distance (which can be done in like a second) and grab her rifle or take off her arm.

Now as for a prediction, the likely hood of the good cop bad cop thing going well is almost zero, because as I said above NMX neko are breed to not want to surrender. It says "they will occassionally surrender when all other options are exhausted and their commander is dead." We haven't seen a commander to our knowledge though. So chances are that wont happen. But even without that line of thought. Surrender only works when the person you're talking to values their life over their mission. Which is not something NMX Neko are known for to my knowledge.

So what would likely happen is she would start firing on us, we'd fire back, and she'd be peppered with bullets anyway. That's why Richard is responding before she even has that chance. Also the arm with the PPP has a shield of sorts on it anyway.
Like I said, we'll let cadet decide. Honestly, the shotgun had way more than enough power to rip her legs off and put enough kinetic energy through the rest of her body to launch the rifle out of her hands, slam her into the wall, and pretty much guarantee that she will not be moving for a nice long time.
Walking right in front of three allies with weapons designed specifically to shred armor is completely unnecessary and unsafe.
Now I can personally separate my IC from my OOC. I say this often yet I can't say it enough, I am not my character. To me it doesn't matter. Delmar on the other hand is going to think poorly of Richard for an action like that. He's not a good guy and his attitude isn't great to begin with(he's serving a prison sentence) so he really doesn't like anyone from the start. Now Richard is standing in his crosshairs.
No guarantees!

Edit: jk, but if cadet says he fires accidentally, sorry. His spot isn't exactly safe and you never know what'll happen in this thread.
Well, the correct move to make was to pretty much either shoot her legs out right then and there (if it weren't for Ylfa's orders to take her unharmed) or to pull her towards yourselves with the PPG. A quick, threatening burst from your guns, though scary, isn't going to suppress if it's not frequent enough, which was also another option. Ylfa had already scouted the cells with her drone and said they were clear, so the only enemy was pretty much her. Alone, they're practically harmless unless they do something suicidal, like yell "For the Great Journey!" and press a grenade directly against a joint like the Sarge pointed out, or somehow get a knife in. Even then, the only other option they have is to try and break your necks - physically, they are strong enough to do this if they get a good hold, but in your PA, you're far stronger and able to bat her off.

Aim wise, it is very possible to accurately shoot to disarm, thanks to the HUD based aim system and all that, but it still boils down to the soldier, and how unpredictable the enemy can be. Not quite worth the risk, considering what else can happen. She's heavily indoctrinated, and won't back down easily. But, that isn't to say they can't be persuaded to do so. It's just all in the wording.

I'm hoping that this doesn't seem forced, but I honestly didn't think all the stuff that was done would have stopped her, and I don't want to instantly hand you guys a 'bad end' either. Also, I hope it's at least entertaining - go toy with her a bit and consider this as a short downtime before the next round of action starts.
Yeah pulling probably would've been better. I totally forgot Neps have shields too, was thinking she'd get in free pop shots if I pulled. Though this leaves us in a pretty interesting predicament. That I have an answer to, but Richard would never do because of his past. Hits too close to home to take the 'risk' for the move.

Edit: Can you tell me what Richard would see though, cause he's gonna use his sensors to check for any other weapons on the neko. And I'd rather not have to post a check then get the results to post a response.
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