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NTSE Issues

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@Ametheliana I don't think usage of the NTSE is a good indicator of a person's 'plans'. I used the NTSE almost as soon as reasonably possible. I've actually submitted a good few things through it as well, and not once was I thinking about being part of an arms race. I just made technology that I thought the site could use, and that I felt wasn't too OP. Now I did accidentally make one thing that is a 'soft' OP, but that was because I didn't really understand the physics behind what I put together at first.

But @Fred also mentions something important, and it's why I'm hesitant to agree with anyone who puts all the blame on the mods. NTSE mods are volunteers, with the only real tool for getting their job done being their ability to say "No you can't have this." But many times Wes has been called in in an attempt to over turn, or a mod has been rejected and the submitter goes to a friend. Yeah our NTSE mods aren't perfect and they're not the most efficient, but who would be with the kind of situations they have to put up with?
I like a lot of you as people. But I also seem to have this foolish notion that even in this out of the way corner of the internet we can all be adults and respectful.

Well. Had. Until about an hour ago. I'm done for the day. I appreciate the progress, guys, and will submit fluff tech for Lost Colony with NTSE because the Asteria server's boycott is just as shameful as the trolling and barely quantifiable harassment.

I like this site. Really want to learn more of the canon. And that's why I want to run exploration and science plots. Kinda hard to do that when NTSE and Asteria are busy eating each other.
@raz if you were really better, you'd be a big enough person to let it go in the interest of improving the site and avoiding conflicts. Instead you are letting your feelings dictate your actions, just like everyone else. So no, you're not better. You just simply aren't prone to taking the initiative.
Sounds like we think the same word means different things. I'm okay with that and won't try to convince you otherwise.
That wasn't directed at anyone in particular and I don't even agree with it, I am just pointing out someone's opinion on the matter that should be truly dissected for what it's worth.
@Ametheliana okay, I apologize for assuming. Though you might want to tweak your post a little, cause the way it's presented it looks like you're saying that you are agreeing with it.

@raz you are not superior to anyone here Raz, you are different. You are better in a single category possibly, but you make up for that in short falls in other categories. Some of which I'm under promise not to speak about. But just the fact that you think yourself superior to others is in itself a shortfall. And yeah you can think it in your head as much as you want, but when you do not have the foresight to see that you saying it aloud, and using behavior to demonstrate that idea feeds the aggression of those people you think you're better than, that too is a short coming.
I have a lot of screenshots and chose one at random, btw, of the NTSE being attacked in the channels these new players like HarperMadi are being funneled to.

So my wording was off because it makes me really mad and I don't really have the ability to find the right words when I'm mad.
@Ametheliana that's okay, I'm not trying to blame you or anything, and sorry if my response came out harsh. I was just trying to point out what I thought were flaws in that statement, not trying to put anything against.
Syaoran please don't worry! I get you totally and completely, that's why I wanted to clear it up right away. Anyway, everyone is done being on their high horses and we can talk like adults?

You, too, Meta...
I never claimed to be perfect. I came in to knock some sense into a few people and seems like I got some sense across.
Because she just used this thread as a mask to attack me and hence reduce the believably of what she's done to me @Fred, which I think is pretty obvious as in this thread the topic of how she's treated me has already been brought up. Her confidence means nothing and she loves pulling passive-aggressive snide attacks like the one above she just posted. I'm calling her out, for once, when people don't.
What Fred is saying is, stick to the stuff that's NTSE related, take the rest of it elsewhere, not this thread.
Sure, I'll move my post elsewhere. I was content to not openly address this on the forums but another breach of privacy, which was me venting, is yet another step too far from her.
Has objected to every single NTSE submission I ever made, even trivial ones



Bullied me into asking Wes personally to retroactively unapprove one of my Wes-approved articles because she personally disagreed with it
I did and you addressed it well and I thanked you for addressing it well.
Accused me of being power-hungry with my company, which I think I addressed by my self-imposed restrictions to the contrary, which I could have chosen not to do as Wes maintained it was approved as it stood.
Multiple people had multiple issues, not just me.
Logs logs logs.

I'm getting kind of sick of hearing about the logs of us complaining about you being used as though you didn't get those logs from people who have been banned from the website specifically for being disruptive. People you are still friends with. I haven't seen that Skype server in almost over a year but you guys have the logs from it so ready to hand and so well memorized that you can literally pull them out of a hat on command.

I don't like either Ame or Raz, but I stay away from that stuff and don't complain about what you do, and I try my hardest not to care about you at all. I don't have to care about either of you just like you don't have to care about me. You are not being oppressed. I have no interest in fighting but I am getting tired of your constant shit talking about how bad I am and how bad my faction is after the issues you are complaining about have been addressed or solved. I could say a lot about the two of you and none of it would be flattering so instead I'll finally chime in after watching this thread for a while.

News flash: I've been banned before. So has Raz. We are both still here. Get over it and do something productive with your time that isn't "politely" shit talking my faction and I, as though you are someone with any moral high ground whatsoever. Raz will never get down off his highchair. You might as well be welded to yours. I've resigned myself to this; I don't want to deal with it. Frankly you guys aren't why I am on this site and the more thought I give to you both the more disgruntled I find myself so my response is to focus on productive things like my GM's, my players, and my faction. And that's pretty much it.

I have no interest in continuing this feud. I thought that people worked this out in voice. You need to stop. Your join date doesn't mean anything. I had to get over that too. But it means new people can contribute without having to make the same mistakes repeatedly, yours and mine, so that shouldn't bother you.

Go write your plots and quit fault-finding and acting like the world revolves around your opinions. Go have fun with like minded people who like you and think you are cool. Enjoy your stuff. If you are upset I'm not permabanned for hurting your feelings, I don't know what to tell you. That's a you problem. Personally I think you and your "unlimited supply of money" should have zero trouble finding joy in a website without constantly dragging up this same tired argument over and over again.

I'm sorry, but I just don't care about this anymore? Can we just leave each other alone? Please?
Actually, Fred deleted his post because he wrote it in a hurry after skimming before reading work and realized after a once over that he should have shut up and left people to their daily rip-out-their-jugular action.
That's not an attack Ethereal, that's a post of something you said. There isn't even a comment about the post other than "The NTSE is being attacked in channels new players go to." If you consider that an 'attack' them I'm sorry but you really shouldn't be here because your skin is too thin. I didn't even bother to -rear- the name of who was in that picture because it wasn't importation just the content of the post, and even then it was just in passing.

But see now this is going to turn into a slapping match between you two.
I'm sorry, but I just don't care about this anymore? Can we just leave each other alone? Please?
I will drop it when you apologize and stop using your faction to steal the intellectual hard work of others. Because I care about the Star Army I joined.
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