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NTSE Issues

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While I do understand a point that has been brought up here and before (by @Fred currently), I will highlight something to make a very significant difference in the truth here. NTSE mods are not volunteers.

They are selected volunteers at best. This is why I've always held issue with the idea of "oh well, they're just volunteers so we shouldn't expect quality from them to be consistent/present at all!!!" or some bogus side-step. If it was as simple as being a volunteer, then honestly? I'd probably be an NTSE mod (I've both offered and stated I'd like to join before). But the reality is that people get picked for qualities that don't seem to relate to their actual work. This is why I opposed Talarn's appointment and why I wasn't sold entirely on @META_mahn and birbo being included into the NTSE. They were new (back at the time) and hadn't dealt much with the NTSE. It's a stark contrast to someone like even Cadet. Despite my disagreements on Cadet's practices, he had been involved in the NTSE before getting appointed a mod and had been involved in much of the setting.

If it was as simple as "they just volunteer to do it", then I could understand us not expecting something from them... but in every "voluntary job" I ever did in forums, I never once saw a site like SARP where someone could completely not do their job for a month or more and not get replaced. Especially in a job that has supposed importance as being "essential" to some plots. My personal dislike for the inactive group is simply because the NTSE mods should be people who want and CAN do their job. If someone stepped down because they just simply didn't have the time, I'd understand. But that doesn't happen. And it results in the slow down and issues that stemmed the NTSE for months when I had joined, on-and-off for the last year, and has started to rear its head in the rise of submission numbers.

I'd never consider anyone on Staff, hand-picked by @Wes, to be a volunteer. Because their job has importance on the site and enough so that he wouldn't pick just anyone. The NTSE moderators fulfill that exact same conditions. The payment is the privilege to get to help improve the site. They most certainly aren't volunteers, though. Calling them that, with how they get selected, is just silly.
Nothing is freaking stolen @raz, it was submitted to a community site. He didn't take it somewhere else. It's still here on SARP. If -you- wanted the assets so bad you should've voiced your opinion about it. If you did and Wes still decided that they get them, well tough cookies, cause technically according to the rules this all belongs to Wes. If you have a problem with that then take it up with Wes, tell him to relinquish his right to be the final say.


You are not an FM, and you are not Wes, and if you have a problem you need to take it to the appropriate people instead of offhandedly insulting my players and I.

You are blatantly wrong.
Your argument amounts to "we can do anything we want because bitching until Wes okays it is better than doing it right."
Again Raz, if you have a problem with it, take it up with Wes, he's the one letting it happen. Don't sit here and accuse people of stealing stuff that was given to them by the SM.
Bitching hasn't worked for you, what makes you think it works for me? It might just be possible that Wes is a thinking human being and not just some heartless automaton who is broken if he doesn't think you are right.

I'm actually willing to apologize for quite a lot. Much of the last couple of years I drank hard, wrote harder and was very, very liberal with my criticism. I've already apologized elsewhere for your issues with Junpu. I asked Wes to decanonize it so we wouldn't ever have to work together, or even vaguely nearby, ever again. I wrote a public apology for the Nepleslia split, though I forget where exactly - the FM planning thread, I think. I've tried a good faith apology to Ame twice. A third time we wrote a one-off JP that 'strained her personal relationships' so she had to regrettably inform me we couldn't rp together anymore. So I quit apologizing altogether because it obviously didn't work.

So please tell me what still has your panties so wadded that everything you post has some sort of insult or slander or implication directed at Asteria in it. If it's something I've had control over, if I can apologize for it, I will and if I can't I'll explain what happened.
You know the issue I have but label it an insult.

How are you going to assure other creators that your faction won't keep absorbing stuff that has no business being in the faction? You've done it with the Lorath despite DocTomoe straight-up saying that Cadet's play of Fate wasn't acceptable and that she had no power by which you could lure the Lorath into Asteria. You've taken the Iroma into Asteria, too, despite the roleplay itself proving that no Iroma should have been left behind β€” all you've got to justify it is RP recently written for that purpose, but that doesn't even change that all the Iroma left with the TFL epilogue post.

People have called me childish but I'm just pointing out that Asteria is the faction that looks at everything cool and says "mine! mine! mine!" even when it has been forbidden or does not make sense. And the answer most certainly is not "because it was submitted so anyone can use it," because the hypocrisy there would be unbelievable.

I will have that opinion until the behavior stops. Sorry.
@raz if what you say is totally true, that's kinda pathetic. Because that means that even though they have no leg to stand on according to you, you still can't formulate an argument strong enough to prevent them from getting what they want. So you're either saying @Wes is bias in their favor; they actually do have a strong solid argument; or you just aren't putting in the minimal amount of effort.
I'm not saying Wes is biased in anyone's favor. But I do think he's biased toward permitting things that shouldn't happen because saying "no" or asking for an adjustment yields unreasonably hurt feelings, as has been discussed here.
So in otherwords, you think Wes is doing something wrong. You wanna know what I did when I thought Wes was making a big mistake? I went directly to him, told him I think he's messing up, explained why, gave solutions. Sometiems things changed sometimes things didn't. You want to know what I never did? Yell at the people who benefited from what I believed was Wes' mistake.
@CadetNewb , don't bait him while I'm trying to make peace here.

Syaoran is correct, in my opinion.

People wanted to play Lorath. The Lorath were leaving, and Wes agreed to allow small bits of them to continue for people who might like them, or want to use them. Some of their assets were given to Nepleslia, a large bulk of them were seized by Yamatai, both factions that you could personally write about in the way that you want, and yet you're only angry at Asteria having a very limited amount of Lorath assets. Why?

(This post was lightly edited for formatting and slight exposition. -G.)
Reactions: Wes

Because @DocTomoe explicitly said that Asteria wasn't supposed to get anything from the Lorath, @Gallant.

Edit: Nice edit, @Gallant - and a conveniently-timed one, too - but my point still stands. :/
Reactions: raz
Because @DocTomoe explicitly said that Asteria wasn't supposed to get anything from the Lorath, @Gallant.
Wes made that decision though Frost. And like I said, technically this is all owned by left. The moment Doc left, Wes gained control of the assets, and no matter what -anyone- said, it was Wes' decision where it went.
Reactions: Wes
Wes hasn't done anything wrong. He isn't the one asking for nonsensical additions to the setting's canon, but is rather the person responsible for choosing between saying "the setting should remain high quality and consistent, sorry" and "well, they'll get mad and feel bad, so 'go ahead.'"

Because I understand he is the leader of this entire community and does his best to be a good friend toward all of us, I can see why he lets things slide. So I'll direct the criticism where it belongs β€” the people who knowingly keep forcing blatantly unjustified setting elements in the face of all reason β€” at every chance I get.

NTSE submissions, dumb struggle session threads like this, and whatever chat silliness spins off? That's all fair game and speaking up in the correct venues is fully acceptable. When there is substance, I will critique the substance. When there's nothing to critique but the actions taken then, sorry, I've gotta say it.
Because @DocTomoe explicitly said that Asteria wasn't supposed to get anything from the Lorath, @Gallant.
Literally this.

And how the TFL epilogue that Kokuten wrote as well as the established, canonical negative opinion toward Iroma on Asura III as well as the fact that the Iroma there were in the freaking military and got rescued.

C'mon! That ain't right. That discourages many creators from contributing at all. Even your buddy Arieg exercises such extreme control over his long line of factions that he's gone so far as to delete them so people don't use the stuff. Should we all be like Arieg?
They didn't really force it. They made a request, you argued it, they presented their points. It went back and forward, and then Wes decided in favor of them. That sounds pretty 'fair' to me. There are -countless- nonsensical things in SARP, up and down, but you know what? That's just how SARP is. All that you're doing right now is finding every way to shift the blame to Asteria as much as you can. When if it's that bad, why not just leave? Becuase Wes is the way he is, he'll make the decisions -he- wants. And if you don't agree with it, protest it with him, but if you wont do that, don't be a coward and attack other people. Suck it up or ignore it, or leave. I don't approve of everything Asteria did, but I take it up with them when it's about their behavior, but if something setting related happens I don't like, I take it up with the SM. You could benefit from a similar strategy.
Have you wrote a Lorath character recently, Raz?

We've got several, one of them a very prominent member of the government, along with a small mess of Helashio - one of which was actually a pretty big deal in Knights of Asteria, a popular running plot. RIP Valeriane.

So I would say that what discourages creators would be people taking away the tools that they want to use to create. DocTomoe, from what I understand, wanted a final 'fuck you' to Wes and the website, and I can't speak for Wesley, although you seem to want to pretend to be his best friend all the damn time, but I would imagine that Wes wanted to see actual roleplay come from this that wasn't a poorly written epilogue.

And if Soresu wants to play an Iroma in Asteria? He can do that, and I'm not going to tell him no just because you, personally, disagree with it, as though your opinion of the site is somehow more nonvolatile than mine, Cadet's, Soresu's, Ira's, Syaoran's, or anyone else's. Canon isn't some hard and fast rule you can use to rulemonger people out of having fun and being just as miserable as you apparently are.

If you can't come up with something I've actually done wrong, here, then I'm going to have to apologize for other people's roleplay hurting your feelings, which makes you look just about as thin skinned as you accuse us of being. I'm sorry you didn't get your way?
If it's something I've had control over, if I can apologize for it, I will and if I can't I'll explain what happened.
When you said this, I shouldn't have expected that you were interested in actually considering anything I had to say.

I'm not going to ask anyone to leave the site like Syaoran just did to me and how numerous people have to Frost, both here and elsewhere. But I'll say that if you and the people who ascribe to your toxic attitude stopped posting, the community would flourish again and be essentially drama-free. The things you're doing on SARP don't even match the established atmosphere of the setting whatsoever and that isn't worth any of the so-called "politics."

Obviously, it's better when we don't express our opinions about each other.

Happy Festivus!
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