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RP Ocean Day of YE 41

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The blue neko frowned a little at Sacre's words. "Well you could come out to the Shiroyama! It's more like a station a than a ship though, but there is lots of people there." She offered, smiling as usual like the world was paradise no matter where she was, and in a way that's exactly how Shasse saw the universe though even Miles couldn't tell why and he'd spent the last two years with her almost every day. Meanwhile the blue neko had spotted another target, another separa she barely knew but still vaguely recognised, with a short running start she leaped into the air and soared through the air for a moment before landing softly atop Abart in the water. "Hiya!" Shasse exclaimed standing on his scaly body, light as a feather partially because she was tiny but her gravity manipulation helped too. "I remember you from Kaiyo, but I don't think we spoke much, I'm Shasse Emiko!"
Donvan & Anaska

"Mhm mhm!" was Anaska's happy little response as she was lifted down onto Kryss' shoulders, a few very enthusiastic nods as the Daur's hands found purchase in the blonde woman's short hair, slightly athletic though pale thighs pressing into either side of the suited woman's neck. Now that Ana's sensitive eyes were protected once again she was back to enjoying the spectacle of it all, sure they had beaches back home but there seemed to be a lot more skin on show then there ever might be back east.

"Indeed, Kryss, though I do wish you'd pull that stick out from your arse and have a little bit of fun - you can mix business in with it sometimes, you know?" Donvan couldn't help but tease as he stretched out both arms before crossing them over his broad and toned chest, offering Kryss a cheeky grin as the blushing Daur on her shoulders giggled quietly behind a sleeve of her hoodie.

"I have remembered this is a business trip though, my sweet stuck-up sister, so no funny business while I'm on the clock - you've nothing to worry about~" the blonde man's words trailed off, glancing over one shoulder to watch a pair of Nekos walk behind him, offering both scantily clad women a sly wink as Anaska's tail hugged Kryss' neck a little tighter and she piped up now that she was comfortable.

"Have you been having fun too?"

"Say... I'm happy people are giving you recognition for your work and I am happier to be here with you," Wyatt nodded, tone as stoic as ever though there was a warm smile beneath the coppery thing adorning his upper lip, even if the expression was tight-lipped as a finger from the ginger operative's trapped arm brushed loving against the pale skin of her outer thigh.

He was a man of simple tastes, dressed in a charcoal polo shirt over his torso and a pair of Kaiyo-themed board shorts over his lower body as Wyatt walked along with the pink-haired medic that melted the cold hunk of slag where his heart should be - other hand occupied with gripping at the strap of a backpack as amber eyes quickly scanned the beach, gesturing to a few of the other Kaiyo crew members.

"We could mayhaps take up position near familiar faces? I see no harm in that~" he offered, gently pressing his almond lips to Saya's forehead, appreciating the sweet scent of pomegranates that always danced past his nostrils when she was near.

"Oi, I know how to have fun... But I can't hide any drinks in these clothes. And I'm not stuck up I just don't want to get back on the ship and see 100 extra catgirls crammed into a space not meant for that many, that being said while technically its a business trip it was only for advertising. Now I don't need to know the specifics on how exactly you advertise to our clientele so as long as it doesn't interrupt my time off to go and brush this fluffy tail I will look the other way." Kryss spoke purposefully, she and her brother had their differences and occasional disagreements, but who was she to deny him the lifestyle he'd lived for years. "So go no, I've seen you looking already, not like you'd listen if I said no anyway right?" She grinned at him and made a shooing motion with her hands.

"Now Anaska my dear, did you happen to bring your favorite brush with you? Or would you like to go play in the water for a bit first, there probably isn't any other Shukaren around but it looks like you've already got some jealous fans among the Neko population with that tail of yours." The blonde woman said, reaching up and just being able to rub the little foxe's head and ears.
"Not at all. So, what trouble should we get up to today? Not very often we get leave like this, much less as a beautiful day at the beach." the Minkan said in greeting after Hinata made her presence known. He couldn't help but admire the bikini clad woman for moment, his other hand now raised to offer a drink he had gotten for her. "You're looking good today as usual, so what that you got there? You haven't brought a can of whoop ass to open on me have you?" Kai mused to her with a chuckle and a grin.

"That is true, but this is a little more then usual I guess. I got picked to join a new unit, gearing up for some new operation. So I'm not going to be sending you mail from shiroyama like before. Instead, it will be from the new ship i'm assigned to, the YSS-Artemis, where I've been selected to be an SNCO. I have no idea what we're doing yet, or who will be under me this time. I must admit I will miss the old team, they were already starting to call me "Father Lucas", but I guess at least the transfer gets me away from her. I still could not face her-.....sorry, i've gone on too long. But yeah, it's a big change, and it seems they thought it important enough to recruit me for it. So whadda ya think El?" Lucas revealed as he too sat his chalk white pale person on the sands. He looked to Elenor with a smile, happy about the news himself, but eager to see her reaction.

The human gave Klaus a wave in farewell for now, before the familiar voice of sacre brought a chuckle. "Well yeah, besides you can't start one without getting a little rated R behind close doors. We'd never raise the rating out in the open in public, that'd just be no fun." Mark said jokingly back before focusing his attention on the woman of life who now had him firmly in his grasps. Giving another kiss, his eyes wandered for a moment to take in the swimsuit, a sight he'd for some reason not thought possible, but brought back fond times to his mind. "Looking stunning as usual love, and the sound of that water, brings back memories doesn't it? After all, we first grew close taking a soak. Means this day couldn't be more perfect, with you here with me."

Setsuya gave another boop to her daughter's nose with a smile, "That is good to hear, I miss you, so it's a relief to know I've left you in good hands. Always stay my sweet little girl Sachi, the world needs more pure souls like you." The neko had been so wrapped up in her child that she almost didn't hear Klaus. Turning her head to look up to him only a short distance from them, she offered a kind smile. "No, it's free, go right ahead. I'm just relaxing here with my daughter today, so sorry in advance on the noise. I don't get to see her often, but my name is Setsuya, my daughter here is Sachiko. I don't believe I caught your name mister?"
The Neko couldn't help but grin as she tilted the can back to her mouth a little and took a swig but shook her head regardless as she finished. "Nah, just a little refreshment. It's a vacation day, so why not get started a little early right?" She offered up and tossed her arm over Kai's shoulder. "I mean swimming is a no brainer, been years since I've been to a beach and not had shit shooting at me. Not really into tanning since I don't think we can..." The multi-hued Neko looked at her arms with a frown and wondered how she would look if she could burn. "What about you? Any ideas you got?"

Saya smiled and waved to another Neko off a bit from them who had started to wave enthusiastically toward her and nodded to Wyatt at his idea. "That sounds good! Is anyone we know here? I haven't spo-AHEF?!" Saya was unceremoniously tackled from behind into the sand of the beach. She flailed a little and tried to escape the tanned body that currently held her face down in the gritty sand and after a moment was able to get herself away enough to get some room. Wyatt would be treated to the rather nice backside and a long red ponytail, along with a few tattoos scrawled across the skin of the woman. "T-Tenshi?!" Saya exclaimed before she squealed and hugged the woman on top of her.

"To fuckin hot out here..." Datenshi covered her eyes to shield the sun a little as she eyed the beaches before her and scanned to see any familiar faces. She could see off to the side a familiar multi-hued Neko in Hinata and had planned on stalking her down, but pouncing her was like running into a brick wall... But oddly enough as she had started to head towards her, she spotted another Neko she knew well. Bubblegum pink hair was done into a cute braid, and now a tail? The thought gave her a pause, but who else had that hair and fair skin... Well 'Tenshi was nothing if not rash, and as she disguised herself and stalked closer, she waited before she pounced. She tackled Saya to the ground with a grin and playfully pinned her down after she reappeared and grinned. "Saya! How's my favorite little medic? Well, second favorite now?"
Donvan & Anaska
"I'm offended and dare I say flabbergasted you might hold me as nothing more than a stubborn brute who thinks with only what is between his legs, sister dearest~" Donvan offered with a healthy degree of faux insult dancing around every word, one hand over his heart as the blonde playboy-apparent's gaze was drawn back to the two women from Galactic Horizon, a blonde with a fox on her shoulders - but just as quickly as his joke had started it was gone, and he spoke up again, "I'll leave you two to it then, make sure she has some fun, little Ana~" he made sure to get in as his final words before leaving, the golden-brown Daur giggling again as she sat atop Kryss's shoulders.

"I mean~ I brought it but it's back on the ship... no point in using it until we pack up anyway! sand is just going to get everywhere and bleh~" Anaska voiced as her reasons, tongue sticking out in disgust at the thought of how long it would take to cleanse her fur, though returning quickly to a smile as fingers carded through her hair and grazed the base of her vulpine ears.

"Water sounds nice... though you obviously can't do it with that suit on, silly, so you might need to let me climb back down~"

He had been about to point out some of the past crew-members that left the ship shortly before the pink-haired medic had gotten there when what felt like an artillery shell ripped Saya away from his grasp, a lot happened in the brief second it took for Wyatt's digital mind to process just what had happened - pupils already contracting into pin-pricks as the SAINT software floating through all that greymatter told his eyes to identify joints to be shattered, bones to be broken and organs to implode through method of applied CRIED, though once he realized they were sounds of joy following the confusion, his eyes returned to their natural honey-like state, offering the sight of a rather shapely neko wrapping herself around an excited Saya a faint frown.

"So, am I to assume this is the Datenshi you speak of so frequently? the loud entrance certainly lines up with what I have heard~" was almost a jab coming from the Operative as he knelt down, offering two large hands and the masculine forearms attached to help the women up, defined lines of iron cable-like muscles visible beneath the tanned skin as he spoke again, "I am Wyatt, a pleasure to finally meet you, I am sure."

He followed the duo of previously spied catgirls for a short while, chatting it up with them though he quickly figured out they were more interested in his own wares than the wares being peddled by Galactic Horizon - it seemed one of them was part of a richer family and might be interested in stock options if only he could get a few moments with her away from her louder friend, though the day was still young and they parted in good faith, slipping a business card into the waist-band of the potential stock-buyer's thin bikini bottom before he wandered off in search of new clientele.

It would be mad to think he could get to every single one of them so Donvan was looking more for opportunities, the outwards appearance of a playboy worked perfectly for his style of business, if he looked like nothing more than a well-proportioned blonde whose Daddy ran a company then why would there be any reason to suspect the mind behind those ocean-blue eyes was running a million possible outcomes to hypothetical scenarios through his mind - social sciences were one of the things he carried a degree in afterall, so it helped to have eyes with a knack for reading people, everything from the way they walked to what they might be wearing helped Donvan narrow down who to actually go for.

It was by no means a guarantee he'd get some business done, but the chance was there, and the percentage for a desired outcome was a lot higher using this method than just going for any old chum - of course though, right now he looked like nothing more than a handsome man with a mane of blonde hair admiring the local wildlife~

Something black and gold managed to catch his gaze amidst the crowd though and Donvan liked what he saw upon further investigation, despite the fact she appeared to just be enjoying the beach with her sister? no - apparent-daughter, he could see there was something a bit calculating behind her eyes even if he'd only gotten a glimpse at them, and she carried herself a little differently to the other militarized catgirls.

Why not? if it was a failure then it was just that, a single failure, so by all means it was worth a try.

"Forgive me if I am being a little bold, being a stranger to you fine folks, but I simply must pay compliments where they are due - both you lovely ladies have rather eye catching hair I must say, one sister is as blue as the sea while the other's is like a bright star slicing through the night," Donvan opened up with, his classic old-colonial accent more than prevalent with the compliments being handed out, even if he could tell one of the ageless beings clearly came from the other.

"I suppose it might be a little less awkward if you at least know the name of the stranger appreciating your looks so boldly, hm? Donvan Black, at your service," he offered the small group with a courteous bow, dressed in his rather form-fitting and logo-emblazoned board shorts along with an unbuttoned floral-print shirt covering the young man's toned and lean torso.

He was a bloody charming bugger, to put things simply~

The snakeman looked on in surprise as the blue neko toucheddown on top of his tail, surprised by the almost nonexistant weight. though the bight sunlight hi did indeed notice her familliar face. "Hey yeah Shasse, i remember you!" He just remained floating about in the water, enjoying the comfy soak. "Abart's the name, Abart'huse Theisilis. It's been a while how're you doing?"



"Indeed, we do have a way with water, don't we?" Nerai mused, cuddling up against Mark. "That was a fun night to say the least~" She used her tail to wipe off some sand that stuck to her, and took a seat down in the sand.
Sachiko got another boop but this time she tried to grab her mother’s hand before she could do so, unfortunately, she couldn’t get the finger in time. The former youngling was distracted by her mother’s words, saying that she missed her which the feeling was mutual and that her mother was glad that Sachiko was left in good hands. She thought so too, between her Aunt and her leader she was in good hands, and she herself had good hands too. She smiled when her mother asked her not to change and a sweet little girl she was and that the word needs pure souls like her. She was all smiles and nodded her head ”Hai! I shall Mommy!” she said before once again another distraction came in the form of Klaus.

She didn’t know the man and he appeared to want to borrow an umbrella that was beside them. Setsuya introduced both herself and Sachiko, so all she needed to say was β€œKonichiwa sir” she said happily.

Then someone new came by, her eyes blinked a little in reaction and blush at the compliments, wait did he just call her a sister? β€œGreetings mister Black, ah, head of Public relations for Galactic Horizon?” she asked him β€œI am Itatski Sachiko” she said, knowing full well her name might be familiar to some due to the fact she had it stamped on the inside of her invention. She was aware of his identity due to Galactic Horizon being one of those she looked at to help her get her invention out to the public eye. Galactic Horizon was also on her list of possible employment after her time in the military ends.


Kiyo quietly took an intake of air as she stepped off the transport that brought her to the beach for Ocean day. This would be her first shore leave since joining the Kaiyo and while she did indeed like the feel of the environment and the warmth, there was something bothering the Tank-born Nko, namely the man she loved didn’t message her for a while, not even to say where he would be so the young girl was alone, wearing a bikini that likely Gravity might approve of. She looked around and giggled when the water splashed over her. She soon spotted Wulf, with another woman, so she turned around and went the other way. When she looked back, she saw the woman she was starting to recognize hitting Wulf, and words that sounded like Bakka were heard.

Kiyo took a water balloon and tossed it right at Wulf.
Chlorate hurriedly searched for Mark, her loud feet clanking and thudding in the sand. Her robot feet left toeless footprints in the sand that looked like they had come from shoes, but as their soles were made of metal they left deeper and more distinct imprints. When she saw Mark, her hair turned orange and she called out "Father!" excitedly flinging herself at him.

Kaiyō Kiki
Kikios Leka flew above the beach, searching for Mark from the air. When she saw a Separa'Shan, a man with black hair, and a robot girl with color-changing hair, she knew she had found him. Kiki tilted down and shifted her wings back, diving towards him. When she got close to the ground, she turned herself upright and flapped her wings, slowing her descent so she could land. When she flapped her wings, a loose white feather came off and fluttered over Mark, looking like it might be from a seagull but really it was from a cockatoo. "Mark!" she exclaimed.

Kiki Two
The other Kiki had also been on the beach, unaware that her clone was there as well. The tall bird went over to the water to dip her feet in. She felt the sea breeze on her wings and stretched them out to their full wingspan of about 12 feet, liking the feeling. She considered laying down and basking in the sun, but she didn't bring an extra towel for setting on the ground and she didn't want to get sand in all of her feathers.
Datenshi & Saya

Saya giggled a little under the tickling fingertips of Datenshi who had begun to attack her sides but thankfully was able to catch her breath as 'Tenshi relented and looked to Wyatt. She grabbed Saya by the shoulder and hoisted her up with herself as she took Wyatt's hand and used it to pull herself up. "And you must be the one she was asking me questions about. So you two do it yet? I swear she mus-hmusfdhip!" Datenshi blinked a little as she suddenly felt hands over her mouth and looked to Saya who had quickly slapped two pale hands over her mouth to shut her up.

"'Tenshi! Be quiet don't say things like th-AGH!" Saya quickly recoiled in disgust and started to shake her hands and whine. The reason was evident as 'Tenshi's tongue hung half out of her mouth with that silly grin on her face. "Come on Saya you had to know I was going to do that..." The redhead admitted before she looked back to Wyatt and gave him a glance up and down, which seemed to stall for a moment on his shorts with a grin. "You know I heard you were uh... Gi-YEOW!" A loud slap resounded as Datenshi jumped and held her rear which had a glowing red handprint already visible, along with Saya holding her hand as she winced and flexed it a few times. "Sorry..."
"Please, be as loud as you wish, if anything I'm the one intruding." said Klaus, smiling broadly while placing his bag down. It always warmed Klaus's heart to see families come together like this. "My name is Klaus Kurogane miss. Happy to make your acquaintance."

Klaus turned to the daughter who had greeted him. "Konichiwa ojou-chan (young lady)." Klaus had always loved kids. He'd always help out in Ralt during Yuletide with entertaining the little ones. He just loved the little tykes.

Then a man, who Sachiko then identified as Donvan Black, came unannounced and began blatantly flirting with the two nekos. Despite having just met them, Klaus felt an urge to protect them. However, he didn't let it show as he just sat and watched.
Wulf was finally getting the courage to give Kiyomori a quick comm when he felt the water balloon hit him in the head. Not seeing kiyo first he pulled away the popped baloon as he heard sakura laugh at him. As he looked around to see who had throw it his eyes just locked on the blue stunning neko in a bikini that just made his mind go blank. Standing up he brushed off the sand and walked up to kiyo. Holding his communicator he tried to speak "Kiyo you look....I was just going to". Hearing sakura chuckle and then put her finger on his mouth she spoke " Wulf sssshhh collect your brain I got this".

Sakura walked up to kiyo and gave her a big hug. Holding her tight she spoke to her calmly " Glad to see you, I haven't see you since I left the ship and you look stunning today". Staying close to kiyo she wrapped her arm around her shoulder as she stood next to the blue niko "Here I thought I wouldn't see you two little love birds today enjoying the sun". She paused as she looked back at wulf then whispered into kiyo's ear " You know your hunnie has been worried how he was going to talk to you, so don't be too mean to the bumbling idiot". Stepping behind kiyo, sakura gently pushed kiyo towards the blushing wulf before calling out to both of them " Now you two talk and have fun and if you don't i'll tie you two up till you do"

Before Sakura could hear any protest she started to walk away and shouted to them as she left them "Now have fun like any cute couple should!". Wulf just starred and looked over kiyo in her beautiful bikini as he tried to collect his brain and tried to put some words to speech. Closing his eyes to try to help him self "Hi kiyo". As he tried to stumble along a conversation he opened his eyes and looked into hers " You look wonderful in that bikini sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you before we got leave". As he stayed flushed "You seemed busy so I didn't want to pester you to much since you seemed like you had a lot on your plate".
The tall and well-built Operative, who had been moments from throwing fists, now had the deep tint of a blush on his tanned cheeks as he watched the small incident unfold - rubbing the back of his neck and awkwardly shifting his legs around a little after both women had been helped up, not daring to look but hoping there was nothing too obscene visible through the material of his board shorts, or at least not as much as Datenshi was making it out to be.

He took a silent moment to brush some sand off Saya's cheek and shoulder with his thumb before regarding both Nekos again, swallowing thickly to clear the lump in his throat before speaking, "...mayhaps we should try that again? I am him and you... are her, I am glad to finally have a face to put to the name and tales of antics~" he offered along with one hand towards Datenshi, the other resting on Saya's hip, aiming to put himself between them and hopefully not let things continue to escalate further.

β€œTrue, it would definitely be a waste to have to brush your tail twice, or even threeee times.” Kryss said slyly, knowing her favourite fox loved getting her tail brushed. Giving the fluffy limb a comb through with her fingers for good measure, β€œdon’t you worry your adorable head over the sand, I’ll help you get it all out afterwards.” Kryss said hearing the little Daur speak in disgust.

β€œAs for not being able to swim, watch this!” The blonde said, shrugging off her jacket before tearing off her pants and tank top rather dramatically to reveal her swim ware hidden beneath. A modest blue top with black accents along with matching bottoms. β€œAlright hold on Anaska.” Kryss took off towards the ocean, laughing and jumping around all the scattered beach goers before they finally hit the water. With a grunt the blonde woman tossed her fox companion into the cold water and splashed her for good measure. It was the first time in a long time Kryss had really relaxed and gotten out to enjoy herself.
Saya and Datenshi

As a second chance at introductions were given, Datenshi grinned and cocked her hips to the side and planted her fists on her hips. Given the chance to look her over, Wyatt would see some truth to Saya's tales of the woman being fairly bold. She wore a bikini bottom that seemed a size or two to small as they barely covered much of her bottom half, and her bikini top seemed tied fairly tightly to her ample chest. Of course this displayed the tattoos scrawled across her body to perfection, the twin dragons down one leg, two stylized characters on her other leg, both in older looking clothing, one with some sort of bag behind her back and the other with a strange circle behind hers, and the colorful peacock feathers on her neck and shoulder with eyes in them.

Saya couldn't help but blink at the tattoos, doing her best to ignore the skimpy clothing to instead look over her tattoos. She pointed to the neck and shoulder tattoo. "Those are new! They look so pretty!"

'Tenshi nodded and patted her neck with her hand. "Yep, got it done after we saw each other last. Had a nasty run-in with a Kuvvie PA squad, caught me out of position." The redhead shrugged before she held out a hand to Wyatt. "Nito Heisho Akamaru Datenshi. I was shippies with Saya back on the Asamoya before I left for the UOC with some of the crew."
Listening to Lucas, she couldn't help but chuckle, and give the Iroma a slow golf clap. "Nicely done. Getting SNCO. All I have to say is, invest in aspirin. Just lots of it. I can only imagine the headache that'll come from having to manage a bunch of Rangers on a secret squirrel mission." She stated, as she settled in under the umbrella. "And 'Father Lucas' huh? Nah, I can't see it. You might be religious, but I doubt you're that religious." She said, not probing on who 'her' was. "Still as far as I'm aware, I'm still posted to the Kaiyo, so if it really is as quiet and under the rug as it is sounding, I doubt we'll get to talk much to begin with. OPSEC and all."

Nonetheless, she made sure she was nice and comfy on the sand, or at least as much as she could be in the swimsuit she was wearing under the jacket. Even in the shade though, with the sun beating down like it was, it was leaving the jacket much too hot.. But she was still loath to take it off and expose herself more than she already was in this much of a public space. Watching those around, she sighed. "Times I wonder how comfortable I'd be in prancing around like some of the neko I see around here if this," She said, emphasizing the last word a touch strongly, "had been my entire life, instead of just a more recent thing."

"Wait I need t~ KRYSS WAIT!" came the cries of terror from Galactic Horizon's mascot Daur before she was, for lack of a better term, YEETED into the ocean - making a rather unceremoniously large and loud splash as her little body hit the water, a mass of damp golden-brown fur and hair resurfacing moments later with a perturbed look across her features. Anaska brushed some of the hair out of her face, using her damp sleeves to part the curtain and reveal her pale little face, spitting out some salty sea water with a screwed up nose and a sad huff.

"This was my favourite hoodie..."


To most onlookers and maybe even Datenshi herself it looked like Wyatt's burnt amber oculars were dragging up and down her form but Saya knew him better than that, he was simply looking over the various bits of ink that adorned the caramel-skinned Neko's figure before accepting her hand with a firm grip and giving it a shake, "Joto Heisho Wyatt Alder~" he almost sounded disgusted about having to reciprocate his surname but moved on quickly.

"You two must have quite the history together then, though I'm sure there are parts of it Saya prefers I do not hear about just yet~" he nodded, releasing her hand and planting that fist against the slight taper of his own waist and above the surprising flare of Wyatt's hip, "We were about to look for a place to put our things, would you care to join us or do you have prior arrangements?"

"Im doing well, just been moving around different posts recently. Your belly is really weird to stand on, the scales feel slippery and smooth like inside a ship." The blue neko commented, beaming down at the Separa as he floated around lazily before she sat down cross legged, still weighing no more or less thanks to her innate abilities. "So what are you up to these days? And do you ever hug people by wrapping around them? And what's it like trying to have a bath when your body is so long.?" As always she was going a million miles an hour and threw some rapid-fire questions at the snake man she was currently sitting atop, her smile not wavering for a moment.


Kryss had laughed initially when she saw the little fox's head appear from the ocean but quicky recoiled in horror as she realised what she had done to her poor friend. "oh my gosh! I'm so sorryyy." Wailed the blonde woman as she thrashed madly through to water to reach the Daur and wrap her up and try to comfort the smaller woman. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
Because headquarters wanted her nearby while setting up her new position in the Star Army, Hanako was unable to leave planet Yamatai for the time being until Mistress-Taisho Ketsurui Yui conducted the transfer and promotion ceremony. This left Hanako with some free time to relax and explore Yamatai and with everyone headed to the beach, Hanako decided to risk joining the crowds and getting out there too. She wore her old bikini with pink sakura flower pattern on a background of Star Army Blue and a large straw hat and brought a small cooler of drinks in one hand and her pink beach ball in the other, and she had a beach towel draped over her shoulder.

A typical-looking Ketsurui Samurai in full white-and-red uniform was following her around as a bodyguard, her pale skin glowing with the shine of perspiration.

Hanako chose a spot not too far or too close to anyone else's and laid out the towel which had a big print of the YSS Eucharis on it when unfolded, and placed the cooler by it and sat down for a moment.

Midori had been surprised, to say the least that Shasse hadn't come to speak to her. She had expected the blue-skinned ball of energy to at least see her white hair, yet she seemed to be left alone thankfully to continue with her book. But now that others were on the beach, her red eyes took to scanning the area to see just who was there. She saw two Nekos who looked familiar, pink hair and pale skin and another that had deep red hair and tanned skin. She knew who they were from when she had investigated her past to learn a little about herself and she knew the two to be crewmates at one point, but now they were just names on her record.

As Hanako approached though, not too far down from Midori, she had little recourse to stand and bow to the woman. Her upbringing as a Samurai dictated nothing less, though she was decidedly out of uniform at the moment, though her sword rested tip down a few inches in the sand up next to the umbrella she sat under.

Saya and Datenshi

Datenshi didn't mind the looks though her mind certainly took it the wrong way, though Saya knew already. Datenshi couldn't help but laugh a little at Wyatt trying to stifle any embarrassing stories. "Are you kidding me? This girl is so pristine and pure I doubt even Yui herself could get her to do anything out of line. Worst I ever saw her do was slap some poor guy for getting too handsy." Saya still blushed regardless as she remembered the dare party, but giggled a little. "Besides, she's helped me out a lot listening to me scream and rant about my issues, so I gotta take care of my little piece of bubblegum." She explained and poked Saya on the nose who let out a small sneeze as her eyes went crosseyed.

"That said, you hurt her, I'm coming for you, understand?" Datenshi said with a look that left little to think it was anything but a promise. After a few moments though, she broke off the look and fell back to her grin. "ANYWAYS! Imma go find someone to have some fun with...." The redhead scanned the area while she stood near the two and grinned. "Never been with a Separa before..." She said aloud and wandered off with a wave to one of the snake-like people on the beach.

"Sorry about her... She is a little strange, but she means well!" Saya said as she cuddled into Wyatt's side.


Datenshi had wandered off toward the water where one of the Separa'shan floated in the water with two others around him. She could wait for him to get free from the other two that were with him and just waited a half dozen feet off in the water. She floated there but made it evident that she was interested in at least talking to him.
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