Star Army

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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

"Allo ladies," Lucien waved to Yoshiko and Taela as he watched them fix their frames and help each other out. Then the mention of Data came along.
"Oh, 'at remoinds me," He snapped his fingers in realisation, thinking this would be important, "Apparently yer friend made a data download 'o some sort, completin' it as I was kickin' arse."

He then shook his head when it came to the contents, "I cannae use it though. S'all rubbish ta me."
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Shinji simply glared at Kelly, his normally jovial demeanor completely gone, before looking at Lucien. "I'm holding you responsible for his death. You better make up for it; and a Man's life is worth quite a bit more than one of these stupid machines." He said, simply, taking his hand away from his RPB and walking towards the bow of the ship.


As Shinji walked, the sprinklers above him would turn on, one by one, and turn off as he passed, almost like a gloom cloud. One sprinkler sprayed directly at Lucien for no real reason. "I think he has a point, even if I'm just a computer... I'm Ged by the way, the Atuan's AI." the ship's computer spoke, introducing himself to Lucien.


An almost-tall, possibly skinny, brown-haired, brown-eyed geshrin woman walked into the Mecha bay where most of the pilots were gathered, and looked over the new guy, then handed a sheaf of paper to Kelly. "You're doing the paperwork on this one." she muttered, unenthusiastically. "Ged, quit the sprinklers." she said calmly at the ceiling, and they stopped immediately.

"Hi." she said, contemplating Lucien as one contemplates a plate of particularly bland vegetables.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Lucien blinked for a moment as the sprinklers turned on, and his eyes rolled upwards. He remained motionless as the sprinklers drenched him down. When they turned off as Arah moved by, Lucien wanted to share his thoughts on the situation to Ged.

"Lad, this ain't me idea of a drink, no 'fence," He said flatly, somewhat untrusting of the A.I system, then he took a look at Arah. He blinked for a moment, leaning forward a little to get down to her level, "Allo, err, I suppose ye want a word er twenty with me, roight?"

He explained his eyewitness version of the events that lead to him getting into Frame 04 and managing to assist the rest of the frame team, and getting here.
"...kinnae help it if yer man was dumb enough tae exit th' thing in the middle 'o combat - but 'e had a job to do," He crossed his arms, "He exited the mech, I took 'is place, and made it all useful-like. I was going to see if I could save 'im, but it was too late-like."

Hopefully she'd be able to decipher his accent.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Someone yanked her out of the dark abyss. "Huh? Holding up?" Yoshiko looked down at her body and moved about to get a better view of herself. "Uh, I look fine methinks." Yoshiko looked at Taela a moment, making sure she really meant what she said, giving her reply. "Ok, if you say so I guess. But I still want to help you fix all this." She turned her attention back to Kelly's question, and shifted her hips to the side a little while in the armor; it wasn't quite as feminine compared Yamatai designs, but it still showed her curves. "You see anything wrong?" she asked innocently.

She started to prattle; "Is there like, a big gash somewhere I can't see? A bit of the claw did make it into my cockpit. Hmm. You know this female chest plate is more roomy, but I'm not entirely sure it's as heavily armored as the male one." Her hands worked over her chest and body, and she frowned. "I don't see or feel anything at all that's not holding up. How's my back look?" Yoshiko turned her back around so that both Taela and Kelly could examine her. "Umm, please don't let me sit here and sweat guys. You two not talking and all, it's starting to worry me and stuff...And I'ma starting to feel...ugh!" She moved her hips in slight discomfort; a small piece of metal lodged itself between her plates somewhere, and she couldn't quite get it out. Of course, neither Taela or Kelly could see it from the current angle.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Even though Yoshiko was (probably) innocent, and hadn't meant anything by it or was trying to be cute, she still managed to somehow show off her body through the armor, in a way that would leave Kelly repeating to himself in his head that she's only 1, and chasing after that would get him arrested and sent to that special hell meant for child molesters and people who talk in movie theaters. The nepleslian shook his head and turned away from Yoshiko, blushing slightly as the long braided tips of his cornrows swayed from the motion. "Ah, No, Yoshiko, I meant mentally. You're fine, okay? And if you still feel something wrong, I'll go with you to see the ship's doctor after I finish checking on Meena, okay?"

Kelly smiled, and didn't wait for an answer as he walked off , heading back to the hangar holding his Asura, as well as Meena's and Oy- well, it was Lucien's now, frames. Atleast, he was, before he was assaulted by Arah, with a stack of papers, and the silent Meena who had apparently been standing right behind him the entire time. The ensign sighed, and took the papers from the captain, shaking his head, "I'll do it Arah, but really, an old fashioned way like this?" Kelly tucked the papers into one of his suit's pockets, and smiled at Meena, holding his hand out to her. "Ah, I'm sorry, I really haven't had a chance to talk to you yet, Meena. I know its unbecoming of a Commander to be so ignorant, but can a wallflower like you forgive me and let me make it up to you?"
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Yoshiko continued to wiggle around as she spoke. "Mentally? Oh yeah, yeah, I'm sane. Perfectly sa -Yes!" Yoshiko cut herself off mid sentence and cheered as all the squirming around finally payed off; she managed to wiggle around just enough so that her fingers could reach in and yank out the lodged fragment. A sharp silvery shard was pinched between index and thumb while she pointed at it accusingly with the other hand. "Ha! I finally got you, you little sparkly. I'm going to make you pay for all that discomfort you gave me!" The ex-neko straightened up in thought as she looked at the mastermind of her prior discomfort; "Hmm. What will I do? Just what will I do with you?"

She briefly froze for a moment, and suddenly glowed with delight as it struck her. "I know! I'll put you on a necklace! And you do look a little bit like a shiny gem anyways. Hehe." She giggled. Yoshiko blissfully turned and walked right through Kelly, bowling him over with her power armor and walking off a little. When she realized what happened, she came back and bent over Kelly to speak. "Ah! Sorry about that! I kinda forgot you were there. You know, it's usually me getting knocked over. It's nice having the shoe on the other foot now!" she giggled with delight. Yoshiko reached her hand up to help Kelly back up.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

A faint blush appeared on Taela's face as she watched her friend somewhat showing herself off. Thankfully, the Neko noticed this and managed to cover up the blush with her projection before anyone could have possibly seen it. After all, she didn't want anybody to think that she had a crush on Yoshiko! Besides, she was her best friend - for now, anyways.

Taela was just about to ask Yoshiko something when she decided to go running down the hall, babbling about a necklace and knocking down Ensign Kelly. She floated over to her friend, shaking her head.

"Yoshi-san, you really should be more careful, next time. Why are you still in that armor in the first place?" She asked with a slightly annoyed tone.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

"I wasn't giving you a drink, Sir." Ged pointed out, astutely, before addressing Kelly " I shouldn't have to remind you that Yoshiko is less than two years old, Ensign Williams." You could almost hear a snicker behind the statement, but the AI cut out after that.


Arah just stared blankly at Lucien as he spoke, trying to defend himself against something or other, she didn't really care. "So you can fly those things, right?" was all she asked, referring to the frames.


"Wallflower?" Meena muttered, thinking over what the word meant for a moment and seeming slightly perturbed as she realized what exactly it meant. She was quiet, it was true, and followed orders really well but, did that make her a wallflower? she pondered over it, taking Kelly's proffered hand and shaking it. "If it's about my performance, sir, I should be the one making it up to you. The damage to my frame was much greater than necessary, and I should be held responsible as the pilot..."
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Even though Lucien was able to fly his frame with precision and grace of an experienced pilot just hours before, there was a hiccup - he could only pull it off if he was in mortal danger, such as being chased by Mishhu, seeing your camera crew being turned into egg incubators, and evading countless swarms attempting to kill one man. He'd since cooled down from all of that, and he'd forgotten how he was able to pull those stunts.

"Not sure, lass," He scratched the back of his head, "I just kinda climbed in, put it to use. Not sure 'ow it worked, but it worked," He looked around, "I suppose t'was the heat 'o the moment that got me killin' those squid bastards, and some of me limited mercenary experience," He then blushed a little whilst looking away, "Amongst other things," He coughed lightly, recalling his hammy soap opera stint.

He turned back to Arah, "I suppose I'll need me a hand in learnin' tae tame these beasties," He was referring to the frames, "Where do I sign up?"
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Kelly shook his head at Meena, a look of disapproval on his face at her statement. "That won't do Meena, a pilot sho-BUWH" The nepleslian never got a chance to finish his peptalk to Meena, seeing as how a certain bubbly two year old walked right into him, knocking him over into Meena. As he fell, Kelly tried to push Meena out of his way so she wouldn't fall, but all he managed to do was knock her onto her back, leaving Kelly to land in such a way that when he opened his eyes, his remaining natural eye and his cybernetic one were looking into her brown ones. Apparently, Yoshiko had managed to disrupt Kelly's brain for a brief second, leaving him to stare into Meena's before he realized what was going on, and quickly jumped to his feet, reaching down to help the ponytail'd girl up.

Sometimes, it really sucks to be Kelly Williams.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

"Eek! Sorry, sorry!" she spoke quickly, rapidly waving her arms around upon seeing Meena suddenly appear out of nowhere from under Kelly. The man's size apparently obscured the woman from the ditz's attention. "I've got to check out Oyu and that new guy! Oyu's been really quiet, and I haven't heard him say a thing yet." Yoshiko clutched the shard in her hand. She was definitely going to make a nice necklace out of it! Next, she quickly scurried away in embarrassment and towards the newcomer. Yoshiko didn't see Oyu anywhere, nor the distinctive Impulse he was supposed to be wearing.

"Heya! I'm Yoshiko." she introduced herself to the new person. He was big and tall, and handsome, her little mind concluded. 'He has to be a nice person right?' The classic 'big and nice guy' trope was floating around in her head. "Wait, hang on to your lips. Lemmi get Oyu. He's so quiet lately. I swear, he hasn't said a single thing a little after the mission started." Yoshiko powered up her Impulse armor and leaped up onto the Ashigaru. "Heeeeeeeeyyy! Oyu! Come out already and say hi to the new guy! Oyu!" An ominous silence descended when the young ex-neko looked into the cockpit of the Frame. "Very funny Oyu. Now where are you?" she asked, a hint of fright in her voice.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Meena stared at Kelly, a hint of blush appearing as he stared back for a moment, before he got up and proffered a hand to help her. She quietly took the hand, heaving herself up with the Ensign's help. "Sorry I was in the way, sir" She muttered, shuffling off towards the exit into the other section of the ship to avoid any more being in people's ways or having more guilt dropped upon her. She just wanted to get away so she could relax and perhaps do something fun to keep her mind away from what had just happened, both on the mission and just a moment ago.


"The control method is fairly simple to do, if not quite intuitive." Arah said, looking off to the side, and scratching at the back of her neck. "We can give you training, both simulated and live." She fished something out of a pocket in her jacket, and handed it to Lucien. "Fill out the forms I have up on this datapad and return it to me, then we'll see about making you part of the crew."
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Lucien took up the forms and took a minute or two to navigate the bureaucrat quagmire of forms. He had to answer lots of questions which frankly eluded him, ranging from 'How often do you drink', 'What is your Mother's Maiden Name' and 'How do you see yourself in the future by working for Origin'?. The saving grace is that it was digital, and reams of paperwork did not have to come under Lucien's handwriting.

He then found the nearest lounge to sit down in, and reflected on his decisions. He was also contemplating on how to approach Yoshiko, ultimately deciding to keep quiet for now, since it wasn't his job to impart the bad news.

He snatched a flask out of the inside of his jacket and took a swig. Strong stuff.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Taela heard her friend as she went off to go chatter with Oyu. But Taela had pieced two and two together and figured out, to an extent, of what may have happened. It was either that the new man down the way stole Oyu's mecha, leaving the pilot stranded there, or that Oyu got fried and this guy got a free lunc- er, ride. While the loss of a teammate and qualified pilot is sad, she held no personal connection to the man. And so, this was shrugged off in favor of two things. Both having to do with asking the Ensign.

"Williams-sensei." She began, approaching the Nepleslian with a long stride. "I have two things to ask - One, is there a bar on this ship and two, is there a shooting range? I would very much like to cool myself down with a drink and hone my talents some time. Not in the same time period, of course."
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

The Ship's A.I. cut in faster than Kelly could, Answering Taela's question very quickly. "Unfortunately, I am too small to contain a shooting range, and durning Hyperspace I cannot allow the bay doors to be opened and fired out of. However, My manifest tells me I have a Very nice selection of Wines, Form Lorath, to Yamataian, and even a few unknown, but safe, wines found floating in containers and Purchased by our CEO, Miss Aerin Tatst. The wines can be ordered in the Wardroom, two decks up from here."

Ged seemed to take a moment thinking, and then gave Taela a suggestion. "To relieve stress, you may also find our machine room useful. It has been found that building and or destroying things can be a great stress relief. The Machine room is on the same level as a wardroom."
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Kelly was about to respond, but was cut off before he could by the Atuan's computer. Shrugging, Kelly added on to Ged's answer.

"And if you need a game of cards, I'll probably be in the lounge. Now, If you'll excuse me." The dreadlock'd ensign sighed, turning away from Taela, steeling himself to approach the hyperactive Neko who was inquiring about the location of Oyu.

"Yoshiko, I'm sorry, but Oyu died, on the planet. He got out of his frame, and the NMX killed him. I'm sorry that you have to be told this way, but thats the way it is."
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Yoshiko's eyes widened a little in surprise, and slowly sank down into a plain, saddened expression. Time seemed to stand still as the one year old ex-neko looked down on Kelly from her perch on the Ashigaru. "Oh. Ok." she finally spoke, downcast and dull. "I'm going to ditch this thing," she went on, "And be off to...somewhere. I guess the machine shop. You guys can find me there if you need me." At that, and without warning, the young girl hopped off her perch, jumping down to the lockers at the bottom of the hanger.

Yoshiko slowly changed out of the power armor, and carelessly put on her clothing in a slow manner, ignoring everything around her. 'Bits and pieces. I. I sometimes. Just sometimes, wonder if this is how the Star Army thought of us. As cannon fodder? As whores to do their bidding? To be cast away when used up?' Eventually, she started to make her slow way away from the empty Ashigaru, it's owner lost and replaced so quickly like a spare piece of equipment. 'Is it the same here?'
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Taela thanked the AI - only pausing afterward to think about how it was somewhat of an odd gesture. Thanking a computer, that is. The neko discarded this thought because she saw how quickly Kelly broke the news to her - like accidentally falling into and smashing a vase. She had to admit, the Nepleslian did NOT have grace. That was to be expected, though, considering that he was their squad leader. Still, she wished he could have sugar-coated it a tiny bit for Yoshi, since she had just come off of one mental breakdown.

She sounded in pain. . . I'd better invite her for a drink. She needs it more than me. Taela decided, only to see her friend leap off the walkway in her Impulse. I should hurry if I wish to catch up.

The Neko took that opportunity to hop down one of the Ashigarus nearby, using the next part sticking out from below her as a stepping stone until she reached the ground. It wasn't really all that dangerous, considering the gravity field around her combined with natural reflexes. By the time she had got there, Yoshiko had just left the lockers - perfect timing.

"Hey, Yoshi-san. Do you wish to get a drink with me?" She asked, hovering over to her friend.
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Yoshiko's mind was running round and round in circles, wallowing in despair when someone abruptly yanked her out of the mud hole. She turned around in shock and looked the person over with eyes that asked 'Will you hurt me?'. They were large and fearful. She finally settled down a little before speaking. "Uh. Yeah. I'd, I'd really like that. The machine shop can wait." She tried to force out a small, pained smile, before saying anything more. "Lead the way." and pointed her hand towards the corridor, palm up. 'If anyone can help me out with all this, I guess it's her. She has to know what it's like. She has to.'
Re: Episode 2: Repo Squad.

Lucien was still by himself, taking heavier swigs from his flask of liquor. He was starting to lose some track of reality at this point. Not that it mattered to him, as he was signing up as a pilot for a job he had no understanding in, or any qualifications apart from being able to button down in the heat of the moment and do it.

He stood up warily, extending his arms and stretching. He cricked his neck a little as he put his flask of liquor away inside his jacket pocket. He then walked towards a room where he could sit down and spend time tinkering with pistols. As he got a lay of the desk that he'd be working with, he found a stray ODM 10mm Pistol lying down nearby, sans any visible modification.

He filched it and took it under his wing, along with three spare magazines of 15 rounds of 10mm Ammo. He then proceeded to modify one magazine of bullets by getting a knife out and cutting star patterns into the lead bullets, so as to make them fragment on impact with bare flesh.
The second magazine was loaded with hollow-point bullets, which were made to stop whoever was on the receiving end. The third magazine was left untouched with full-metal jacket bullets.

He was good at this, he spent his time doing this, just in case.