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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 4: In Hot Water

Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

As the Freespacer unhelpfully laughed at Yoshiko, Shinji busied himself with removing his green A-shirt, and throwing the sleeveless garment to the Ex-Neko. 'Oi, It ain't quite big 'enuf but it oughta be bettah than nuthin', yeah?" he said, smirking as he gave a glance over the girl's womanly frame before turning his wheelchair around like a gentleman and charging at Kelly to break his fixated stare on the young girl.

The Wheelchair- and its occupant- smacked hard into the dark-skinned ensign, taking out his legs and causing the man to fall forwards, onto the wheelchair, which kept rolling, until it hit a wall with a thud and an 'oof'


Meena simply sunk her head partway into the bathwater and started blowing small bubbles, hoping to obscure her towel-covered figure a little more in case someone came her way. She figured it was a good idea to ask someone to bring her and Teala some kind of robe or other clothing, but didn't want to chance being seen practically naked- like Poor Yoshiko.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

The Scotsman wondered why Yoshiko's swimwear was flickering, this time out of curiosity rather than wanting to get an eyeful. Then Lucien's prominent cheeks went a lovely shade of scarlet as her bikini disappeared. He covered his eyes with a toothy, concerned frown.

"Och!" He stammered with embarrassment, having seen a moment or two of nakedness by accident. He had some comfort in knowing that plain swim trunks don't flicker and disappear when things go wrong, "Kin someone grab us a towel?" He asked blindly, and loudly.

Wot next? The Scotsman wondered to himself, Methinks I'm content t' see another 'splosion, 'er me food decides t' grow legs 'n run away!
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Despite Shinji's warning about it's fit, Yoshiko held the shirt to her chest and backpedaled to the nearest wall, before turning her back to them and donning the green sleeveless shirt. The whole time, the she was sniffing back tears, and refused to look at anyone in the eyes. Yoshiko tried pulling the shirt down a little to hide her bottom better, but it was no use; the more she pulled, the more her fleshy top was revealed. The more she covered the top, the more her bottom was exposed. The poor, unfortunate ex-neko turned Yamataian had found herself in a catch-22 situation.


Meanwhile, Kelly smashed into a wall and spilled out of the wheelchair along with Shinji. He was now busy pulling his head out of the rubble like an animated cartoon character who ended up faceplanting. By the time Kelly got the rubble and junk off his face, he was treated to the sight of Yoshiko desperately shifting cover from one end to the other and back again. He grabbed disorientated Shinji and turned the demolition expert's gaze in her direction.

"I admit I was staring at her armaments, but was torturing her part of your plan?"
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Taela had, in the meantime, activated her own body's natural projection abilities and made it a one-piece swimsuit, plain and blue, to get out of the water with. She did exactly that and made a beeline for the entrance to the other side of the onsen. Coming around from the door, she hovered over to her friend with a towel in hand.

"Yoshi-san. . . you should probably head to the lockers and get changed." The somewhat blushing neko told her, quietly handing her the towel.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Stiffling her laughter to an incessant giggle, the Freespacer grabbed the towel away from a gawking teenage boy and ran around the onsen to get to Yoshiko, smirking over her shoulder and waving a polite, "thanks for the view~" back to the embarassed Yamataian. Approaching the sniffling ex-neko, Async managed to stiffle even her bemused giggling and look contrite, "Miss Tachibana..." ignoring the fact that Taela already offered a towel, she simply dropped the now-useless piece of cloth onto a nearby chair.

Async placed her hands at Yoshiko's shoulders, waist, and hips, measuring them, "hmm... you're a bit slimmer in the middle and thicker up top," she smiled impishly, regarding the woman's well-endowed yamataian figure, "but I think my things will fit you quite well, that is, if you don't have any clothes in the locker room- uh?" The wetsuit-clad woman blinked in surprise several times before turning away and sneezing, "uuh, oh no, I think I caught a cold from that chilly hot spring".

Meanwhile, one of the nursing staff aboard the Atuan hurridly gathered up some of her things and lugged a heavy duffel down to a waiting taxi, heading for the bath house at Async's request.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"Hmmh, oh well," Lucien's embarrassment had now died down as he regained his composure, "Methinks this "relaxing onsen bath" be overrated 'n rather stressful," his opinion of Yamataian 'relaxation' was sullied considerably, "Methinks I'm gonna get meself dressed. Y'want me t' get a spare change 'o clothes while I'm up?"

He got out of the water and headed towards his locker in the men's room with a dry towel, getting himself clean. He then failed to observe the proper way to take a soapy wash after an Onsen and got his uniform back on with a start. Even though it was a fresh uniform, he'd already gotten it dirty somehow.

After he got his shirt on, he'd remembered to get some clothes for Yoshiko, which would be trickier, since Men's clothing didn't fit women well unless they had the right body for it, and Yoshiko had the wrong body for men's clothing. However, he did have an idea.

He made a dash outside of the Onsen, and returned about six minutes later with change of normal, non-holographic swimwear in Yoshiko's size, according to Async's observations. To which, he insisted: "Don' ask."
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"At least She Ain't totally Nekkid" Shinji defended himself, Extricating his shirtless form from the darker man, before placing himself back in his wheelchair and wheeling a bit away "B'sides, looks like our friend Lucy-man's got 'er covered now." the Yamataian observed.


Meena, seeing her chance with all the disturbance, slipped her towel around herself for a little more cover and motioned to Teala "Yeah, Let's get out of here while we can, I'm sure we can get to our stuff proper easily enough."
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

As Yoshiko took the pair of towels and clumsily wrapped them around her waist, she stood there and swayed unsteadily from the horrible, scarring trauma she had experienced. Her eyes were nearly catatonic from the sheer shock, and it looked like she was going to collapse any moment. However, when Lucien returned with a new bikini for her, the ex-neko eyed him for a moment. She exploded.

"THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU!" Yoshiko nearly pounced on Lucien with gratitude; the one year old handed the Nepleslian the best bear hug she could muster, squishing herself up against him. At that moment, sirens rang out as police cruisers and fire fighting vehicles neared. At that, the two construction workers started debating amongst themselves before coming to a verdict.

"Ok you guys, just get out of here. We'll just say we were nervous with being assigned to it and slipped. Now git!" As Kelly was making sure Shinji was alright, he turned his head about in surprise.

"But it was my fault that--" The older construction worker waved at Kelly to be quiet.

"You guys gave us a good show." He looked to the exposed men's onsen. "Right guys?"

"HURRAH!" The deafening roar of a half dozen or more men rang in Yoshiko's ears. Her hug around Lucien tightened even more as her face turned red.


The Atuan crew was guided by their officer to refuge from the authorities; being the Onsen, that amounted to the attached hotel. In a twist of fate, their rooms were damaged and left open to the elements by the exploded warhead.

Kelly facepalmed. "Oh god..."
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"Sometimes, I wonder why me." Taela spoke to nobody in particular whilst facepalming heartily. She then turned to Meena and commented, "I get the feeling that Kelly-sensei won't hear the end of this for a long time," before projecting on something that looked relatively normal for a pedestrian. Namely, a plain white shirt and a pair of pants.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Async sneezed loudly as a breeze wafter through their exposed apartments, "n-uuuuh, I need my voidwalker and some steaming radon soup or this cold is going to kill me," the Freespacer complained, shivering in her damp wetsuit, "I'm changing."

The woman was already halfway out of her swimwear and drying off with one of Yoshiko's towels, deftly stolen from around the ex-neko's waist, as the declaration of intent had barely left her lips. The door to their apartment was still open, not that it mattered much with one wall missing, and the private was unabashedly stripping nude, toweling off, and slipping on a modicum of decent attire before most of the crew had time to react.

Tossing aside the dampened towel, Async dove under the covers of the first bed she saw and poked her head out from underneath the heavy covers to make a petulant demand, "Yoshiko, since your missile blew out the wall you get to help keep me warm until my containment suit arrives!"
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

As Lucien kept the bikini he'd procured in his outstretched hand, but didn't expect to be bear hugged, as his eyes were wide with surprise in response to the incoming Yamataian.

"Ach!" He grunted in response to the surprisingly powerful grip, he took a moment to regain his composure as he attempted to pry Yoshiko off of his physique. She was getting his clothing wet, "Nae worries, lass," He admitted awkwardly as he walked towards the hotel, having given up on prying her away.

One he got to his room at hotel, he tried to make the most of a grim situation in the guy's room, starting with the door, which he had to pry open with his bare hands and a boot or two. Next came the issue of the hole in the wall, which he referred to as "Flow through vent'lation!" with a weak smile.

Still, he put himself down on the bed, which was one of the few things that survived the blast, and turned on the television provided. The signal had some static, but was otherwise watchable.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Shinji wheeled along behind Lucien, fighting the strong urge to make a joke about his being hugged by Yoshiko, instead trundling his way across the shattered wood of the rooms' walls. "Yannow, I think we're s'posed ta juss get our stuff and ask fer new rooms r sommat." the Yamataian observed, noting that there were perfectly good empty rooms just across the hallway.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"No!" Async called after Lucien from her slowly warming fortress of flanel and down-stuffed quilting, "I- achoo!"

"I like this room an' -ah~ckhoo- an' Yosh'ko is staying wiv meh!" she complained petulantly as her speach grew increasingly distorted by her sniffles and sneezes.

Meanwhile, the nurse from the Atuan was cursing at the backup in traffic caused by the fire crew parked outside the onsen.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Kelly followed the other guys in, now dressed in his Origin uniform proper, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The Ensign took a seat in one of the couches in Lucien's room. As he sat and watched along, he couldn't help but look out and down towards the people a single story below. They seemed like ants, with all the running about. He watchd the red and blue lights rotate. He shrugged. "You know, for a moment, I thought the authorities were sounding their sirens because of the hug." Kelly innocently stated. The man, a little ignorant of the conversation that had taken inside the onsen, had no idea what he just implied.


Meanwhile, Yoshiko was standing near the edge in a new white shirt and origin uniform pants; she held a blanket like a cape and was letting the breeze ruffle it as though she were a hero from Kamen Sentai Nekoranger. "Just a moment! Whee!" The girl pretended to fly over to Async and jumped onto the bed with a hardy thud. A second, much louder thud sounded in Taela's room as part of the roof came down from the 3rd and final story of the hotel.

A heavy suitcase had fallen down from the room above, bursting open before Taela and Meena, revealing an assortment of various leather goods and ropes.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Taela meandered over to the box with no particular intent in mind, peered in, and then reached her hand in. Moments later, she unearthed a ball gag. Holding it by a strap between two fingers, she asked, "What is this thing? A bracelet?" before attempting to loop it around her wrist.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Lucien was oblivious to the outside action, instead focusing on what was on the television, along with keeping Kelly company.
"I wouldn't be surprised, mate," Lucien replied as he stood up and procured some beer from the minifridge, tossing a cold one to Kelly.

He sat back down on the couch, cracking open his cold one and taking a large swig, "'tween you 'n me tho'," He made a few looks around the room to ensure his privacy, and grinned a little as he leaned towards Kelly, "It ain't hard t' see why! She's got 'er some nice legs."

He chuckled a little to Kelly, since he had the feeling that Kelly and him saw eye to eye on the finer points on the Nepleslian art of admiring of the female form, and consuming cheap alcohol.

As if to punctuate the mood, some very masculine programming made itself known on screen. However, it was probably a little too masculine, so to speak. Lucien tilted his head in surprise, then wrinkled his nose in disgust.
"Ah, cripe," He groaned as he reached for the remote, which eluded his grasp, then fell off of the table, and rolled towards the large hole in the wall.

"Oh nonononono," Lucien stammered as he put his beer down and dove towards the runaway remote, "Stop roight there!"
The programming got worse as the remote rolled to freedom, falling out of the hotel and landing on the ground in a twelve piece puzzle. Lucien's face was affixed with terror as he realised that he couldn't turn off the TV or change the channel. Worse still, the volume was loud.

"Bloody 'ell..." He groaned as the sounds of many men filled the room.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"Oi, First yer a Lolicon, an' now yer watchin' THAT junk?" Shinji commented loudly to Lucien. "Yew Neps is way more messed in the head than I thought." The wheelchair-bound Yamataian finished as he started spinning around with his chair as if to entertain himself, and his thin braid began to whip around threateningly as he managed to get the chair to spin quite quickly, his Yamataian gravity manipulation allowing him to keep perfectly balanced on only the rear wheels.


Meena gawked, having seen this kind of stuff in shops on Nepleslia, in Funky City. She knew what they were, and, quickly, scrambled her way over to Teala, grabbing the ball gag and shoving it into the suitcase, which she roughly shoved the contents back into and then began trying to clamp the case back together, with little luck.

"Umm... It's not a bracelet. There might be a bracelet in there, but I honsetly wouldn't want to touch ANY of this stuff more than I had to" she explained, nervously, as the case latched finally, before tossing it through a hole in the wall into Yoshiko and @synch's room, mostly because it was the closest place she could think of to get rid of it, having forgotten who was there.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

As Kelly sat there in silence (relative to the television), eying the two men with a serious stare, little noises could be heard from the girls rooms. "Lolicon? Seriously. What did I miss? I never expected a badass movie actor to go for the bottom of the barrel picks with these girls around. Guess I'm learning something new every day." A few, particularly vile sounds came from the television, drawing Kelly's ire. The dark skinned Nepleslian stood up with a slow purpose, a menacing glint in his eye. "Time. To shut that thing up the hard way."


"Huh? Wait here Async! Lemmi see what it is!" The ex-neko quickly hopped off the bed she was perching on and went to the leather briefcase. It had burst open from it's journey, spilling it's contents about. Yoshiko didn't understand or comprehend the items she saw, but there was one thing that caught her attention. "It's a whip!" she exclaimed with delight, cracking it with glee. "Now I can cosplay as Indy! I gotta show Taela and Meena!"

Ecstatic, Yoshiko ran out on Async for the time being to share her discovery with the other two test pilots. She barged in through the doorless doorway and cracked the long brown whip again like a child with a toy. "Guys, guys, look what I found in this weird suitcase it was full of weird stuff that came out of nowhere and now I can do cool things with it like in that movie!" Yoshiko exclaimed all at once in a run on sentence.


Kelly put his boot through the television's screen. It was not wise. The Nepleslian cursed his decision as electricity coursed through his body before falling back and onto the floor. His cornrows were smoking as he gave off a cough.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"Uck-choo~ uuuu..." the female 'Spacer moaned pitifully, curling up in her coccoon of blankets, quilts, and comforters and turning into a ball of squishy fabric as Yoshiko abandoned her in a moment of glee, " cold..."
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Taela was surprised by Meena's decisive actions.

"Wait, why did you say that and throw it away? . ." She asked, a very befuddled look crossing her face. Before she could get an answer, however, Yoshiko barged in with a whip, cracking it like a madwoman.

Genuinely concerned, the Neko asked, "Yoshi-san. . . Did you just pull that out from a box that flew through your wall?"