Star Army

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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 4: In Hot Water

Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Lucien picked up Kelly, dusted him off and sat him down. He sought the need to correct himself, "Fer yer information," He put a stern finger up as he frowned in distaste, motioning towards Shinji, "Wheels o'er here believes these disingenuous-" As if to rain on his parade even further, Yoshiko had come sprinting past the guy's room with a whip, giggling madly, "-assertions?"

He took another moment to regain what little composure he had left, "uh..." He mumbled uncertainly, coming up short of an answer to back his case.
Instead, he just sighed, shrugged, walked over to the television that Kelly put his boot through, unplugged it and hurled it out the hole in the wall, "I rest me case," He grumbled, sitting down on the bed with an angry harrumph as the television made a lovely smash, hitting the ground and joining the remote in a two hundred piece puzzle.

He then put his palm in his face, finally giving in to the world chewing on him repeatedly. First losing his job as an actor, then signing up with someone he doesn't know, then getting humiliated more ways than he cares to count.

Elsewhere, an unobservant woman wondered where her swimsuit had disappeared to. She was draped in a towel and a pair of thongs that were meant for the bathhouses.
Her body was fairly athletic and leggy. Her hair was tied back in a bun, and her deep blue eyes were ablaze with rage. She was grumbling at her predicament so much that her glasses fogged up in rage, "If I find the rubbernecker responsible..." she scowled, "I will defenestrate him!"
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Shinji stopped his spinning as Lucien mentioned his name, but didn't answer for a few moments, his eyes trying to follow the spin which was no longer happening. The Yamataian shook his head comically, braid still whipping around with each movement, before commenting back to Lucien.

"Oi don' believe Nuthin. Oi'm juss tryin' ta make some jokes n' stuff. Doncha Know how incre'ibly borin is is when they aint nuthin funny goin on? Bein Serious Alla time is a total downer. Ya need ta loighten up, Lucy-man."


Meena's hand hit her face, and she sighed. "You both are WAY too young to even be touching that kind of stuff. I don't care about neko growth cycles or whatever, it's just wrong." the Nepleslian commented, grabbing the whip away from Yoshiko, rolling it up and stuffing it under a nearby mattress.

"I swear, you two are like my younger siblings. You need so much attention..." She seemed less than thrilled, and grabbed both of the young girls, Neko and Ex Neko, dragging them into the other room like an angry mother. She finally stopped when they reached the suitcase, and began to, with a red sheen showing up on her cheeks, go through it, and explain what she knew of each item and why it was bad.

"For girls of your age, I Hope you never touch these, and know that they are only for sexual deviants and the kinds of people who do horrible things like rape children!" the (admittedly young herself) Nepleslian finished vehemently.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Taela's ears drooped further down the sides of her head as Meena continued her convincing if a bit graphic explanation. A look that was somewhere between utter embarrassment and petrified horror crossed her red and fully blushing cheeks as she struggled to respond.

"But. . . why do. . . But how. . . if. . . but that. . ." The poor Neko stammered. This continued for several minutes. Finally, she blurted, "Why the hell was that in our room?!"
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Kelly slowly came to and rose with a hand covering one of his eyes. "Oh god. That was incredibly stupid of me." He moaned in pain for a moment as he slowly got up to his feet. The Ensign kept rubbing that one eye however, and eventually opened it, revealing a fully dilated pupil. Anyone observing closely enough would notice faint hints at it's cybernetic nature. "Uh. Guys? My's not working anymore." Nervousness started to creep into his voice. "What do you think I should do? My eye, I can't see anything with it. Like before. I..." He gulped.


Meanwhile, Yoshiko had an expression that suggested, surprise, deep thought on her part as she stared at the suitcase. Before long though, she broke the silence. "I don't think it's such a big deal, or that they're that bad. I mean, the captain of the ship I was born on was a good lady, and she had things like this." She spoke, gesturing to all the leather. The ex-neko's voice trailed off for a moment as she thought it over. Yoshiko started to twiddle her fingers a little. "But, then again. She seemed really embarrassed that I tried hiding in her drawer full of this stuff when playing hid and seek...I swear, these things used to be almost as big as me!"

She turned to the blanket swathed Async and nudged the lump that was presumably the Freespacer. "Hey, what do you think of these?" Yoshiko asked.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Lucien was the first to react to Kelly, and chipped in, "Er, Kelly, I hope ya don't mind me way 'o gettin' that fixed. Hold still 'n don't bruise," He then gave Kelly a firm thwack across the head, "Sorry 'bout that. I 'ad me a friend who 'ad the same problem when 'ee got zapped. Wiry sort 'o bloke, liked techno-gizmos, and brandy."

And then he had to come to grips with Shinji's observations, which were true. He realised that he did have to lighten up a little if he was to get along with the rest of the crew.
"Eh, I suppose yer right," Lucien begrudgingly grumbled to Shinji, giving him a nod, "But if we do get t' hurl crap at each other fer shit we didn't do," A cheeky grin came across the Scotsman's face, "It 'as t' be reciprocal-like!"

He paused for a moment and tried to think of something silly to pin on Yoshiko, but he heard some sneezing. How he could hear sneezing amidst the carnage was a fluke, since a moment of relative silence was broken by it.
"Now 'oo's that sneezin'?" Lucien inquired, as he rubbed his chin under his beard thoughtfully as he could, "oo'd sneeze in a warm place like this?"

He let his train of thought chug for a little before drawing to a reasonable conclusion, "Didn't Async say she wanted 'er suit?"
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

She turned to the blanket swathed Async and nudged the lump that was presumably the Freespacer. "Hey, what do you think of these?" Yoshiko asked.

The lump shivered, an audible sniffle making its way through the numerous layers of fabric and stuffing, though in light of the sound-proofing, that sniffle was more likely a monstrous sneeze. Without warning a dark brown arm shot out and latched onto Yoshiko's shoulder, hot to the touch and slightly slick with perspiration, "~I'm cold," a voice crawled out from the covers in icy counterpoint to the feverish warmth coming from the grasping hand, "~warm me up, Miss Tachibana~" it demanded, pulling the Yamataian-bodied Neko inexorably towards Async's stiflingly warm cocoon.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Kelly shrugged. "Well, that hurt, that's for sure." he spoke joylessly. "Thank you for the effort anyways. It was worth a try. But, for future reference, I'm not a dusty computer." the dark skinned Nepleslian spoke. he got back up to his feet, and gingerly settled down into the previous seat.

His muscles still ached from the electricity induced spasms, and it would probably take a little bit to go away. Off in another room, a loud sneeze happened. "Huh. Sounds like one of the girls." he shrugged. "Don't worry Lucien, I'm sure you're going to have plenty of opportunity to - Oh hey! My eye's working again!"

The Ensign rose with delight, which then changed into absolute horror. "OHMYGODOHMYGODICANSEEITINMYEYE!!!" Kelly screamed on the top of his lungs as the 'women's interest' show from the television displayed itself in his mind.


"Eeek!" Async's hot, slick hand scared the bejebus out of the ex-neko, who tried to leap away, only achieving a few inches of travel. Out of panic, her hands tried to grab at everything, and spilled the contents of the strange suitcase. Yoshiko's hands found a second whip, and instinctively sent it out. It's worn brown leather reached out and firmly wrapped around a small lamp, causing it to be pulled off the table as the startled Yamataian bodied Neko was reeled in.

"Help meeeeeeee!~"

It was about now that a scream from the other room truly frightened her. This time, she screamed high and loud.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Taela grumbled in discomfort as the two (Three, if you count Yoshiko's first) screams pierced her ears, and thus attempted to flatten them as much as possible to drown out the noise. It wasn't very effective.

"Why can't we have one normal day-" She began, but then suddenly realized that she had no clue what 'normal' even was for a civilian company employee. The neko settled for trying to resolve the situation instead of complaining. She first trotted over to Async's hand and after some difficulty, removed it from Yoshiko's leg, then pulled her friend as far as the room would allow her away.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Async's hand didn't give much resistance and flopped back onto the bed with little ado. Yoshiko's alarmed struggles had uncovered the Freespacer's head, which gazed dully at the two Yamataians through her frazzled grey-brown hair.

"Miss Kaila... I don't feel well... did the nurse arrive yet?" she complained meekly, something greasy and black, what had once been the 'Spacer's decorative diatoms, sloughing off her face, stripes of much paler skin below slick with fever and dead microorganisms.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Meena just kind of stared, rather confused as to what was going on. The Freespacer was a rather new crewmate, and everyone else in the room had been known to her for only a few weeks at best. Normally quiet, the Nepleslian girl wasn't much help in the situation. "I.. I'll go see if that nurse is coming" she muttered, edging out of the room and just trying to forget what had happened.


Shinji Seemed to be ignoring them for a moment as Kelly began yelling, fiddling with a little something from his pocket, before suddenly wheeling over to the dark-skinned Nepleslian."Oi, Kells. Stand still." the Yamataian requested, Standing up a little wobbily on one leg, and suddenly placing the small thing on the man's cybernetic eye. A tiny pop later, and Kelly would find his eye inoperable, but no longer transmitting horrible imagery to his brain. "Oi'll buy ya a new one latah, But ya owes me." he commented, sitting back down with a groan- he had put some weight on his broken leg for a moment.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Lucien put his hands on his cheeks and yelled out, "OCH MAH GAWD!" In pure fright, upon realising that Kelly's eyes were turning against him in a most undignified manner.

He watched as Shinji deactivated the offending article with bated breath, and he calmed down considerably. He still had a wide frown on his face for bringing this down on a fellow man, "Methinks I owe ya a beer 'er two as well."

He was starting to ignore the screaming from both parties, and wondered what all the fuss was about. However, he thought it best not to investigate, for his own sake.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Maya Kaname started to make headway as traffic finally cleared up. As the nurse of the Atuan's crew, it was her duty to make sure everyone was in tip top shape. The voidwalker suit sat in the passenger seat next to her as the car raced on towards the spa. "I'm just glad traffic's cleared up and the crew killed most of the Mishhu. Yep. No need for more squids..."

She often talked to herself to alleviate the tension and relax herself, but that was not meant to be this time. From some sick twist of fate, a life size movie poster had been sent up into the air from the prior explosion at the spa. Just as she stepped on the accelerator, it came loose from the street lights and fell onto her windshield, making the nurse see nothing but Mishhu.


Tires screeched, glass smashed, and a hubcap rolled away.


Kelly slowly took in deep breaths, and started to calm down from having his mechanical eyeball pop in its own socket. Inside, he was loosing the struggle to maintain seriousness, and simply burst. The dark skinned Nepleslian wrapped the other two up in a hug and let out one of his most favorite cheesy lines.

"I love you guys." After a few moments, he finally let go and let out a breath. "Really, I don't know what I would do w- uh oh..." At that moment, something returned to the surface of the Ensign's mind. "I just remembered something. H-hang on." He spoke, now shaken again.

He turned around so that his back faced them and held up one hand to the eye. With the other, he slapped himself in the back of the head, and with a "Pop!" the culprit came out.

"So, uh, yeah. Sorry I panicked and made you waste that..."


As Meena came close to the door frame, minus the door, another figure came to a stop before her, blocking the path out. The newcomer was wearing the Origin Industries Nurse Scrubs. Maya's hair was frazzled by some sort of shock or even an accident, right eye twitching as her left hand clung onto the Voidwalker suit to the point her knuckles turned white.

"Hello Meena. Let me drop off this suit for A-" She stopped and had her eyes go wide for the second time of the day. They narrowed to malicious slits. "One of you is deathly ill, and you're all sitting around with, with...oh my."

By then, Nurse Maya Kaname saw the open chest of 'leather goods' and other miscellaneous things. Her cheeks went bright red.
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

Murakami Kensuke entered his office. It was large, very spacious, yet undecorated save for a few filing cabinets, table and a volumetric access point. Just crossing the empty threshold felt like an eternity, especially if someone was sitting in the high backed chair and waiting. The Senior Executive sat down, and quickly reviewed the overall report. During their unveiling, two Ashigaru frames were absconded with, the perpetrators unknown. In the next mission, information was to be collected as to where the stolen mechs were headed. Mishhu intrusion inside, the data obtained had been decrypted and analyzed. He steepled his fingers and smiled.

"Keikaku Doori"
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"Ignore the mess in the middle of the room and just give me the suit." Taela told the newcomer, taking the suit from her. The Neko then brought the envirosuit to her Freespacer compatriot, placing it in her outstretched hand.

"Async, here's your suit. Now please, stop trying to drag people in with you."
Re: Episode 4: In Hot Water

"J-just need to w-w-warm up a bit-t-t," she shivered, showing a few signs of life by climbing, nay, crawling out of the fever-soaked covers in her birthday suit.

The Freespacer, who displayed an amazing lack of metal on her body except for a small charm that seemed to be implanted under her right breast, shivered as the nominal temperature of the room cooled her naked flesh, "n-nurse, the radiation treatment?"

Maya Kaname nodded and fished out a large and heavy-looking case, "let me set up a barrier before we go unsheathing and fuel rods, okay?"

Async nodded, slumping to the ground as she began to work on the heavy suit she should have been wearing this whole time. Once nurse Kaname had erected enough emitters to shield everyone in the immediate vicinity, she passed the contents of the case through the field where Async pulled out several dull metallic rods, color returning to her hair as the ambient neutron wash began clearing away the surface pathogens almost immediately. Pulling out the charm imbedded into her chest, the 'Spacer revealed its purpose, a hollow cavity in her body that housed the currently unpowered radioisotope thermoelectric generator.

After reactivating her implants, Async placed the remaining fuel rods into her voidwalker and finished donning the suit. Standing up, she wobbled, though it might as easily have been from the added weight of the suit as from her illness, "huu, okay, much better, my cold should be gone by tomorro- oh- ah- chu!" she sneezed, letting out a nauseated groan as the Freespacer's optimism reached the limits of its effectiveness.