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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 5: Taps

Re: Episode 5: Taps

Async shifted in her seat, making a significant amount of noise for the subtlety of the tiny motion. At the same time, Yoshiko's datapad lit up with an incoming message.

'I read those reports,' the Freespacer thought to herself, 'that was a situation they shouldn't have been thrust into without a proper integration period, I might be overextending myself with this guess, but it seems like Origin is at a loss for any amount of trained personnel...'

Her helmet swiveled slightly as she looked around, 'there's certainly an influx of raw talent, myself included, but we still need time to become comfortable with each other and our positions within the team...' her suit-bulked frame and mirrored visor hid the spacer's grim contemplations, though her eyes still glanced around every few seconds to make sure no one had noticed, 'and if we can't find that time or make room for it, the loss at Kennewes will be repeated.'
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Viktoria once again looked at list of people who got mecha. Kelly was not amongst them. Maybe every one know that he will be mecha and putting him into the list would be stupid then, but maybe he won't go.

Viki raised her head. Loosing someone from the team must have been hard, but when you are on battlefield you can always loose someone. Viki looked at Kelly and raised another question. "Who will be herr Komandant on this mission? I mean who will lead our team in the field?"
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Shinji Glared at Kelly as he barked, and Meena simply remained silent, listening thoughtfully, but, as Asynch spoke, she seemed to have hit a nerve. "Oi, We've got plenty of trained personnel. This team was assembled out of Inexperienced people on purpose, so's we could learn how the general public would react to the new frames, isntead a' people who'd been trainin on it everyday like. Yannow, some real, objective data an' whatever." He huffed, looking at the bulky suit that his the freespacer.

"Kennewes wasn't our fault, anyway, We went there not known' it was Undah attack, and wham, we got a surprise, but we dealt wit' it, and Oyu on'y died 'cuz he decided ta jump outta 'is frame even tho it was safeh not ta. He was tryin'a help people, yannow, being a roight human bein' an all." Shinji, having dropped the match from his lip in his anger, pulled a new one from a box in his pants, sticking it in his mouth before muttering
"S'a damn shame we aint got more right people like that Oyu."


Quietly, as Shinji went about his tirade, Meena slipped over to Kelly and slipped him a piece of paper, on which she had written the load she wanted for her frame. With very little surprise, it was based on the standard load, except with Z3D missiles, which were the most accurate and least likely to leave fallout. She also specified the EMP type mini-missiles, and wanted a Gauss cannon loaded with Net rounds as her secondary- She seemed to want to disable rather than kill, but knew that she needed to use force at times.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Lucien scratched the chin hiding somewhere under his beard.
"Wot 'append on Kennewes wos me only way outta there when the crew that I wos filmin' with got butchered," He recalled the incident with a shudder.

He enjoyed working with that film crew, and quietly wished he was able to give them a proper goodbye. However, that's easier said than done when they would attempt to rise from the grave and chew on you.

He then heard Shinji mention Oyu. That name struck a cord with the Scotsman, now that he realised that in part, Oyu had sacrificed himself and given Lucien a chance to survive.
"May 'is soul be at rest, lad," He sighed with Shinji before turning his attention to Kelly, "Cheer up mate. I spent some time onna simulation 'er two o'er the last few days, so I ain't gonna wreck th' frames none," A reassuring smile came across the Scotsman's face.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"S'a damn shame we aint got more right people like that Oyu."
Taela, with her silly advanced hearing, heard Shinji's comment and said nothing. However, she did think, And then we would all be making stupid decisions to be getting ourselves killed. She didn't make this known, however, given how she'd expect Yoshiko might act to such a statement.

Instead, she settled for responding to Async's commentary on the crew's experience.
"I blame our circumstances." The Neko told the Freespacer, her ears twitching upwards while her face remained relatively blank. "Everytime we have downtime, we're either thrust right back into battle or something else happens. And every time we've had a mission, it's ended up in almost life-or-death situations. I'm honestly amazed that the majority of us have come out in one piece at all."
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Async looked up, startled, as she realized her teletype program had kept running and somehow forwarded to everyone's personal devices and turned on speaker-mode, "sorry, that was supposed to be a private thought."

She stood up and stretched out a small ache that had settled in her back, "But now that my cat has leapt from the bag, as they say, Miss Kaila has reiterated my point; if these sorts of engagements keep occurring, two things will happen: several of us, if not all of us, will die; and any that do survive will become valuable assets to Origin's military arm. Neither is a fate I think any of you would prefer."
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Mark kept his eyes moving throughout the room as he monitored the reactions of the people listening to the briefing. He could tell ho held themselves responsible and who didn't within seconds. It was that journalistic twist that made the otherwise boring story flavorful. He took notes on the details, such as Yoshiko's nervous switching of positions and the discussions brought about by Async's unintentional comment. He took notes on the conversation himself, concluding on his datapad with an italicized 'Possibility of corporate conspiracy?' next to Async's comments.

Without breaking pace, he refocused on the job at hand. "I've got the idea that we're only around for support in case something goes wrong, but I'd like to suggest that I monitor communications in the area as well. The Kirin's CECS can do it easily... uh, in theory that is. I've never been inside the damn thing. Either way, when you're dealin' with sleazy types with your stuff it might be nice to keep an ear on their side of the horn listening for double-crossin' backstabbin' treachery-on-a-stick... if you'll pardon the Delsaurian."
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Viki looked unhappy about unwiding situation. There that freespacer who liked to stick het nose in strange stuff. Then there was a man that spoke that strange accent she had problem understanding. That one looked like proper combatant. Viki still hasn't analysed what to think about neko but she at least didn't lookd like she would be afraif if some action would come. The other newbie looked kinda sleazy to her for no apparent reason, but she will save her judgement for when she gets to know him better. Then there was that young girl and braided man. Braided man was her favourite so far with his words and with what he said.

Viki took a deep breath and added her own words to the discussion. First she looked at freespacer, "I am having hard time seeing was is you problem. We are hired and payed by OI to fight for them if needed. I think we shouldn't worry that we are going to be in battle, but we should worry how to win the battle. I have seen my share of battles in my life and let me tell, worrying about them won't hilfe you. Winning does. Do your job properly and listen to you Kommandant and everything will be gutt."

She then looked at whole bunch in general. "Und from what I have gathered, this Oyu was a mann who died doing proper things. There is nothing like good death, but Oyu died helping other people. You shouldn't mourn him you should celebrate him and thing of good about him. It is just what I think." With that she stopped talking. In her mind she was curious what response she gets.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Async bristled at the Abwehran's commentary, though it was hard to tell through the bulk of her suit and modulated speaker, "we're test pilots not mainline soldiers and getting yourself killed because of a lax combat discipline is not on my list of 'good' deaths."

The Freespacer sighed and sat down, "my point is we aren't anywhere close to being a crack team and there's a lot of what got Oyu killed still in this unit; his death was his own fault, yes, but I'd rather not see it happen during my time here," her now walled-off thoughts went on in silence, especially not to certain people in whom I see it most, she glanced over at Yoshiko to see how the Nekovalkyrja took her private message.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Viki heard freespacers comment and looked back at her. "Well I think best way to really test these machines is in combat. Although I agree it would be gutt if we did some training together. Going into battle as set of individuals is foolish. We should be team. " She replied to Async. "But I also you won't be cowardly hanging in back looking only for you survival. If that is you plan I would be rather if you stayed back on ship." She added then with serious voice.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"And put those beautiful weapons to waste?" Async almost giggled, her shit-eating grin was almost palpable, "I'm afraid you don't know me well enough."
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Well I think it is waste to just let weapon lie somewhere mein freund." Viki replied.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Kelly, a little on edge already, bristled and slowed down at the spacer's comment. She was right, simply put, and he needed to focus. The dark skinned Nepleslian looked up from the screens as the Abwehran asked him a question. "The frame team will be taking orders from Arah Tenner this time around if combat does occur, as I'll be on the away team. With luck though, none of that will happen and things will stay quiet." Kelly had already looked over the information pertaining to his part, and he knew who he'd meet. But would he also meet her as well?

As he listened to Shinji speak, Kelly took up the piece of paper Meena handed to him. 'It should have been me to get out and do that.' he thought to himself. Kelly authorized the weapons she asked for, but frankly raised an eyebrow. 'Net rounds?' His mind briefly wandered back to the series of unfortunate events, particularly what happened in the girls' room, back at the onsen. Kelly then tried connecting it to this requisition. 'No, that's impossible.' he thought. Out of everyone here, Meena was a good, quiet girl. But wasn't that a reason for it these days too? Being cooped up and - Kelly just forced himself back to work and kept businesslike.

"Listen crew, I know we lost a man, but that's because things got far out of hand. We were never supposed to run into Mishhu, and this time around, combat shouldn't be an issue at all." he spoke, trying to assuage the team's concerns. He turned to Mark at his remark. "That sounds like good thinking Vintropolis. Just remember you'll also need to keep up the pressure with the drones if things get out of hand as well, and thing should turn out fine." He remained silent at Async's following comment though, and pretended to occupy himself with the volumetric screen, scrolling through the inventory before figuring out what else to say.

"Well, I think that's everything for this briefing. Is there anything else that's come to attention?"


Meanwhile, Yoshiko sleepily got her datapad and went to the mailbox. Spam. Spam. Sp-not spam? It was a message from Async. From, like a few minutes ago. Couldn't she just say it out loud? People were getting lazy or something. Without much pomp, Yoshiko pushed the button to look at the message. She read it over twice and let it sink in; the ex-neko blushed slightly. 'Someone cares! Or, well, everyone cares, but they never explicitly say so!' she mentally cheered. Yoshiko snuck a glance at the suited spacer before going back to her datapad.

She sent a message of her own.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Async perked up as Yoshiko's message came through, but had to grip her sides against the restrained laughter, ah, she's still just a child at heart despite her figure... but that's what makes the pursuit so enjoyable, she mused before sending a reply; the Freespacer's language software reflexively using formal Yamataian.

Thank you, Miss Tachibana; I would be honored for your assistance with the frame I was assigned; perhaps we can work on it together?

¤Warcase Syncronous 73-8475-0193
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Just one." Taela replied to Kelly, fixing her gaze upon the Nepleslian. "What are our default orders in case combat does occur and/or communications go out? I'd rather not be left without standing orders in event of emergency."

The Neko felt a little coldhearted from the whole affair. Her best friend wasn't going to be on the mission, and so far she hadn't formed much of a friendly connection with anybody else. The Freespacer was. . . a Freespacer. Meena almost seemed like a caretaker of some sort, given the way the Nepleslian treated her and Yoshiko the other day. Kelly? A Drill sergeant. Nobody else had made enough of an impression on Taela.
This is going to be a long day. She thought, summing up her musings.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Default orders?" the synthed-up voice repeated Meena's query, "In the words of the my people's book: GO GET 'EM!" Async chortled, pointing a finger at the volumetric display as if it were a pistol, thumb cocking back before dropping down in imitation of a slug-thrower's hammer; amazingly, the display actually winked out of existence.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Viki waited for Kelly to answer brown-haired neko. "I would have a request." She said then. Her attention already moved from Oyu and cowardice of the freespacer to other things, like what missiles she will equip her mecha. "If it would be possible I would like more time doing simulation. I would like to familirize myself with Asura some more before the mission." She finished her request. For once she was serious, joking should not be part of the briefing in her books. While waiting for response Viki took a piece of paper and wrote her equipmenr down. Hyper rifle, two chain swords, 150 Self guided HE, 40 EMP missiles and 10 particle-cloud missiles. That should be okay.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Kelly sighed. Did these girls and guys like briefings? Then again, it was a good enough question. "Unless hostilities begin, all frames are to standby. Default combat orders are to simply protect the Atuan, simple as that. It might even leave faster if you all do a good job keeping it in one piece as well." The Ensign paused to look them all over and added on, "Keep in mind guys, our frames are not, I reapeat, not FTL capable. We loose the Atuan, we're stranded with no way out."

He then shrugged at the Freespacer's gestures and suggestion. Cute. "Just don't wander too far away from the others while you're up and at them Async, and that'll be fine." he replied.

The dark skinned Nepleslian looked at the list Viktoria handed him and shook his head up and down, braids bobbling as he did so. "Looks good. You'll just have to switch between the launch tubes, but that'll be fine. Anyone else want a missile loadout like this?" he asked. Even though this briefing was boring, the journey was going to be either more so, or hectic as everyone rushed to get ready within the three hours it took to get there.


Meanwhile, Yoshiko was diligently 'taking notes'.

Yeah, sure thing. I'm all done with my chores and everything anyways since I stayed up late last night. I'll do my best to make sure your frame is in tip top shape, though, I doubt I can beat a spacer at fixing things!

- Yoshiko
Re: Episode 5: Taps

I hope she realizes I'm not a mechanic despite the fact that the schematics and operator's manual is in- my- head, Async blushed as Kelly's volumetrics popped back to life for a moment, displaying a mortician's view of an Oban in the hot white of an engineer's blueprint, before the Freespacer quashed the renegade assistance program.

This cold is killing me... only now in a more inconvenient fashion, she grumbled to herself, thinking wistfully of the radiation-bathed room she had rested in during the worst of her fever.

At least the immunological boosters seem to have worked.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Viktoria noded as her choice of equipment got approved. Great now all she has to do is get in Asura and get some more simulation done. "Atuan is not that big," she said then. "I think we can cover it without problems, if we are careful. And its has some guns of its own too."
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