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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 5: Taps

Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Roger." Mark said, his hands already turning the Feathers towards the new target.

"I'll also broadcast the informations I retrieved from drones about the Demons to the other units, maybe they can do something about it."
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Ye gottit!" Lucien replied to Shinji, satisfied that he was too deep in friendly territory to be hassled by the Yui's pods, and still within fighting distance of the Demons. He figured that the purpose-made Railgun around his waist could get a good run for his money against the targets.

The targeting system in his AI did the finer work for him, spotting about 30-ish targets in the immediate vicinity, all the Scotsman had to do was point, and squeeze the orbs a little (it seemed to be what made the magic happen)

"I dunno why they keep splittin'," Lucien said, and if he could scratch his chin in confusion he would, "Maybe if we take out th' bigarse frames 'er that arsehole of a ship first," He was speculating at this point, "It could stop 'em from splittin' like bunnies."
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Jawoll!" said Viktoria upon receiven order. She quickly changed her heading and charged her mecha against Zilanth mecha. She tried to move through numbers of enemy Demons. She slashed with her swords at her when she got chance but otherwise she focused on using her gama vulcans to defend against those panzerfausts of theirs. She scowled upon being in front of difficult battle like this. But like always, she stayed calm. To her not being calm would be the same as being dead. At least on the battlefield. She saw peope die because of panic, hystery or just hurrying.

Viktoria's mecha was moving towards enemy Zilanths. "Let's take on of you hunds after another." She said for herself and brought up her missile systems. She had a lots of missiles and it would be a waste not to use them. She picked Zilanth closer to her. She put five EMP missiles on him closely followed by twenty five HE ones. When her systems gained a lock she fired them and took evasive action while firing her hyper rifle. They will surely fire back too.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"My baby!" Yuno wailed in despair. The Neko's shuttle was torn apart as autocannon fire stitched it's sides, missiles impacting against the small craft's hull. Kelly and the Ori-Sec away team retreated from that docking bay, and were pushed into a warehouse complex nearby.

"We'll get you a new shuttle! A better one!" Kelly shouted. The fireball and explosion that Yuno's shuttle turned into punctuated the Nepleslian's sentence as he ducked behind cover, the remains whirling by. Despite the Reds attempting to distract the hostile Demons, they started to come out of the flames after the Origin employees like, well, Demons.

"You F*ing asshole!" Her brassy voice yelled at him, her hands clutched onto a heavy suitcase salvaged from the shuttle before it's death. "That shuttle meant a lot to me! Don't you remember it!? It saved our lives!" She continued to shout at him before disappearing around a corner.

Kelly barely heard her over the din of fire as the gauss rifle shook in his hands, his visor lit up by each flash of the muzzle. Hot depleted uranium death slammed through the armor of the approaching Demon, again, killing another. And again, the rifle ran dry. As Kelly burst from cover and retreated, he brought up a map on his HUD and quickly laid down a plan. "Fall back and regroup at the vehicle depot!" Powered Olive Drab boots slammed into the hard cement as he sprinted, rounding a corner and reaching to his belt for the next reload. "Yuno! Where do we go from here?"

No reply.

"Yuno!?" The comm channel was silent. "God da-" A Demon, in a hurry to catch it's quarry, rounded the corner and bounded into Kelly, bowling him over and falling on top of him. Electrified knuckle spikes slammed into it's head until it went limp. The Ensign shoved it off of him and started to rise to his feet, groping for his empty rifle. A second and third Demon rounded the corner; the spikes fired from his hand and caught it in the neck, the body shaking uncontrollably as energy crackled. The Demon behind the second opened fire with it's autocannon raking Kelly with it's shells before the second fell in the line of fire.

It charged at the floored Kelly as several more rounded the corner.


"W-what? My Oh Two? Uh, right!" Yoshiko squashed her reservations of letting someone else use her baby; after all, it was a friend and it wasn't like @sync was going to get it wreaked as fast as possible or maybe get the priceless blades destroyed, right? "Uh, mmm, Miss Arah? I got a gauss rifle, so I can keep the ship safe if any of those evil Demons get inside while @synch is swapping over." She spoke, nervously clutching said rifle. She quickly leaped over to her frame and wiggled down into the cockpit head first. Her hips got her stuck for a moment as the Assault pack made it more difficult to get in. "H-IIII!" Yoshiko breathed in a high pitched voice. She popped the pack off and slid in, just as the hatch closed.

"@synch, I'm setting the controls over to how you like. Just keep in mind that I've got Zesuaium wristblades on it; they can extend up to five meters if you need them. Just, don't loose them! Ok?" The Ex-Neko turned Yamataian finished changing the control settings over to her friend's liking, before worming her way out, making sure not to get stuck again before scooping up the pack and rifle.

"And don't scratch the paint! It's brand new!"
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"I'm sorry, Yoshiko, but I can't open the doors right now, even if you have the rifle, there's simply too many." Arah answered blandly, as if she were pointing out a boring fact. to help, Ged brought up a volumetric screeon of the outside- a mob of about 15 enemy PA were making a mad dash toward the ship, and soon, the smashed into it, with a thud the ex-neko could hear.

Asynch was answered immediately, and the answer was disappointing. "No can do, Unit three, there's too many enemy PA, opening the bay doors would be suicide on our part." The comms officer called, relaying one of Arah's orders. The Atuan continued to fire, but this time had desided instead to help out the frame team, and was targeting the Demons. With each laser beam hitting a Demon, one of Lucien and Asynch's enemies disappeared. Lucien and Asynch would notice another thing; their enemies had stopped multiplying, leaving the final number at a bit less than 50, considering they had already killed a couple.

Still, some had gotten by, and one of the mid-level airlocks was now being assaulted point blank- a panzerfaust shot, and the door was open, venting that level and causing hull breach warnings to ring on the ship. Yoshiko would get to fight them anyway.


Victoria's assumption of the Zilants firing back was almost right- except that it was the other one that fired back. the first Zilant- being taken by surprise and lacking any point defenses, was completely at a loss as its sheilds were brought down, then its limbs were immobilized, followed by an all out assault of twent Five HE missiles, reducing the Zilant to a broken pile of molten slag and wiring. What appeared to be human limbs could also be seen among the wreckage, if Victoria took the time to look.

The shots from the last remaining Zilant slammed Hard into the Abwehran's shields, bringing them down in a few moments, but her evasive maneuvers saved her from further damage, however, she had to keep moving if she wanted to stay safe.


The dozen remaining pods, Now focused on the two frames, were relentless, blasting away at them with ship-killing force, however, the two pilots were highly focused on their targets, and the backseaters were the ones worrying about fighting. it turned out to be an effective duo, and two more of the pods went down, but the fighting was not without cost. Pods managed to destroy the shields around Shinji and Meena's frame, and Mark lost a few more feathers, bringing his total down to four.

Shinji, obviously the better at flying his feathers, however, would soon lose several of his- they were out of ammunition, and he was reduced to ramming them into the weapons pods. it took three of his feathers to destroy one, leaving him with five feathers, and a choice to make.

However, the frame team was no longer being absolutely trounced, and that could be seen as a plus.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Lucien, after holding off as many as he could, noticed a bump in the combat data. The Demon Armours had stopped multiplying. He tilted his head in surprise, making the Frame do so as well, by accident.

"Well I'll be!" Lucien radioed to @Synch, "Looks like these 'ere rabbits 're outta puff fer the day! There's only fofty!" He snickered at the implications, before realising that a finite number now meant that there was less to fear, as well as an end in sight.

"Let's carn make us some rabbit stew, aye!"

It was railguns, mini missiles and autocannon away at the hoard of incoming Demons, and his combat computer decided it'd be fun to watch some particularly gruesome replays of colourful kills.

In particular, one railgun attack went right through the head of one of them and into leg of another, making two clean cuts. Another fascinating kill, involved one guy getting thrown into the air by the force of an Autocannon and knocking someone back into a group and causing them to trip up. The ensuing cluster of Demons were exploded in one fell swoop by a trio of mini missiles.

To the Scotsman, life was good. His mind for war was being shared in the most interactive way possible, in his own mind. He'd spent about 20 missiles and half of his Autocannon ammo in doing so.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Verdammt!" sweared Victoria. She didn't manage to dodge to all of enemy incoming fire. "Unit vier here! SHield down but so is ein target!" She took a quicky evasive maneuver and went into short spin to get out of enemy targeting system. She put her Hyper rifle on her back to prepare for close combat. She will have an edge up close and personle. Zilant was more then twice her size and more clumsy.

Viktoria fired her afterburner to get to enemy as fast as possible readiying her chain straight. She held the sword with both arms moving to the enemys side for a quicky and dangerous slash.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"It appears that the enemy is finally taking some losses. Nice job, Mark. Keep up the pressure." Taela semi-complimented as she sought to fire pretty much her entire arsenal at the remaining weapon pods. Unfortunately, hadn't considered any of the missiles and as such none of those were fired. However, everything else complementary to the Kirin was, in addition to the hyper rifle. "I suppose the people in the research department will have a field day with this data."
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Async grimaced as the Oban's sensors told her what the Atuan was relaying through the comms officer, "Aye, won't be much need for the Asura once all of the armor is gone; thank you, Atuan," she remarked passively, putting her injured frame in a powered drift alongside her home and raking the Demons assaulting the airlock with plasma carbine and graser rifle fire.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

After losing several of his Feathers, Mark wrapped his hand the Feather controls and brought his Feathers into formation with Shinji's. He mirrored Shinji's approach to the weapons pods to the best of his abilityl as it seemed Shinji was doing so much better then he.

He radioed Shinji to present a new idea, "Hey, 'Captain'" he sneered, remembering Taela's earlier remark, "Between the two of us, we've got nine of these babies left. I saw you take out a whole pod with three of them-- why not we combine forces and blow the rest of our ammo and then take out three more with the blades?"
Re: Episode 5: Taps

The Nightmare went on as the Demons flowed through that small chokepoint a few at a time. Kelly lifted the red leaking Demon off of him and threw it into the crowd with all of the strength he could muster from his tired muscles and the whining Impulse. But not before a stray autocannon round shoved it's way through what was left of his shields and slammed into his visor. The Ensign's head rocked back, the kinetic energy nearly breaking his neck; the suit kept that from happening, but his armored hands had to scramble to tear off the ruined head protection.

Powerful kicks and shoves began to move the pile out of the way as Kelly groped at the empty gauss rifle on the floor, slamming his final magazine into it's well as he stood. The blood that trickled into the Ensign's eyes shimmered as the muzzle of his gun lit up brilliantly against the incoming stream of shells. The last of his barriers flickered and died, massive chunks of metal simply smashed out of his suit. Kelly's left arm was swatted aside as a pair of shells impacted the forearm, breaking the bone. His good hand kept on firing the rifle from the hip before he charged and tackled one of the Demons back into the corner to prevent them all from flowing out and overwhelming him.

The horde shoved back and knocked him over, but at this brawling range, couldn't use their rifles. Kelly pulled a leg up to his chest and kicked the Demon off, before firing a burst into it's head. The long wall of goods in the depot erupted as one of the enemies finally remembered that power armor could walk through buildings. Vibrobladed claws slashed at Kelly's weakened chestplate and sent him tumbling across the isle, the Crooked Demon emerging from the wreckage of pallets and storage containers of the cargo depot.

As Kelly leaned forward to try and get back up, the sharp pain of his twisted arm caught him. He propped himself up with his good arm, and saw death walking towards him, vibroblades singing. 'I never really was a good soldier.' He thought. The HIGA power armor paused it's stride and turned to it's right in surprise as a bluish purple blur smashed through the opposite side and slashed at the Crooked Demon with an Aether blade.

"&$%@! You can't even follow your own damned orders Kelly!" As the clawed hands swung at her, she simply pirouetted to the left and right like a dancer, slashing back in reply at each opportunity. "You two! Get him out now!" Strong arms began to drag the wounded Ensign away, Demons belonging to the Reds rushing by to join Yuno.

"The squad couldn't make it out from the vehicle depot since it was locked down, but they made enough of a fuss that all of us had enough time to get into their equipment and come at them. We're mopping up now." spoke the voice of the person dragging him away. Kelly grimaced in pain as he handled his mangled left arm. He looked up and found himself being dragged away by a Red Demon. "You really never were that good of a soldier you know." It went on.

"You know I was better of shmoozing and finding stuff out so you could do your job, not doing your job for you." He quipped at the Power Armor. "Good to see you're fine Anthony." A scream pierced the conversation. Kelly looked back at Yuno to find that she had managed to simply rip out a sub arm off the Crooked Demon.

"Wish I could say the same about you." Origin Issue boots started drumming against the floor as the rest of the away team made it back to Kelly.


"Nyahh! We're under attack! We're under..." Yoshiko yelled out loud, stumbling as the ship shook, grabbing onto a handrail. She took a few, overly deep breaths to calm herself as the ship shook under several impacts. Yoshiko took off running again towards the damaged section, bringing up information on just what was happening outside. The Freespacer was doing as much damage to the Atuan as were the Demons, the Graser and plasma burning into the hull at a rapid pace. "@synch! Stop hurting the Atuan! I have to fix and paint all that you know!" she shouted over the comm. Before anyone could reply to her though, she heard something else.

"Ok, just follow the signs to engineering and...hey, did anyone else hear that sexy voice shouting a moment ago?" A gruff, unfamiliar voice asked. Another one cut in and answered the first.

"Yeah, I think it was that way, the same direction as the elevator towards engineering!"


"There! I heard it again from over there! Get her!" Yoshiko had scrambled away as soon as she let her mouth slip. The heavy footfalls thundered towards the cowering Yoshiko. She stuck the gauss rifle around the corner and started blind firing down the long hallway; screams could be heard as someone tumbled and fell, tripping whoever was behind him.

"Yes! I can do it!" she said to herself, leaning around the corner with the rifle raised and ready to fire at around a dozen Demons and Dark Demons. She ran for the crew barracks. "No I can't, no I can't!"
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING ASYNCH?" the Atuan's comm officer roared over the radio "STOP SHOOTING AT US YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE! ALL YOU'RE-' The comm officer was cut off, replaced by a much calmer voice. "Please refrain from shooting the Atuan, it has suffered enough damage already." The second voice was, of course, Arah.

And @synch could see that it was indeed true. The fifteen powered armors had already made their way inside by the time her munitions arrived, and all the freespacer had accomplished was destroying the airlock even further, and making several large pockmarks in the hallway floor, with no damage to the enemies. However, she had little time to worry about that, as several thuds and a warning light announced that several more powered armor had now latched onto her frame, and were shooting at it from point-blank.


The Demons, having figured out that Lucien was actively targeting them, and doing quite a good job at it, had decided that avoiding him was a good idea, and instead flew back toward their mothership. Slightly faster than the Origin frame, they were making headway, and trying to Lure the bearded Nepleslian closer to the Yui.


The final Zilant not only seemed to have been waiting for Victoria, but also seemed to have a better pilot. It brought forth its own sword, parrying the Abwehran's slash, wile firing from point blank with its head cannons and mini-missiles. Much smaller than what the Asura carried, these weapons nonetheless began pinging off of Victoria's armor, and damage readouts showed that they were doing something, if only slowly. The enemy Zilant kicked out with its larger led, smashing into Victoria's Asura and sending it flying off at a respectable clip, before it began firing upon her with its coil cannon, managing to do severe damage to her lower legs.


Teala and Meena's frames both poured fire into targets, the sheer amount of firepower causing the outmatched pods to burst and break, causing satisfying explosions. The success brought the number of enemy weapon pods down to eight.
However, both frames showed that they were getting low on Solid ammunition, and they were showing some damage. The non-targeted pods had given themselves free reign to pound on the two frames, bringing down both shields to nothing and causing moderate armor damage all around. Meena's Kirin showed that its sub-arms had all been slagged, as had its railguns, while Teala's had lost half the sub-arms and its phased arrays.

Shinji and mark, however, after pooling their resources, had indeed done a good job. After a quick "Sounds like a good idea" from the Yamataian, the two had been able to heavily damage one of the pods, before sacrificing their Feathers to bring the number down to five. They weren't alone in the endeavor, either, and the Atuan had managed to provide support, the final distracted weapons pods falling to combined fire from the Atuan's guns, and causing a bit of a calm to the storm. there were still, however, that Zilant and a number of Demons to deal with, and the Yui had begun moving again, pointing its prow toward the Atuan, the Origin ship itself beginning to move in an effort to avoid whatever their foe was planning.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Taela, I'm outta feathers, baby." Mark tried to sound as upbeat as possible about the news. He smiled weakly, despite the fact he was behind her and transfered signal intelligence screens over their portion of the cockpit monitor. "I'm going back to trying to reacquire the away team's signal. I think I'm also gonna try and figure out what the heck they're up to on that Yui."

Mark switched back to farmiliar territory, increasing power back to the modified CECS and redirecting the frequencies of the other radio connections through the Yui. He was attempting to listen in to the ship's room-to-room communications as background noise in the feedback created by broadcasting white noise and listening in to whatever was reflected off of the ship's hull.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Asynch snarled and her Silhouette elicited a sympathetic burst of squalling comm traffic, the Oban turning into a dive at the Atuan as it forcibly rolled along the ship's hull trying to burn out the Demon's shields and scrape them off before they could do more damage to the civilian frame she was in, fully aware it wasn't as tough as the Asuras everyone else was piloting, though her lip curled into a nasty smile as she absently noted her frame had less that could be damaged by her current maneuver. As the Oban hit the Atuan, the pilot turned the impact into a sustained roll, using the frame's thrusters to keep up both momentum and contact with the vessel. Asynch hoped that the Demons would take the brunt of the impact, shields collapsing and the armors' drivers being crushed and thrown off the Oban in the process.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Well, it appears I should have taken another gun with me. My mistake." Taela half-apologized, glancing over the Frame Status screen. Over the comms, she spoke, "We've lost half our weapons and about to lose more in Unit Five. I'm resorting to long range fire with whatever ammunition I've got with the Hyper Rifle - unless somebody has a better idea."

Since the weapon pods were down, she focused her main gun on the Ziliant, seeing as trying to shoot a Demon at this distance was like trying to hit the sky in a cave.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

"Scheize!" shouted VIktoria and fired afterburner for a second to quickly get out of enemy fire. That coil rifle was a problem. She targeted enemy coil rifle with the HE missiles and send it off flying while she opened fire with all her built-in ranged weapons. Except Vulcans she wanted to have those ready in case enemy would fire his missiles.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Since the Yui was putting its troops back, Lucien felt that the Yui's defensive tactics were a sign of cowardice. What could a small team of frames and one ship do against about fifty, seventy, ninety or so Demons and a Yui?

Lucien felt it necessary to call them out on this as he stood his ground, "GET, BACK, HERE!" He roared over loudspeaker, even though there was no sound in space. He also gave the Yui the finger in a rather proud fashion as his Heavy Pulse Laser Array started to charge up with a rhythmic humming, as well as the clicks and whirs of every other weapon he still had available arming.

"Better to get stabbed in the front fightin' than in the back fleein' methinks," He observed to his crewmates dryly as he let them have it - the Scotsman appeared to explode into a cloud of furious missiles and laser-related vengeance.
At the very minimum, the Scotsman wanted that Yui to bear a scar of this humiliating defeat - at the most, he'd want some of it destroyed, plus the Demons.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Things were surprisingly quiet, considering what just happened. Or, quiet when not counting Kelly's grumbling grunts of pain. "Ugh. Couldn't you have been a little better at this?" Yuno asked him, severely irked. Her face wasn't visible behind the helmet of the Mindy, but, Kelly knew she really meant what she said. "And your arm is as floppy as a noodle. I'm not even sure setting it will do it much good." Kelly was tempted, very much so, to rise to her challenge, but he still kept his silence.

He thought look stupid if I just barked at her. The faceless helm turned to look at Kelly's pained face.

"That is, assuming you're going to let it just sit on its own. Which I might just let happen considering you made me get back in this thing."

"Who was it that started this all, and had caused most of them leave their base?" Kelly asked the Neko. He suddenly coughed through gritted teeth as she moved the bones back into place, armored hands a little bloody. The pepper of autocannons went off somewhere in the distance.

"Oh, that's right. You." Yuno replied, voice flat. She quickly removed her helmet and breastplate and bit off a piece of the hemosynthetic insert. She chewed it up to soften it, and quickly smeared it over the open wound on his arm. Bandages, then a splint; done. The plate and helmet went back on. "I almost forget sometimes just why I like you cheeky little bastards." Yuno replied, pinching his cheeks with bloody fingers before stopping. "Now. Get off my rock."

The rest of the away team jumped back a little. Considering what was done, they were right to do so. The Crooked Demon's pool of red had finally stopped growing.


If one were to be exiting the barracks, one of the two elevators at the third level of the Atuan could be seen right down the hallway. Except, it was broken. Or, the control panel was anyways. The same went for the starboard elevator. It was only by sheer luck that Yoshiko had came up to the hull breach that way, and even more luck that she smashed it while running by.

She looked at her HUD, which gave red silhouettes of the enemy superimposed over her vision; thanks to Ged, she could see them through the walls. Six were gathered around the broken elevator, trying to get it to work, or waiting to board it. Five stood outside the barracks, bottling her in. The hacked radio frequency squawked in her ear. "Team two, elevator is out of commission, we're proceeding with climbing up the shaft."

"Team one, pile through the door on my mark. Mark!" By some odd twist, Yoshiko had hidden in the green of the room...on the women's side. When the first of the Demons and Dark Demons came into the doorway, it's helmeted face was met by someone's shampoo bottle. Chalk blue smeared over the primitive optics and obscured it's view as it charged in, autocannon randomly firing. As for the second, a footlocker smashed over it's head as well, panties and other briefly obscuring his view just long enough for him to bumble into the blinded first. The third charged in unmolested, but did not see the first two. In the briefest of moments, he thought something along the lines of "What the Hell?"

"Aim high, aim high, aim high, aim high, aim high, aim high, aim high, aim high aim high..." It was too low to hit the head. The round gouged into the upper breastplate and deflected up and into the skull instead. Which in turn simply vanished as Yoshiko held down the trigger.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

A huge volume of fire made its way from the Frame team, and now no longer harried, the Atuan itself. The final Zilant was decimated as Victoria's immense amount of fire impacted upon it, doing all it could to whittle away and shatter the frame, which was left floating in space, its entire front half looking like it had been attacked by gophers or something, it was obviously inoperable. The chest of the Zilant opened up, and a demon-clad pilot popped out, then boosted back toward Halna, faster than Victoria could do anything about. Victoria's frame showed that it was low on just about everything, including fuel, from the heavy combat maneuvers it had undertaken.


Lucien's fire upon the belly of the Yui managed to beat into it, heling widen the few holes that were already there, chewing the weaker under armor to scraps that flew off of the accelerating craft. However, it seemed to be utterly useless. And then two huge flashes of bluish light impactd dead center of the Yui's belly, and it ceased Accelerating, its course locked, no longer following the path of the Atuan, whom had finally gotten the opening it needed, and was now moving out of the way of the dead in the water pirate craft.


@synch's frame, damaged as it was, broke apart as soon as it hit the surface of the Atuan. Sure, she had achieved her goal of killing the Demons, but she nearly killed herself in the process. Bits and pieces of the frame flung off as it scraped a wide gash into the Atuan's hull, finally coming to rest missing most of its extremities and limbs and the like, obviously inoperable. Warnings and sirens went off all over the frame's cockpit, and the hatch opened up to allow the voidwalker-clad freespacer out.


"Frame team, we need you to return to the Atuan as soon as you can, we've been boarded and I'm not sure Yoshiko can handle it on her own!" the comms officer called out, as the bay doors finally began to open. however, it would be nearly a minute before most of them could make it back to the Atuan, from the speeds and distances involved.
Re: Episode 5: Taps

Victoria didn't like what her HUD told her. Apparentyl her fuel tank was hit and she didn't noticed. Apparently her damage control didn't notice too. How could she lost so much energy and fuel in such a short while? She didn't even used Afterburners too much.

"Hier ist Vier. I am getting low on everything. I have limited fuel and probably will be crashlanding since my legs are damaged." She replied to comm officer. She then gave pilot of Zilanth a finger as as she started to move against Atuan.

She didn'T go top speed, she still needed some fuel and energy for braking. "Estimated zeit of arrival is ein minute and zwölf sekunden according to mein computer. I am already in Impulse prepare me some gun in hangar!" She said then and tried to speed it up a little. I alwaysed sucked at landing. Was her thought as Atuans hangar bay was coming closer and closer.
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