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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 6: Once More With Feeling


Well-Known Member
Dawn Station

"Moushiwake arimasen. I am deeply sorry, and beg for forgiveness!"

Kensuke spoke in his near baritone, bowing deeply. "This tragedy is entirely my fault." the head of Origin Armor Works explained to the late Atuan's crew. Kelly, in his arm cast, easily looked over to Yoshiko to see what her reaction to this was. Funny enough, the younger Yamataian was wearing a neck cast, and had to rotate her entire body to glance at the dark skinned Nepleslian. "If I had known sooner the full extent of the enemy's strength, I would have never sent you all upon this harrowing mission, and again, I apologize." Kensuke went on, bowing once more. It had only been a scant few days since the last mission fell apart and took on its own life as a nightmare. And somehow, everyone, absolutely everyone, was still alive and able to attend this meeting.

'Like in anime or something.' Kelly thought. He wanted to laugh aloud at that.

"I am most certain that many, if not all of you, bear grievance against me, and I am willing to hear out whatever you wish to say before we go on to the next phase of this meeting."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Taela was, needless to say, more than a little angry. Lucien and herself nearly got their mecha destroyed, the Atuan almost ended up in ruins. Worst of all, her best friend was nearly killed, no thanks to the lack of knowledge regarding the enemy's forces. But even through this rage, Taela remembered her place. Though she was no soldier, she was a contract-bound employee. And strict outbursts against a company head, last time she checked, was not an accepted policy. So, the Neko sought to glare at Kensuke with the harshest look she could muster. It was frightening.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Journey home back to the home base that Dawn Station was went very fast. Vici remember carrying carefull wounded Yoshiko to the medbay and then going back out to retriev her mecha. Then it was sort of blur. Kelly got back and mood was so down that even Victoria though it would be innapropriate to seduce him. She also looked a little close on their Captain. It was hard to read Arah. Almost impossible to decide when she was serious and when she was having fun with you.

Now they were all back at Dawn station. Kelly and Yoshiko hurt, morale and mood down. Victoria had few things worth of mentioning and she was not afraid to tell them. She did not fear of getting booted not like she could not get work easily. "Mein herr. If I may?" she started looking straight at their boss. "I thing unsere problem was not only wenige information but also our lack of korrekt military training. Unsere team is surely full of specialist but it seemed to that not all of us were soldats. In krieg like that one you need to know what to do and not just blast your guns everywhere. That said I think we did rather schön. Seeying as what was standing against ut. Also other problem, we did not have enough weaponry able to take on schwere Zielen. But what I want to say ist that niemand is to blame for that. Wir brauchen noch mehr training and we must get to know each other as a team. For example Lucien is schwer gunner and unsere commander must know where to put him. Das what I think."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

"I'd also like to say something." Dressed in his grey business suit instead of the Origin Uniform, Mark was sitting right next to Taela, somewhat childishly following her around after their last sortie. It was his first fight with more than two players. He as much more farmiliar with fistfights on the streets of Funky City than enormous space battles with mecha and starships. The scale of the death that he caused alone was new to him; and while he was considerably desensitized to such acts as a journalist, being a part of the fray was a new feeling.

He pondered briefly the blue sweat-stained Origin Uniform covered with the grime of combat before continuing to his point, "I think it's time that we as a crew are given information altogether. I don't dig this 'finding-shit-out-in-the-field' malarkey. If there's not enough information, maybe we could do a little recon or intel work first. I know these are some groovy cats when it comes to combat, but I'm a Comms man myself. There are others like me on the crew, right? Maybe before anything heavy, we could send out a small group to probe the site. I'd be willing to volunteer myself for that."

By the time he'd finished talking, Mark was leaning forward over the table, a strong look in his eyes. He reguarded everyone as he spoke, not just those in charge. His tie hung droopily over the edge of the table, its cuff link glinting in the light. It seemed for the moment he'd forgotten he was the new guy.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

He stood when the others all sat.

Murakami Kensuke, head of Origin Armor Works, was a difficult man to read. He appeared stone cold, but in reality, anyone who knew what to look for could find out that he was quite distressed and uneasy, even on the verge of being fidgety while in this room full of his employees. His gaze darted from one person to the next, settling on Taela's amethyst eyes for a brief moment before Victoria spoke. Their lock broke, and the man silently paid attention to the Abwehran before replying. "You are correct on multiple accounts Soldat." He briefly adjusted his tie before continuing, recovering some of his normal demeanor.

"Your group, though having people familiar to strife, is not entirely soldier-like, and when assembled, was intended to not be completely so." He started by pointing his finger at Lucien "You. Actor." Yoshiko. "You. New mechanic." Mark. "You. A reporter." Meena. "You. Random employee." Kensuke opened his arms wide as though to gesture to them all. "This group was thought to be a failure because there were so many soldiers. It was to be a collection of people from all walks of life." He lowered his arms and gave a wily smile. "It did not succeed in this regard, and I am glad this group failed so utterly." His smile broadened. "As you all sit before me due to it." he simply stated, pausing before continuing.

"As for weapons, I will personally see to it that you will sortie with the best we can manage to bring to bear. The chain of command however..." The broad shouldered Yamataian paused and turned his gaze to Arah and Kelly, the small grin from earlier slipping away from the Executive's face as he looked upon them. The Captain simply stared back without so much as a care, but Kelly's expression hardened in determination. Determination not to fail his teammates again. "I refuse to interfere, as it is rightfully in their hands."

When Mark spoke up though, Murakami Kensuke's expression grew ice cold. "They say ignorance is bliss, Mr. Vintropolis." he sternly started. "I believed all was well right until the moment the rest of the information was decrypted and our contact sent us more." He gritted his teeth, continuing in his deep voice. "To say that it was uncomfortable would have been to downplay my feelings...Yes, I will ensure you have your information Vintropolis, but know this; as the Head of Origin Armor Works, I cannot, will not, divulge every detail relevant. And that is final."

"What I can ensure though, is that you will be given every particularity on the theater of operation and foes you will face come next mission, and I will gather said particularities thoroughly myself if I must." Kensuke spoke, relaxing his intense focus.

"This group was never meant to be the might of Origin, but as it is now, not even Origin Security has this strength. You are all we have, and I will not leave you to wither."

Murakami Kensuke sat down. End of discussion.


As the group filed out of the room, Arah blandly addressed them all without so much as a glance away from the volumetric sheet she was reading. "You're all free to do whatever you want for the next few days. After that, standby again."

"Arah, you're forgetting something." Ged chimed in cheerfully. The Captain merely looked up from her display and turned to look at the group of ducklings following her over her shoulder.

"We're getting a new ship."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

"Gyp'd." Mark was leaning against the door outside of conference room, arms crossed, an unlit cigarette perched on his lips.

"Everybody knows information makes the galaxy spin." He would've spat, but he didn't want to lose his cigarette, so he just talked calmly, "Why would he intentionally hide something that could help us? If it's relevant, we should know."

Mark withdrew his datapad and started jotting down notes, putting information in under various categories. His face softened when he caught sight of a note to check on dry-cleaning prices on Dawn Station. Mark finished his notes quickly and stowed his datapad before returning to the group mentality.

"Anyone wanna forget the pain, and help me find a place for my dirty laundry around here?"
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Lucien, who had remained mostly silent through the meeting left without saying much. He leaned next to Mark and sighed in agreement, "Aye, methinks we've been had. I dun' like that bugger one bit, even if 'ee's suppose t' be me boss above Kelly 'n Shinji."

To the Scotsman, the idea that withholding information that could've been life saving for the sake of some stupid test statistic gathering ... 'thing' was rather Machiavellian.
Did Yoshiko have to suffer just to put some numbers down? Did Meena have to abandon her frame and risk life and limb for the sake of a bar graph? Were the others forced to fight the way they were just to prove some numbers?

Suddenly, that 'divine intervention' from Seigan started looking ominous to the Scot, and he gave Mark a nod upon asking to go get plastered, "Lead th' way, mate."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Victoria stopped with Luc and Mark. "Ich verstehe das nich." She said. "Warum? Warum? You would want soldaten to test weapons. Nicht civvies. What does he want? Are we just some toys for him to have fun with? At least we get new ship. Let's hope it will have viele waffen." She stopped her chain of though there.

She then looked at Lucien and Mark. "Ja. I think this is night that is perfect for alcohol and sex. I still don't know station very much. Lead the way Herr Vintropolis." She said then.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

So now they expected him to lead the way to the booze. Mark softly shook his head with a smirk. He didn't know his way around either, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. Information Personnel must be seen with information; It's a morale thing. So, he drew his trusty datapad once again and flipped through the official map of the station. Sector Nine was where all the fun stuff seemed to be.

"There's Gamma's Diner, but I don't wanna go there, it's too crowded." Mark read of the list of results after a quick search of the station's layout. "Let's see, it looks like there's a hole in the wall not too far from here, and there's a twenty-four hour dry cleaner right next door for my uniform. Cheap drinks, no crowd, and shitty music. Seems like we'll fit right in."

Mark looked up from his datapad with a smile, soft blue light reflected in his eyes. He looked at Lucien first, then Viki. Finally, he looked over at Taela, of all people. If she didn't come with them, it'd be the first time he'd intentionally left her alone (the exceptions being those times when it would've been creepy for him to follow her around) since their sortie. He wondered if she'd even noticed it, as wrapped up as she was about Yoshiko. In a way, child-like fear still plagued his mind. In other ways, he just felt like she didn't mind him, she was in his comfort zone. So he steeled himself to stop being creepy and start making friends. After all, who knew which pilot he'd be stuck with next?

"Ey, Kitty." Mark shot her an invite anyway, just for fun, "You wanna come hit up a place with some warm beer and cold women? These guys are coming with. It'll be fun."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Viki nodded. That sounded like the right place. Hmm but goin only thre of them will still be pretty lonely. It would be better if more people would come. She did not count on Async that person was strange. But Meena or Yoshiko could come. Even Kelly. OH if Kelly would that would certainly be nice.

First she came to Yoshiko, "Hey Yoshi come with us. I bet you need to get some steam off. Alcohol and chat with other peopel is best for that." Viki than walked to Kelly from behind with devilish smile and ran her finger across his broad manly shoulders. "I hope you are coming with us Kelly. It would be better. The more the merrier and it could be... bonding of sorts." She said and mustered all her language skills she could to form that sentence.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Async checked her forehead for fever, she'd done the same five times in the last hour. "I do not like this so much anymore," she mused to herself under the sickly white glow of a radiation lamp, preening the new colonies of lichens through her hair, "these people, this ship, all of the dirt."

There weren't enough of the symbiotes to cover her head in the brilliantly multi-hued stuff, just a few noncommittal patches, innumerable filaments finer than a human hair twined like ivy, that made her look like some grungy juvenile delinquent.

"Yamataians and Neplesians aren't supposed to be this- this... boring," her face scrunched up into a petulant frown as the Freespacer talked at her reflection, almost like the Silhouettes, except reflections didn't talk back, or talk at all for that matter, "I expected..."

With the lichen smoothed out, a few more square inches of jet black hair now covered in photoreactive microorganisms, Async began the task of shaping the diatoms ranging across her skin. The tiger-striped patterns had grown in quickly, but the new growth was still rampant and required regular pruning, though it was still marvelously luminescent because of that youth unlike the dull glimmer of a settled colony.

"Well, what did you expect?" she berated her mirror, "a swashbuckling adventure? a romantic drama?"

The clean-room had been Async's refuge since the battle had concluded. The Freespacer only left the small microgravity cubicle to attend the debriefing and the meeting with Origin's head honcho on Dawn Station, now two hours previous. The young woman absentmindedly wondered if anyone had noticed that her bulky voidwalker suit had vanished as everyone left the meeting. Though, she wasn't surprised they hadn't approached her yet, the cloud of gloom that practically gravitated around her since Yoshiko was rescued by Captain Arah was more than enough to scare away the closest of friends, let alone new crew members from a varied collection of species.

"No, just some dirt and grime, a few strange yet similar aliens, all stranded on a ship with a purpose," she answered, thinking and talking for the reflection, "confusion, loneliness, and death seem to be the only constant in this world."

She laughed, heartily this time, "Well, at least one of those is an icebreaker!"
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Lam said:
"Ey, Kitty. You wanna come hit up a place with some warm beer and cold women? These guys are coming with. It'll be fun."

Taela's glaring fit ended abruptly as Kensuke did. It seemed that he was deservedly unnerved, and it satisfied the Neko to see that. But with the target of her rage exiting, she breathed a sigh and lost herself in thought, trying to figure out what she'd do next. Predictably, she didn't even notice her co-pilot speaking until he directly addressed her.

Kitty. She thought, contemplating the nickname. It will do. It has a nice ring to it. But finally addressing the matter at hand, the Neko replied, "Sure."

With a smile, she added, "Only if Shinji makes drinks again."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Kelly mulled over the meeting as they all strolled away. The dark skinned Nepleslian's ears pricked as the group's unique noise changed ever so slightly; that was just how tense he was feeling from that meeting. He expected to be yelled at for not doing a better job, not being there for the others when they needed him the most. This - this was different. The Man had humbled himself before flipping right back into business mode like nothing had happened. Kelly turned his head slightly as a faint change pricked his ears, noticing Async leaving the group for her own reasons, whatever they be. He almost opened his mouth but stopped. 'She's probably had enough of this shit...' he thought. Kelly wondered just how the others were faring, listening to what they had to say.

"I've been in worse spots where I knew even less to be honest guys." the lead test pilot decided to add in. "I guess I'm used to it at this point, but its all new to you. I always found that people on the high horse never like sharing." he paused before adding a wry smile. "No surprise there, right?" At that moment though, Victoria shattered his cool demeanor with comments regarding alcohol and sex. He sputtered for a moment, but stifled himself silent before forcing himself to look away, his eyes briefly falling on Shinji and Meena. The former of the two noticing and glancing back; they held it, but Kelly was the first to break it, glancing away, only to see Yoshiko's neck in a brace. Then the others, beleaguered and worn.


He did notice however, that Yoshiko's ears perked up at the Abwehran's words. Kelly flushed even more, though, thank the maker, it wasn't quite noticeable with his complexion; he couldn't tell if it was the mention of the Sex, or the Booze that got the young ex-neko's attention. "Er, yeah, good idea. I could use a drink right about now."

"No thanks. I got to sort out what I lost and didn't on the Atuan." Meena quietly spoke. It wouldn't have been surprising if nobody noticed her speaking before meekly slipping away.

"Sure!" Yoshiko beamed in positive delight at Victoria's offer. Yes. Yoshiko didn't notice. "I'd love to come!" Even though she had a thing around her neck preventing her from turning her head, she was as chipper as ever. Part of Kelly went something along the lines of 'Hnnnggg.' as he watched her bounce on her feet in delight. "Hey, Asyn - huh? Where'd she go?"

"I'm not sure myself. She looked like she wanted some alone time, so I didn't make a big deal of it." he replied.

"Aww! I'ma message her!" Yoshiko replied, reaching for her datapad despite being capable of transmissions. From his point, Kelly could make out what she was typing in before sending.

Asyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyync! We're going out to a bar, and Mark and Victoria say there'll be drinks and stuffs! Come with us!

"Hey, shou - " Kelly was suddenly cut off as Victoria ran a finger across his shoulders, making him perk up at the touch. "I'm coming! Y-yeah. I'm coming." he quickly replied to the new pilot.

"Shinji turned a mischevious eye towards Taela, a faint glint flickering between them. "No prob. Not gonna hold back this time, ya know?" the explosives expert smirked, bringing the wood end of a match up to his lips.

He didn't hold back.



Kelly could see that Yoshiko had a sister or two, and they weren't holding still. Regardless, the Nepleslian held his liquor well despite this, and remained somewhat steady while sitting on his stool. Yoshiko, however, was another story entirely. "I wanna nother!" she mewled at Shinji.

"No, I'm cuttin you'off now!" he spoke sternly, shielding the bright, fizzy and glowing drinks from her with an arm.

"Just, put more of the stuff in, in the thing. The thingy where the more stuffs goes in to! Pleeeeeaaaaaase!" the young Yamataian whined.

Just, put more of the stuff in, in the thing. The thingy where the more stuffs goes in to! Pleeeeeaaaaaase!

At the same time she spoke, Yoshiko had accidentally messaged Async, again, as spoken words and thoughts melded with electronic orders in the engineered brain of hers. Though her several messages asking Async to join them started out innocently (and coherently) at first, they stared to degenerate as Yoshiko imbibed more and more of Shinji's wild concoctions.

Kelly, halfway to downing another shot, decided against it as he watched the young pilot. The tumbler was then pushed away as the Lead Pilot turned about; something had been eating at him this whole time, and it needed out. He turned to the man guarding the drinks like a lost ark. "Shinji, I - "

"Nothin wrong and no harm done, ya know?" he said, beaten the intoxicated Kelly to the punch. "Jus don put me on the spot gain, kay?"

"Ttthhaankks." he replied, slurred from all his drinks. At this point, the Ensign was too wasted to realize something very important; he was likely going to regret this. Regret going to the bar. Regret drinking too much. And most importantly, regret not realizing soon enough that Yoshiko had used his and Shinji's brief conversation to pilfer a bit of the drink.

"Mmmm! Mega Melons!" She hummed in ecstasy. Her head hit the bar with a thump as she passed out.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Mark was quiet at the bar, sipping beer after beer slowly and never really escalating beyond a buzz. It would've been a waste of his paycheck to drink all night, so he stopped himself after six beers. Although he couldn't say he was anywhere near as drunk as Yoshiko, a soft buzz gargled in his skull, rang in his ears, and wavered behind his eyes. An equally soft smile had crept its way across his face with the onset of the buzz, and so too was his attitude for the evening.

The overly-tattooed reporter turned around and leaned on the bar, still holding the bottom half of the last beer in his left hand. He loosened his tie with his right hand, turning his head to match the tension. He reached into his pocket for his KS card, and his hand brushed by an old long-expired press pass rotting away in his pocket. A short chuckle flew from his lips as he remembered the artifact. Without thinking on it, he finished paying for his drinks and slunk around to Yoshiko.

"Lady, you are just as drunk as a skunk." He chided, patting her unconscious form on the back, "But I can dig it."

Mark looked at everyone else, continuing, "You guys want me to call us a couple of taxis? This little excursion was just what I needed, but I think some of us have had enough, isn't that right?" He poked Yoshiko, almost expecting a response.

"The rest of us can keep moving seperate-like. That way, we can do stuff without draggin' around a couple of drunks all night."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Taela's mind was in a whirl, each thought being processed only held for a mere fraction of a second. Of course, downing as many of Shinji's mad science cocktails as she did with the body type she has, it's no wonder the Neko felt the way she did. Taela wasn't at the point of unconciousness quite yet, but two more drinks would guarantee her a ticket on the Slumbertown Express.

"Hwa. . . Howsa. . . taxi?" The drunken bioweapon gurgled, struggling to form the words amidst the cacophony of her thought train. A look of resolve appeared on her face as she tried to ask the question again, struggling to get the words out. "How-wheresa taxi gonna bring usss?" She blurted finally, slurring the last word as she slumped down in her chair, relieved.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Viktoria was enjoying herself quite a lot. Beer was good and apparently her Abwehran physique gave her a little edge on others. She also kneq how to drink and how to hold her liquor. Of course she was not sober, but she was still able of thinking. And looking around.

She saw that Kelly was not enjoying himself completely. Something was on his mind, but it seemed that he neede to sort it out with Shinji. Viki knew when it is not cool to butt in. Plus there was other fun to have.

"Well freunde I think Yoshiko had about vier drinks too much." Viki said and smile. Mark then talked about taxi and Viki found that as a splendid idea. "Okay then, I'll get Yoshiko home. Aber I think someone need to take care of Katze here too," She said and pointed to Taela. She then worked her way through another beer. Night could go on but Yoshiko was too easy target to let go right now.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Mark nodded to Viki. It seemed the two of them were on even grounds, despite the fact that she drank far more than him. Mark shrugged it off as he being an Abwheran. Nepleslian beer was characteristically far weaker than their's and so too was his bone structure. The wonders of high-gravity brews in an already high-gravity environment had given Viki's people a naturally high tolerance to alcohol. Mark instead focused on her reference to Taela.

"You're right, Smoke." He said, nodding some more, "Kitty's out like a light, too. I'd better lead her to a taxi to a bed and then some, huh? I should look after her, lest some Dawnie try to take advantage of a drunk young beauty slinkin' down the street in the middle of the night."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Lucien had chugged two men's worth of drinks, and he still had most of his sobriety left. For a Nepleslian, he could hold his drink with the Yamataians, who didn't even have to train their alcohol imbibing to hold a lot at a time. (Except maybe Yoshiko, she seemed to be an exception)

"An' if summune tries tae take a'vantage 'er Yoshikurgh," The Scotsman enunciated as clearly as he could, "I'mma mash 'em inta a pulp."

He then downed another drink in quick succession, making it his fifth heavy drink for the night, Lucien wasn't one for half measures, "Now ... wot were we being morose 'bout again? I cannae remember, so tha's gud enough fer me."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

"You were mad about not having enough of etwas. I Kannicht rilly remember now. Das is nicht important anymore anyway." VIki sad and smield at Luc. She then carefuly took the glass in Yoshikos hand and let it on the bar. She twitched a little when Lucien mentioned taking advantage of Yoshiko. But that was not on her mind so she was good. She just had a little joke prepared. She then looked at Lucien again. "Was ist die Pulp?" She asked then.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

The Scotsman raised an eyebrow at the Abwehran woman, "Wot is Pulp?" He inquired quizically to the pulp question, "Pulp is a bit like, err... dough, but ye find it in thick orange juice at th' bottom 'o the glass 'n all o'er the place in th' glass 'n..." He teetered for a moment, then rubbed his head to get his thoughts back in order, "...'n its also soft 'n squishy."