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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 7: Mine

Re: Episode 7: Mine!

The shriek of metal claws tearing into hull as Yoshiko's frame grappled with the Gallina grated over their ears despite the noise filters - it briefly stopped struggling as the pilot took his hands off to cover his ears as Mark's signal bled over his comm system. Just long enough for Taela to get a good shot. Heavy shoulder mounted cannons flash vaporized hull as they hammered away, pounding into the chicken-frame as it struggled to break free from the Ex-Neko's grasp.

It wasn't dead yet, but the coup-de-grace came in a flickering green and black blur from Mark; the dagger like object darted in, penetrating right where the oversized 'head' met the body before exploding, showering their frames with debris. Yoshiko was left holding the 'head' as the rest of the body fell to the ground. "Good timing Mark! You came in right where the shot trap was and - OHMYGOSHTAELADON'TPOINTTHATATME!" the girl screamed at the Neko, who now hefted a nuke at the end of her rifle.

As Yoshiko shouted in horror, Meena had leveled her weapon at the Kuritsa Kelly was swinging at, but didn't fire - they were too close! The pilot of the super-chicken was no fool either, and backed off enough to avoid the first swing from the Zesuaium blade. "Shit!" The dark skinned Nepleslian swore before activating his thrusters, dashing to the side and narrowly avoiding the worst of the volley. Fire hammered into his shields and bounced off the frame's armor as the Kuritsa turned to track Kelly.

Lucien quickly dispatched the nearly crippled Gallina with a burst of fire; armor piercing rounds a quarter of a foot wide punched into the walker's armor and riddled it with holes, the cheap mech shaking with each and everh blow before it finally fell with a resounding thud. Despite being a frame, Lucien took cover behind the fallen foe's corpse as hydraulic fluid wept out of the puckered holes like blood before catching afire from the flaming forest around them.

Meanwhile, Victoria's blitz on the foe caught it off guard and leveled the playing field in the Abwehran woman's favor - the leap up and over the forest canopy while firing obscured them from one another, preventing them from scoring hits. However the moment her frame re-entered the fray, dropping down through the leafy ceiling, the two raked each other with fire. The wielded frame of the chicken walker spalled and crumpled under her drop kick.

But not before fire traced up at her as a single round penetrated Victoria's frame from below.

Both Kelly and the remaining Kuritsa pilot moaned in pain as the cod piece on the frame was blown clean off.

Not noticing what happened, it was then that Lucien's blind fire over the fallen frame raked both friend and foe alike, a trio of rounds pelting Kelly and further damaging his frame. While the enemy Kuritsa was caught off guard by the sympathetic pain and the surprise attack, it snapped Kelly out of his stupor long enough for him to swing again with the Zesuaium blade - it tore into the cheap Durandium armor and stopped midway, slowed down by the sheer mass of material.

With a holler, the man's frame put its shoulder into the cut and swept the blade clean through while the autocannon built into the arm hammered into the ragged cuts. The Kuritsa fell with a final thud.

The fight was over.

"Ffffframe team," Kelly started, his voice a little dry and hoarse at first from the yelling, " - status report. Power Armor team, same thing."


Tossed into command just as quickly as she got her job, Camellia found herself indecisive as the footfalls came closer - she was suddenly pulled aside and into one of the looted out shops as the team's scout grasped hard on her plated collar. "Down!" the other woman hissed in her leader's ear. The squad hunkered down behind the counter tops as the thudding footfalls came closer and closer.

Now that it was so near, it suddenly sounded familiar.

An Ashigaru, unpainted and of silvery brushed metal, strode by. HiGa had indeed gotten their hands on the stolen frames - there was no need for any more evidence than this. Now, it was just a matter of Camellia's infiltration team stealing them and the reverse engineered schematics back. Or just blowing it all to hell.

As the heavy footfalls grew more quiet, the scout spoke up again in her ear, "What was that? You never lead a squad before or something?" she asked, almost challenging Camellia's authority.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Shaken, but not stirred," Taela piped in over communications, her head still ringing from the battle. "Wait, did I just make a reference to something?"

The neko scanned the Frame's readouts, listing off the various problems she could find.

"Well, actually that's not quite right. The hull took a bit of the damage and crumpled a little and I'm afraid I lost the cupholder. And possibly my shields. Not sure. I'll give them a minute to try charging."
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Vintropolis, reporting in," Mark addressed Kelly as he leaned back in his seat, "I've got another feather down, but otherwise me an' Yoshi just rocked this mother. I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve if we want to go cold again, but let's not press our luck too hard. There could be wicked things about."
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Me'n'Meena seems ta be awwright" Shinji reported in, realizing that he was slightly short of breath, and taking a deep one after calling in. He loooked down on the female pilot, and tapped on her helmet to get her attention "Tha's roight, innit, Meena?" He was somewhat surprised at her response to the tapping and the question. She simply removed her helmet and turned to look up at the loud copilot, and gave him a wink, smile, and a thumbs-up.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Camellia looked at the scout.

"I'm a seasoned armor squad leader, I served in the Fifth exploration fleet's armor division for five years and survived the Murf slaughter with most of my wing intact." She retorted. "I am a Space Navy Veteran of the Empire of Yamatai." She added for infliction. "I am not trained, nor am I personally experienced with ground based assaults, infiltrations, or dealing with large, bipedal tanks."

She stood up, still looking at the scout. "I am in over my head, and I am not trained for this particular mission aside from reading debriefs and tactical data of the armors and mechs we might be facing." She continued. "I am trying my best in a situation that I am not at all qualified, but I will get this mission completed to the best of what ability I have and I will try and see that this entire unit survives."

She knelt back down to be helmet to helmet with the scout. "So don't try and alpha bitch me. You got that?"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Friendly Fire! Friendly Fire! What are you doing?! Came the message on Lucien's screen, causing the Scotsman to clack his teeth together and bite his lip in surprise and embarrassment.

"Ae shit, sorry 'bout that," Lucien peeped upon realising that he'd shot his commander in the back by accident - Granted, it was only a couple of shots, and he was firing blind - but he still felt terrible about it for the moment, "Er, all's well here, you alright?"

He had to give some compensation for Kelly in some way, shape or form in the future, "I'll buy you a few later, orrighty? No 'ard feelings?"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Viki made sure to empty the rest of the magazines into enemy mecha. You can never be too sure. She then used boosters to herself on her legs again. She started running damage report, while looking outside for more threat. It seemed that all has quitenned down for a while. When screen show her damage on her mecha she whistled.

"Sheize!" She said. "Das bastard shot my skirt off. Luckily there is no serious damage, but my suits crotch is now pretty unprotected." She said with merry voice and grin on her face. This fight was pretty awesome, she got to spam missiles, kick enemy and shoot two guns at the same time. Viki let empty mags fall on the ground with loud thud and loaded new magazines into weapon.

"Ready for new orders boss." She then said, checking her surrounding again. She holstered smaller guns and took out big gauss shotgun again. Time to be serious.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"We're alright down here boss - sorry we didn't help you out with that scuff there," a voice filtered through across the speakers. Down below, an Impulse painted olive drab and splattered with mud waved up at them as the others came out of hiding and took their position again. "All we got are mini-missiles, and though those will work, we don't have anything else to back them up."

"That's fine - just be sure to keep power armors off of us," Kelly replied, addressing the man. He glanced back at his HUD and looked over the others again. "Alright, that was better than I expected everyone. Glad you're all safe," the dark skinned Nepleslian went on. A hand reached up to run through his cornrows, but Kelly found his helmet in the way. It was a habit he had at times, and it showed. "And I'll hold you up to that Lucien," the man grinned. "But none for you Yoshiko. You're staying sober!"

"Aww!" a young woman's voice childishly replied.

"Alright, here's the sitrep guys," Kelly began. "They're starting to slow us down and we're likely behind schedule. We're supposed to make as much noise as possible, and we're nowhere close enough to the city," he explained to them, now glancing up at the timer on his display. Almost. He licked his lips and continued. "The Atuan II, our trump card, is going to pass by the planet again - we'll get resupplied by Arah and Ged at the same time they level what's left of the forest in between us and the city," he finished. "How's that sound?"

We have a cup holder?


"A-alpha bitch? Who are you calling an alpha bitch?!" the other woman started to shout, her voice sounding muffled and distorted through her helmet as the squad's scout refrained from using the speakers. "I'm asking if you've ever done this or if you've tackled these before, 'cause I just saw you freeze up earlier like a scrub!"

By now she was standing up and out of cover in the storefront, now jabbing a finger at Camellia, "Don't tell me you haven't noticed that we're not geared up for this right! I mean - " the scout's muffled shouting through her helmet at the squad leader stopped as her arms went limp. "Great. We're hung out to dry again," she muttered.

At that, the stomping suddenly picked up and came at them again.

"I know you civvies are hiding in there!" a voice boomed out from powerful speakers. "Come out with your hands up, right now!" the HiGa Ashigaru spoke as it returned, the ground ever so slightly shaking as it neared.

"Great, you did it again Coffee," one of the other squadmates grunted.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"I am ready to rock and roll, how neps say." Viktoria said and walked back to mecha she brought down. She ripped open the cockpit and looked at pilot resting inside. He seemed to be alive and well. She laughed and snaped straps hodling him in with her fingers. She then picked him up by a collar and held him high. Viki picked up her cannon again and aimed it roughly at lower part of man's body.

"Gutten tag," she then said on loudspeaker. "You are now my prisoner. I want you to tell me how many comrades you still have ready to fight. How many mecha and all that. If you won't I will press the trigger and kill you. Sie understand mich Ja?" She asked him with devilish laughter.

She then closed of loudpeakers and connected with Kelly. "Don't worry boss, I do not plan to kill him. He does not have to know that though." She commed him. SHe was not sure how he would react to threats and if Kelly stepped in, the man could stay quiet seeing as one of Viki' teammates is not willing to let him get killed.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"A resupply would be good. I burnt through a clip of ammunition over here," Taela spoke, glancing at the readout of what she had left. The Panzerfaust round was still loaded, but she had turned on all the safeties to make sure she didn't have a misfire.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"And I'd like my Feathers topped off," Mark admitted. He nodded to himself as he went down the list. "And maybe a new helmet, and some time to realign frequencies with the ship so we can get 'recon' from their sensors before we go in. And a rag to wipe the sweet sweet sweat off my brow after schoolin' these jive-turkeys."
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Ehhh. I think 'sides sum basic consumables or what have ya, we' doin pretty good here" Shinji recounted, looking over everything that had happened- they had taken rather little damage and had managed to keep from going overboard.

"I could Use a sammich or somtin', yannow?" he quipped, however.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Aw, yeah! Good idea!" Mark chimed back in over the radio, "Speakin' of jive turkeys and sandwiches, I wanna sandwich too, baby. How about havin' em' bring two down for us! I want hot-sauce on mine."
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

His world slowly came to as he groggily realized something hard and metallic was wrapped around him.

Damn. The shitty cockpit cave in or something? F&%$ my arm hurts. I think it's broke or something. Wait, is that sunlight? Why is there...shit, cockpit must be breached too. At least they'll hear me yelling as soon as I catch my breath...OH CRAP! I almost fell unconscious - stay awake, stay awake, stay awake! Ok! I got this! I'm not going to - OH SHI -

A woman's voice boomed with a heavy Abwehran accent. "Aw, SHUT UP!" he yelled back angrily. My head hurts and my ears are ringing, so why the hell is the medic ye - oh shit. He just realized what was happening. That wasn't some sexy, black haired vixen of a medic prying him out of the wreck with mechanized jaws. It was one of the Corporate Troops from Origin.


Kelly scratched his cheek as the timer counted down. "Taela, right after the bombardment comes, use that nuke to break up anyone regrouping if you can, alright?" It was a minor detail, but how that explosive was used may just make the difference. On to another matter though. "Mark. Shinji. You guys want sandwitches?" he incredulously asked.

Sandwiches. In their supply drop? Absolutely insane.

"I want sammies too!" Yoshiko chimed in over the comms. "And I want a soda! An orange soda! OH! I want it a turkey one with olive on a toothpick!" Mark's pilot quickly added. " You're brilliant Mark! Why didn't I think of this?!" she smiled at him.

"Oh, not you too..." Kelly sighed.

Sandwiches. In their supply drop. Right next to the anti-tank rounds.


In the Origin mech's grasp, he had to think fast. Something that'd keep him alive. He gave the camera a bloody toothed smile. "I'm not saying squat since I know you can't hurt me with the frames recording everything. And the power armors down there too," he stubbornly answered Victoria.


"Come out right this instant!" the Ashigaru's speakers boomed at Camellia's Squad, the pilot's voice sounding much like a parent yelling at a child to obey. The ground shuddered as it slowly stepped closer to their refuge.

"Shit, now what'll we do?" Coffee asked.


"Keep in mind, he's got a point," Kelly started over the comms, "Our AI's and sensor systems pretty much take down everything we do since we're the test team. Still, keep trying." the dark skinned Nepleslian told the pale skinned Abwehran.


The car in front of their storefront exploded as the Ashigaru's 35mm autocannon ripped into it. "This is the last warning! I'm counting right down from three, and if you don't come out, I'm blowing the lot of you shits straight to hell!" The counting started.



"This isn't quite the right time, but do you want anything Vic? And what about you Taela? You haven't said anything about them yet." Kelly asked the two women over the comms. "So far, I got an order for a sandwich with unnamed mystery-meat with hot sauce and a side of fresh feathers along with a helmet and rag platter," he read the list, nodding to Mark.

"I also got another mystery-meat sandwich for Shinji, and a Turkey one for Yoshiko accompanied with an olive on a toothpick to hold it together. Plus, an orange soda to drink." Kelly mulled over this for a moment and decided he might as well go with it. "Would you like fries with that?" He braced himself for the reply.

"YES!~" Yoshiko squeed over the comms. "And nuggets! 16 chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce!" He cringed, but entered that into the message.

Yes. Sandwiches in the supply drop. Right next to the antitank rounds.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Hell yeah." Mark nodded in approval of the selection. "We're gettin' sandwiches and shit. This is the best job ever."

While he waited for his delicious sandwich, Mark took the extra time to recalibrate the modified CECS on the Kirin and take the time to scrape off any of the acoustic residue from his previous attempts at jamming. At some point along the process there were a few annoying sounds, so Mark took it upon himself to fill the cockpit with some soft jazz music while he worked.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"A couple 'o mags of ammo would be lovely, aye? I've kinda gone through a few 'o them. Oh, and send down a beer if ye can." Was Lucien's belated response to the supply drop. Then came the request for sandwiches and the Scotsman's mind was started to wander towards his stomach, and couldn't resist asking: "OH! A cold-cut beefsteak sammerwich with Lorath mustard, please!"

He'd never get that beer, his guess is that they didn't want anyone to be drunk - let alone tipsy on the job. Still, his requested sandwich was deemed able to make the drop. Lucien had requested a cold-cut beefsteak sandwich with Lorath mustard specifically because he was very hungry, and he hated the recycled, tinned meals that were provided on duty - the mustard was different to Nepleslian mustard since it had more of a cutting, discerning taste - one could say that its nippier.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

Viki started laughing after his commentary. So he though she could not kills him because everything was being recorder. Well he was right, but she could make him think that he was not. If it would not work then nothing would be lost. If it would... well all the better. While others started ordrering food she closed the man in her hands to her face. Or rather Blitzkrieg's face.

"Well little man, let me explaind something to you." She said, when she stopped laughing. "We are here to get something you stole. Something that is very expensive and our bosses want it back very very very much. Whatver the cost and all that Ja? Also no one knows that these things were lost and know one will ever know. When we are done, all the recordings from this mission will taken, locked up and then they will throw aways the keys. So now if I choose to squash you in my hand, not on would really care. They want the plans back, they do not care what we do to get them, so I can just squash you and move to your other pilot buddies or you can start talking. You got ten seconds." She then smiled waiting for his respons.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Surprise me with something edible, nutritious, and not entirely outlandish," Crackled Taela's order up to Ged. The neko simply watched Viki's antics unfold with a mild sense of cat-and-mouseness, if such a phrase existed.
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"Alright everyone, supply list away!" Kelly announced to them all. He sent off the orders and request for support fire, and it was now up to the Atuan to deliver. With that, he glanced at the sensors - Mark had done an excellent job of making sure didn't have an advantage in terms of situational awareness, but even a fool could figure out where a jamming signal was coming from based off of signal strength. It'd be like a game of hot and cold really. Right now though, all Kelly could see on his screen was a mass of 'hot' gathering outside of the forest, most likely waiting for the teams to pop out and present themselves like turkeys.

The strike he requested alongside the support drop would handle that, but they still had to wait, and every moment that passed, the enemy could act and throw their plans into chaos.

The clock was ticking for the team.


And for the HiGa pilot as well.

The man clung onto the thumb of Victoria's frame, which held on to him in turn like an Imperium Joe action figure. Through her high definition sensors, the Abwehran woman could see every single detail on him. Details like every single bead of sweat coming out of his pores or how his eyes darted across the faceless heads of the team's frames as he mentally chewed and struggled upon her words.

What she couldn't see or hear however, was what was going on in his mind as the scant ten seconds ticked by. Victoria could however, guess as the expression of fear on his face turned into honest consideration, then became outright predatory. "You know, life's overrated," he simply stated in a bored yet overly dramatic way. "But you know what? If you give me something to make my life worth living...say a glimpse of some somethings, I'll consider living way longer than necessary to tell you what you'd like to hear," he smiled at Victoria's sensors with a devilish grin.

"So what do you say Fräulein?" he asked, using the Abwehran word for 'Little Miss' despite the irony. Besides seeing and hearing the pilot in her grasp, Victoria could also hear Kelly struggle to contain his laughter over the comms before abruptly cutting himself off.

Time was up for the pilot.


And for Camellia's squad as well.

A massive armored foot smashed through the storefront and took the roof clean off, knocking several of the infiltration team over, including Camellia. She was sent sprawling on her back by the tip of the foot which collided with her helmet - despite the padding and dampening, her head just seemed to ring from the blow.

"Aw shit! It's Origin!" After sweeping aside the roof like a child knocking the top off of an anthill, the bare handed Ashigaru raised it's foot again to stomp them all into dust.

A star flickered across the sky for the briefest of moments before a new sun blossomed in the distance. "What the?!" The frame's head automatically turned towards the explosion as the inexperienced pilot left the foot hanging in the air - the frame began to tilt back as it lost balance and stumbled backwards into a grocery store.

This was their chance - the game was on!


The Atuan fired a single empty shell at hypersonic speeds before streaking across the space above the world as nothing more than a pinprick of light - the round had impacted with the force of a small tactical nuke, right on top of the most blurred portion of the map display Kelly had up. Some of it cleared up. "Score one Atuan!" Kelly cheered. At that, several eighteen wheeler sized containers came raining down from above in a fiery entry upon the world.

Anti-air fire streaked up to meet them, but not all of them could be shot down - a few of the containers smashed down nearby, hot smoke wafting off of their hulls. "Quick! Everyone grab what you need!" Dashing forward, Kelly was the first to reach the containers. Upon getting close, they sensed his frame's IFF and automatically opened, allowing for him to grab magazines, missiles and feathers, allowing him to dole them out to everyone.


"Oh motherf%#&@&# shit!" the HiGa pilot yelled. "Fine you crazy bitch! Be that way!" he angrily yelled at Victoria, mistakenly believing she had fired a gun nearby his head or other. "We got just a few more like these ones in the suburbs, but most of the new Ashigaru are in the city - since it expanded a metric eff ton, that's where the facility is now even though it used to be on the old outskirts," he informed the team.

"You probably got a skanky ass and puny tits anyways," the pilot grumbled unhappily, crossing his arms while looking away angrily.


And besides ammunition, there was the food.

As promised, Mark got his new helmet and a rag, only, someone had saw fit to put all of his food into his headwear - inside he found a smoky sloppy joe with the hotsauce mixed right into the meat to give it a hot kick that was just right. Incidentally, the brown bag had become moist and smeared the visor a little. The rag was going to come in handy.

Shinji however, received something far more unexpected but perhaps just as tasty. It was apparently batter dipped and deep fried - a Monte Cristo with ham and cheese contained within as molten goodness. Alongside it came a small closed cup of sour cream for dipping. The dangers of not specifying one's sandwitch were just beginning to become clear!

Taela perhaps got the worst of it. Her 'meal' consisted of a pair of triangle cut sandwiches accompanied by carrot sticks and tater tots. In addition, there was a small sealed container of apple sauce and a plastic spork. The sandwiches themselves were fine of course - one was peanut-butter and jelly, while the other was just a tuna sandwich. The problem however, was the way it was presented.

It was all in a pink little plastic lunchbox with Yami NekoNeko characters on the outside. It was known in Nepleslia as 'Cat Party!' of course. Bottom line, what the little Neko got looked like a gradeschooler's lunch. Taela's name on the pink lunchbox in scribbling, childish writing was an especially nice touch that added to the aesthetics.

Oddly enough, Yoshiko's order came out exactly how she ordered it. A turkey sandwich with a toothpicked olive holding it together accompanied by a grand total of 16 chicken nuggets and sweet and sour sauce to dip with. The very same went with Lucien as well - he got his roast beef sandwich with Lorath Mustard and even some potato salad to go with it. It was all in the detail.

Satisfied that everyone had what they needed and asked for, Kelly was about to open up his own order, but couldn't help but chuckle at Victoria's antics; she got results, that was for sure, but at what cost to one's dignity? "Don't worry Vic, I think you look sexy," he told her comfortingly. Realizing she didn't order anything, Kelly had his own frame move to place a brown bag on the Abwehran's frame's shoulder - the smell of a nice bratwurst sandwich came wafting out of it.

The enemy pilot simply stared at the bag of food for a moment before speaking.

"You sick bastards. You're all evil! Taunting a fallen foe with food!"
Re: Episode 7: Mine!

"That ain't your food, son." Mark shouted to their prisoner over the edge of the cockpit, with his own sandwich clutched in one hand. "An' I'm getting straight-up sick and tired of yo jive-ass regulation boring prisoner attitude. I'm disconnecting the video and audio recording feeds."

And just a few button-presses later, the electronics themselves went blind. The sight and sound was still being recorded, but all the equipment recieved was pale fuzzy static and garbled mismatched voices overlapping.

Mark stood up and took a bite of his sandwich before leaning over the side of the cockpit to look to Viki's frame.

"Waste that sucka and let's get outta here before his buds show up, y'dig?"