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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

"Well its not my fault I'm a thinker..." Yoshiko mumbled to herself embarrassed. She then proceeded to climb onto her bed, and look at the ceiling, again in deep thought and not heeding the earlier lesson. "Ged, what do you think you'll look like? And what do you think about the Ashigaru so far? You like? What about the rest of you?" she asked, as Zenny and Linda walked in. Oh no...

"Oh, hey guys. I haven't met you yet, what's your name?" she asked, mostly ignoring Zenny. Yoshiko was still embarrassed, and perhaps a little angry at Zenny for bleeding all over the place for no good reason, but hopefully the person coming in with him would be better. I hope.
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

Arah closed up shop, putting her chair into the hallway and boarding the ship herself. "Close up up and get ready for takeoff, Ged." she asked, heading for the elevator and then onto the bridge. She began her preparation, making the necessary calls to whomever was controlling traffic...


Shinji smirked "I didn't volunteer. I got assigned. But whatever, it pays a hundred a week extra, so I won't complain." He moved out of the way as the people with the divider arrived and began installing it. It turned out to be just a heavy curtain that zipped in the middle. This was no problem as there were two doors in the room, so they could get out without the two sides interfering.


Ged laughed at Yoshiko "I don't really care what I look like so long as it's not like mister Ontarious over there" The disembodied voice seemed to be enjoying himself.
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

Lacking a tangible target of his oaths of vengeance, Zenny instead opted to charge out the barracks door as he felt the ship starting to power up. His Arah senses were tingling. She was onboard now, he could feel it. That meant the ship was getting ready to leave, and now would be a very good time to grab his bags that he'd carelessly tossed aside at the beginning of the episode. "Keep the ship docked, my loyal crew!" he yelled over his shoulder as he leapt out of the room, charging for the elevator. He did a signature Tumble Roll Evade Sweep Kick into it, karate-chopping his destination into the control panel. Knowing full well the Evil Force Powers of Ged, Zenny was to his bags and back before the elevator even had time to close. His Super Power Boost expended for the day, Zenny collapsed in a gasping heap, his eyeballs ready to pop out of his head.
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

Meena rubbed her forehead. "Right... assignment.... Still, Zenny makes me consider asking for a transfer," she muttered the last part, watching Zenny appear then disappear, then reappear again.

She also looked over the female newcomer. Just a bit too friendly with the crazy one, Meena thought.

"So Ged doesn't mind if he looked like an old man?"
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

Wait, a hundred extra? "Shinji, if this job pays a hundred extra, what were you getting before? And what job?" She asked. Shortly after asking, Zenny ran out. And then in. Somewhere, Zenny was breathing hard. And Yoshiko could hear him...which of course, was rather unnerving, considering his strange and outlandish behavior. Now that the divider was in, she couldn't see Shinji either. Poor Shinji. He had to share that half of the room with Zenny. Maybe she could try and make it up to him somehow.

Heavy breathing. And Zenny. It reminded her of a horror movie she saw at home with mom and Mr. Greer; the psychopath always started breathing heavy before he reached out towards the heroine and... "No, no, no, no, no!" she rapidly cried out loud in fear. Sadly, it was exactly after Meena suggested Ged may end up looking like an old man. Yoshiko started talking quickly in a panic, "No! I wasn't referring to that! I was thinking of a horror movie me and mom watched and since Zenny's heavy breathing sounded like the killer and I...Ahhh!" she cried out shrilly. "I didn't mean to make it sound perverted, I swear!"
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

A quiet whisper carried over to the female side of the barracks. "Yoshiko... *CHKKCKCKKKHHCHHH* I AM YOUR FATHER! *CCHHKKCKCHHCHHSSHHH*" The heavy breathing slowly subsided, though Zenny's veins were still bursting out of his face.
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

The strange whisper was followed by the distinct whapping sound of someone smacking another upside the head, followed by a heavily accented "SHADDUP" which could only have been Shinji. This too was followed by a snickering from the ship's AI, whom obviously found humans hilarious.

Meena rolled her eyes and Muttered "Boys.." Leaning back on her bed and taking a load off. As she did so, the ship rocked slightly, obviously taking off. As the engines turned on, the ship began vibrating, it was noticeable at first, but soon became the rhythm of the air, as the Atuan smoothly made it's way out of the system. Once far enough away, Arah's voice came over the ship's loudspeakers "Prepare for a jump, we're headed off to Hinoki Pagoda for the big unveiling of your mounts, the Ashigaru mecha. you'll see them there for the first time."
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

"Who am I?" Linda asked, blinking as she stared at Yoshiko. "Who am I? Don't you know who I am?" She fumbled a bit with her shirt to pull up the clipped on tag with the card attached to it that had her name typed on in a large, bold font alongside a picture of her making a huge grin, giving the victory sign with her fingers for the camera. "Linda Fark," she responded, repeating what was shown on the card. "I work for HiGA Industries. Renowned for my work in experimental communications technologies I was contracted to work aboard your ship making sure that everything runs smoothly with your tests. We have the best scanning and diagnostic equipment available."
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

The wapping sound, of course, having been the result of Shinji taking a swing at the impaired Zenny, who, despite his condition, dodged the larger man's swing with a pirouette dive to the floor, followed up by a back-handspring, which led into a tumble roll onto a bed, following through into a showy roundhouse kicksweep, and finally a prancing leap past Shinji's head, his hand sweeping past behind him and slapping the back of it, and finishing the maneuver with another tumble roll - roundhouse kicksweep hop. Zenny was panting even more heavily than before, his face red as a cherry, but he maintained his air of bravado. He turned on his hips to face Shinji, and thrust a hand out towards him, the fingers spreading commandingly apart.

Zenny puckered his lips ever-so-slightly, and narrowed his eyes, lowering his chin to stare at Shinji from beneath his brow. "That!...." Zenny said with the tonality of a deadly anti-hero, taking a heavy breath of air, "...Is why I.... *pant* .... am Awesome Ace Pilot Gold Leader... *pant* ...ONE! Zenny Ontarius!!" As he came to his name, Zenny flung his outstretched arm skyward, pumping it down into a fist. He took another couple moments to catch his breath before adding, "And I will not tolerate insubordination usually!!!" Zenny pointed harshly at Shinji for a long moment, staring at him. His required absurdity accomplished, Zenny proceeded to faceplant onto his bed and fall asleep immediately, snoring obnoxiously loud despite being muffled by his pillow.
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

Shinji stared somewhat blankly as his whap resulted in what appeared to be a seizure (though no doubt Zenny thought it was some heroic action-y thing going on).He shook his head as the other man blubbered something about golden and number two pilots or something, and then yelled something moronic about insubordination. Shinji just shook his head as the man then proceeded to flop down on his bed like a sack of potatoes and lose consciousness as quickly as if he had been beaten over the head with one.

Almost immediately afterward, The ship engaged its CDD, propelling it to thousands of times the speed of light towards their intended destination.
Re: [Prelude] Episode 0: The SS Atuan

In the middle of her horrible embarrassment, she heard an all too familiar voice. A jolt suddenly shot up Yoshiko's spine "Aa-a-Annie? Walker?" she squeaked in fear. Next, the ship rocked gently, causing the poor girl to bolt upright. "No! Don't kill me with your psychic powers! I'll be a good girl, I swear!" she cried out in genuine fear. But then the captain's voice boomed out, explaining what was happening. For a brief moment, Yoshiko's face was somewhere between utmost fear, and a twisted grin of sheepishness. But then came the loud yell, and a fighting, scuffing sound. She was then ripped in half.

The other girl, Linda Fark, was yelling at her, but at about the same time there was a fight on the other side! It had to be Zenny on the other side of the divider, and he was breathing heavy! Was he hurt? Maybe he hit his head after that scuffle, or maybe his neck...the thought of someone dying on her watch again was almost, almost, too much to bear. Yoshiko's light brown eyes started to water a wee bit, and she gave out a small, wet sniff. But then Zenny started spewing out nonsense; here she was, worried about a lunatic! She started to giggle and cry at the same time. "I've got to stop watching so many movies..."
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