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AH HA!!! I think I have a way to get this to work. Tomas, next time your on you need to talk to me.

What would happen if a large mass with a massive negitive charge was introduced that had enough mass to not be pulled into orbit around the protons but instead pull the protons towards it? The mass would not be a group of electrons but an entirely new partical that is many hundreds the times the size of a photon. Wouldn't the electrons be repelled by this charge (releasing energy) and the nucleous disolved to an extent so that the protons are pulled away?
That sounds stupid... And like it breeches a law or two of either physics, Quantum Theory or just plain logic... Or all three at once.
an you support yours? Or are you just spouting something to make it so this Neucelaic disrupter can be used?
You also didn't read that article based on the post you made.

The Strange matter eats atoms by stripping the electrons and absorbing the protons, thus giving it's a fundamentally posative spin.

And it also said the Strange Matter, which is still highly theoretical, ranks just bellow Black Holes, but just above Neutron stars for gravitic pull and density. I fail to see how a pistol full of Strange matter would be able to be lifted let alone fired.
you seem to not have read my post, the plan was to use a small amount of negtively charged strange matter which isn't what the article is about.
But, that goes agenst what the strange matter is. It feeds on protons. You can't just change the way a type of matter acts simply to make a "bitchin" gun work.
Because protons are already intrinsically almost 2000 times larger than electrons. Inventing new basic particles of matter is not a very good call in this situation mainly because you'd need to define a means of production (by the way, atom splitter technology, which we already have, would be much easier to shrink to the appropriate size than a technology we've not even conceived of yet), a method of storage, and every interaction said particles would have with everything in reality and physics.

Also, how would you store these particles, if they strip the protons from matter?
I would think that the large negitive charge and mass would be enough to attract protons.

NC already has most of the production and containment equipment for this kinda thing, anything else they need can be gotten from the Leistung group onboard the horizon.

This would at least be more acceptable than the FCP's current state that violates more laws of physics than I care to mention.

(besides, shrinking down an atom splitter to produce small particals on the spot seems like a lot of pointless work when you can store the same particals and release them as needed or just use a partical beam weapon)
No it wouldn't. A Gun that fires Strange matter like you're suggesting would be impossible to carry due to the density of the Strange matter.
Density does not directly equate to weight. You wouldn't have to carry around a star in order to use the weapon.
Well then explain how the gravety of the SM will be negated then? It's stronger then a Neutron Star, but weaker then a black hole.
But we are not talking about a black hole, we are talking about strange matter. It may be dense, yes, but small ammounts of it could be used in hand held weapons.
Uso, give it up. it won't work. You keep ignoring the valid arguments raised against this mostly-theoretical plan of yours while making very very weak arguements against my real physics-grounded prototype idea. Such tactics a good arguement do not make.
I doesn't matter the amount of Strange Matter used Uso. It's gravity field is too powerful to be contained unless it's by something that can match it. In which case it's useless, since the extreme amount of Gravety generated will crush anything that gets close.
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