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I actually provided a link to the source material I was drawing from and provided my own inferances about what could be done with that. You two have just said, 'its heavy' and continued on like that was something valid.
You're utterly ignoring the properties of the Strange matter. I can hardly say what you've been doing is a proper arguement.

You ignore the fact SM has nearly as powerful a gravity field a Black Hole Matter, aswell as it's relative density nearly the same aswell. And you even tried to mak it negativly charged, which is ISN'T. Aside from the fact the matter you're trying to sell is theoretical in the first place!

1: we are talking about a small amount of SM, even a micro black hole has very little weight. This is also not taking into account gravity shielding and the like which is used on starships, the same thing can be applied to the weapon to allow it to store more SM than it would be able to normally.

2: applying the same process to an electron instead of a proton to create this type of SM is not a leap in logic and easily fits under suspention of disbelief.

3: A lot of the things here are theoretical, but as long as they fall under the normal laws of phyics they are acceptable. Is it really that big of a stretch to say you can put two protons together? I think not.

As I said previously, you have not put forth any real arguments.
BUT, as you seem to not understand, Strange Matter exists by absorbing Protons. Nothing else.
you are only half right about that. Because strange matter in the conventional sense is a dense group of photons that act like one photon (if not have become one photon) then of couse it would feed on photons to make itself more dense. Logically one made of electrons would also feed on electrons.
...It's make of Neutrons! It's an advanced stage of a Neutron star!!

For the sake of all things holy did you even fucking read that article?!
a strange star is essentially a single gigantic nucleon.

That is from the article, lets take a look at what this means.

In physics a nucleon is a collective name for the two baryons the neutron and the proton. They are constituents of the atomic nucleus

That is what a nucleon is. Because neutrons don't have any charge and only mass they can generally be ignored for the most part as an electron vertion of this would not have the extra mass and probably have twice the charge of the same mass of a strange star.

This is the reason that electrons are stripped off passing molicules and logically if electrons were used to make the strange matter protons would instead be pulled. Now of course electrons flow around the nucleus so it takes much less energy to make them change energy levels. The same can hardly be said for the proton but the strange matter would still have a simmilar effect on the protons, making them want to change their current state in some way. The question is just can this be used to make a viable weapon and not 'its to heavy' or 'you have no idea what your talking about' I read the article, did you?

There are more then likely about fifty billion already created weapons in this game that does whatever the hell this gun is supposed to do, and they require a lot less theoretical this and that bull shit to understand.

So, why don't we just stop.

And, no. This is not me saying "I give up" or "you win." This is me saying "this is a waste of time since the guy who created this piece of crap doesn't even bother to talk about it in this thread. "
Well Tomas has created a weapon that violates even the most basic laws of physics (conservation of energy anyone?). Lately more things that should have been sent back to the drawing board because they shouldn't work have been getting approved for use in the RP world and a lot of the older people on the site don't like it.
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