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OOC [OOC] 44th Discussion

Double post. Just read Koku's post.

I say it again, because it bears repeating: I have the best damn writers on this site. You guys challenge me to provide for you, to give you what you need to do good writing, to tell the best story, but it's you guys who do that, without any help from me. It's in you folk, all on your own.

Fuck, gentlemen. Well done.
Tom/Yuka's JP is updated and complete. Another post, with Tori/Suzume, will be tonight (I hope).
Kokuten's and Gally's JP will be the start of 1.1.1 Tempest. Please use that title line.

Also, the IC time and location will be:

22:09, Sunday, Day 1, Week 1 of first mission

120 kilometers above the surface of Cellondora VI (orbiting)

About 95 light-years to target Bizankro

An OOC note: Originally, Yamatai's time system was based on an 18-hour day, or so I understood it. We've used that time system up to 1.1.0. However, at some point Yamatai adopted a 24-hour clock. Maybe I read wrong somewhere, maybe Wes or someone else changed it. I dunno.

We now will use a 24-hour clock. Easier anyway.
Matt, I haven't yet read all of your Masako graduation, but from what I've read so far, I absolutely love it. It's great to see those characters get more screen time!
Fred left us quite a legacy of characters to work with, and Gally helped create a few of them. Team lift.
That's a terrible idea! Yuzuki and Ruri being a couple. Friends maybe, Rivals more likely. Mortal Enemies, we've already achieved.
Abwehran Commander said:
I don't know how Masako would feel if Ruri came home with HAREM.


It just sort of happens ok! Ruri's like a magnet for dangerous chicks.
I am going to refurbish Yuzuki's character page a bit.

Do you mind if I use some of your wiki editing stuff, Soresu?
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