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OOC [OOC] 4th SF Discussion

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Jimmy said:
Also Sharp, if you went on IRC you'd find she's quite active (and popular, apparently 0.o ).

I haven't been on IRC in forever, it's true. I just haven't found the time to sit at my computer for a long time, I guess. I'll make a note for the future to jump on.
I hadn't posted for a while because, at the moment, Honoka is a bit busy in her own little world, so isn't really interacting with the other peoples.

Besides that, life is throwing bricks at me right now so I've been busy and haven't been on SARP all that much.
Edit: Where did Lilly's character go (just for clarification) or is Shin Kiyoshi a stand in for the character physically?
Hmm, not much for Silic to chew, I'll have to wait for someone else to get the snowball rolling again.

I imagine the good Taisho has stepped into the shadows for the moment, but what is RP without continuity issues.
I'm still getting things started, my next post will include some fun for Silic. Heck, he wasn't even on the Nadare page, I've corrected that.
Really? Not usually like me to make such a fumble, well actually it probably is but maybe I've just never learned about them. :?

Sorry you had to catch my fall Nash, I just remembered I haven't added Silic to the list of notable characters either, hopefully I'll be able to stumble through this period of noobishness without making too much of a fool of myself.
Okay, according the the shield wiki thingy, the shields should already be a max threshold ALL over the ship, so I'm not entirely sure what throwing more power at it would do other than boost regen times. Also, the capacitors mention by Sil are based off my knowledge of computer power management, I just assumed it would be similar, if this is wrong I'll gladly change it.

Boring stuff out of the way, Silics starting to show nerves (he's only a nep after all). Coincidentally, he's about the recieve an angry message from the captain of the vessel (who should be on the second command deck) telling him to stop doing her engineering crews jobs for her.
Yeah, my oops on that. Not used to a ship that has Threshold 5 by default.
SpeCom = Special Combat short hand instead of putting Special Combat
Ah. Thanks for clearing that up.

Edit: ...And how many people exactly are under Arkase's "Command" so I can Ninja-Edit that post?
Using the Class ship as an example, it looks like about 62 people are security related.
Sorry I haven't been active recently. Too much stuff going on in real life so I haven't been around.

At least I didn't miss too much regarding my person.
Nope, folks have been posting a bit slow, but steady.
Just two quick things about that last post; (a) Silic doesn't know about the "zombie" mishu, so he's about hesitant about accusing nekos in front of a room full of them;(b) He's terrified of intel personnel, heard too many stories about IPG (Nepleslian Intelligence) when he was a lad.
My take is the stations have a head set that allows private communications, and to let the operator better focus on their work.
Hmm, at this rate, in a few months I'll be a homegrown expert on electronics. :-/
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