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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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wow... my life sucks.... horribly...

I could catch the first hour and half.... possibly... and thats all..
I hope Fian gets back so late that he misses lunch. >_>

On another note. Wazu > Soreta.

Condoms in the Medibay boys!
I'll pass, bedding Soreta wouldn't be that fun honestly. I'd rather have Jet shoot rubbers at her ((riot control bullets))
Confine your commentary on a character to the merits of how well they are played within the setting and not on character bashing that serves no constructive purpose.
I think you started it Zack so why are you complaining. You were the first one to call Soreta a slut to her face ICly...hypocrite.
That was IC. She's a female Geshrin; it's in-character for his character to consider Soreta a slut (even without evidence), just as it's in-character for Soreta to consider the Alliance crew to be incompetent drunken horndogs (even without (IC) evidence).

You're confusing the issue; he's railing you out for insulting my character unneccecarily.
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