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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Sorry I didn't get to the JP yesterday. Exenuating circumstances have happened. Please see my thread in the OOC forum.

I'll be back soon, after I get my head together.
There was no JP anyway, Tom. >_>

In the other news, I'm having exams from monday to friday. Two more days to go!
Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th said:
Some of these guys are pretty, but hey I just coughed up a cigar, so what?

I just want to know how I missed that 3 days from it's posting.
The witch hunt should be over soon, so we'll be moving on to more pastures...

...speaking of such, after the meal isn't a bad time to start a VR training run, eh?
Doctors recomend not using power armor to blow shit up for at least 30 minutes after eating.
About time! I suggest we make our simulation against foes of the Elysian nature.

No particular reason.
scooby dooby doo

While you guys are busy with your VR training I think I'll take the time to snoop around a little.
I vote Benji to guard Soreta ^_^

Note: Benji is gay, therefore having no reason to try and take advantage of Soreta.
Note: Benji is gay.
*Scoots over to re-read Benji's profile.*

Just as long as it's on the WATER 2
*Scoots over to make changes to the WATER 2 draft*

So guys, the topic for sunday's JP being a VR simulation? I say we take a quick vote here and then position our characters for such before sunday morning

Another vote: Who is interested in piloting the NAM armors AIR 1-2, WATER 1 and hopefully the WATER 2 and NIGHT 1? If so then I'll have them delivered on board the Alliance.
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