Star Army

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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Golem said:
Armor: The armor of all Confederate space mecha is a new development in low-mass composite materials Andriumâ„¢ plating that became standard for all NDI mecha after its application to the SF-28S Scorpion superiority fighter. Aside from the superb protection against projectiles, missiles, and other kinetic-impact weapons, this army is also resistant to plasma globes (annihilation discs), lasers, and to a lesser extent, particle guns, owing to the fact that the armor can flake off and evaporate in layers under fire from such high-energy weapons, taking much of the weapon's energy and converting it to latent heat of sublimation of the armor. The armor stops all small-arms fire and provides moderate to excellent resistance to all mecha weapons.
Daisy said:
Outer Armor: To give the Daisy more protection, the normal Andrium plating used in ground armors was replaced with Yamataium-Andrium alloy. The alloy is heavier than standard Andrium, but the Daisy's systems more than make up for the added weight. Note that the helmet is removable (and is removed before entering or exiting the armor) and is necessary to operate the armor.

Note that the helmet is removable (and is removed before entering or exiting the armor) and is necessary to operate the armor.
Daisy has better armor.

Golem said:
Barrier Shield Generator: The mecha's personal barrier shield generates a powerful shield that deflects any and all manners of physical energy attacks, but can depleted by multiple, powerful attacks. Given time (10 seconds avg.), a shield will recharge to full strength. In combat conditions, the shield can sustain operations after significant barrage from enemy mecha. Damage capacity for the barrier shield is 450.78 megawatts.

Anti-Projectile Shields: Originally designed for the LAMIA series of KFY Power Armor, these 6-foot elliptoid shields are also well suited to the Warhawk. The shield consists of an effectively invincible transparent Zesuaium center mounted in a gray Zesuaium-coated paintable frame. The "lens" of the shield itself is actually hollow inside (it contains a permanently-sealed vacuum), making the shield surprisingly light. The back of the shield contains flexible attachment straps for mounting on the forearm of the power armor, as well as six adjustable pouches along the inner frame for any storing ammunition, grenades, explosives, or batteries desired.
Daisy said:
Energy Cloak Shield Projector: Built into the right shoulder pad of the armor, with a projector facing back and front, these produce a tight-fitting energy "cloakâ€
Disagreeing is your right. I don't even feel up to going into the trenches and debating this at length since this was a VR simulation so the actual parameters and stuff could all be in the air the moment someone with authority on NDI armors would come by and yell "HAX!"

However, I'm the GM of that plot. I'm not a person who is very knowledgeable on military stuff; be it tactics, electronic warfare or tech-stuff (neither do most of my players, for that matter). I do have studies in dramaturgy and experience playing Mechwarrior and Heavy Gear computer games on my belt, though.

I do remember I did my damnable best to make it so the NDI squad involved would cause the maximum amount of trouble I could come up with. Sure, player characters are the heroes but there's little accomplishment in victories if they are lame, cheaply obtained ones.

When a similar situation will come up with you guys, your GM can decide things as he wishes. At the time, it made sense to me. Regardless, the Daisy statistically doesn't end up being a pushover compared to the Golem II - it has perks of its own. You can yammer all you want about stuff, but from a dramatic point of view it makes for a worthy enemy - and Tom is a storyteller first. ~_^

...on the other hand, I agree the Sylph II on the ground could be a scary thing. I mean, aside from its NH-12B occupant, its practically a better armored NIWS without aether weapons...
The Golem has less armor on it but carries a shield twice as big (and twice as likely to take a hit compared to the Daisy) and it does say that the Daisy's energy shield is weaker so the total level of protection should be in favor of the Golem.

The Daisy does have an AIES which says it has ECM but it does not say what the ECM is made to disrupt and I doubt it would be equipped to deal with a hyperspace based sensor system because neither extensively use FTL technology (which is what I assume hyperwave is) while the Golem's ECM deals with radar which is what the daisy uses. This should give the Golem more survivability.

The Daisy's mini-missiles are optional weapons while the Golem carries its semi-autonomous (homing?) RPGs standard.

And Yeah I do think the Sylph would have an advantage just because the Yarvex reguardless of other systems as it renders any energy weapons the golem might use ineffective which would be a massive advantage if the pilot of the Sylph.

Edit: I went back and checked again and it says that the AIES system controls the ECM functions but the suit does not have an ECM system listed.

Edit 2: The Daisy's listing has its shield being the same as the 6 foot shield however it has the ends cut off. I assume the ends have also been sealed to keep the vacuum inside the shield however I could also assume that there is a storage space inside the shield for whatevers.
I think the Harpy was meant to take care of the actual electronic warfare capabilities. One neat trick the PANTHEON can do is that from the moment one IES unit is in contact with another, it can support it with its own augmentations.

For example, if power armors are part of a network tied to a starship like a Sakura-class, it's probable that they'd get access to WARMS, which incidentally allows them to predict attacks.

But aside from being able to also interface with ship computers, this really isn't all that different from NDI squad support (which they strangely call SLICS too). *shrugs*

As for the Sylph II pilots... they're actually only 12" tall! The rest of the Sylph is more mecha than power armor. XD

Anyhow, the idea was to point out Yamatai had ground power armors too (you don't have to actually fight a Kylie, a Mindy or a Lamia). The Daisy is pretty much their most effective dedicated groundpounder design (if you take into account the 1B variant) and could make for a decent opponent. If Nepleslian pilots turn out having extra features on the NDI armor and that they actually come to exploit them, then, they might have a defenite edge when fighting against a simulated opponent... but that's another issue altogether.

I said my piece and I really don't want to turn this OoC discussion thread into a tech debate thread (Tom will have our heads). If you want to talk about it further, maybe you could get in touch with Doshii Jun - he rated power armors and he's actually the one whom made the Daisy, so, you guys could talk about it with more objectivity than either Wes and I (seeing that Wes apparently didn't know the Daisy still rated slightly below the Golem II).
So guys, the topic for sunday's JP being a VR simulation? I say we take a quick vote here and then position our characters for such before sunday morning.
I'm free for Sunday.
This reminds exactly is VR training carried out on ships? I'm pretty sure we don't have a giant room on board the Alliance dedicated to VR, what, do we 'jack in' ala Matrix or something?
Another vote: Who is interested in piloting the NAM armors AIR 1-2, WATER 1 and hopefully the WATER 2 and NIGHT 1? If so then I'll have them delivered on board the Alliance.
I'd be interested in using them in the VR training and other cases...but putting them on the Alliance is totally up to you and Tom.
This reminds me of trying to continue that epic quest of trying to find something Nepleslia can have an edge over Yamatai on.


But, seriously, yes, let's get this out of the OOC thread.

The entertainment center has been tricked out to feature VR simulator headsets. For those with jacks, they'll plug directly into them and give your character that Shadowrunner-esque feel, but for others, they'll do as good a job as they can of simulating reality.
Sure, why not. He could even be a referee or something. :)

Anyway, I've got a backlogged JP between Wazu and I on the witch hunt thread that needs to be posted. Command Staff and Soretta get yerselves moving off the thread so I can lock that baby up!
Passing by Jet as he left the room and on to the mess hall.
That's a sentence fragment.
...this much hitting on a holographic AI does not bode well for Soreta.

*hopes noone points out that Elisa is hitting on the Sakura's MEGAMI, and that no one mentions Aria*
FM said:
...this much hitting on a holographic AI does not bode well for Soreta.

lol... if you didn't notice allready I think Benji will stalk Rico and keep him in line.... albeit uncomfurtably.
...this much hitting on a holographic AI does not bode well for Soreta.
I'm highly anticipating Rico and Soreta's first meeting, if it ever comes around.
lol... if you didn't notice allready I think Benji will stalk Rico and keep him in line.... albeit uncomfurtably.
...should I be worried about this? :|
Fian: "All marines, we are in hostile territory. Please watch your back..."
Run little man, run fast... *evil laughter*
Fian: "...side."

*Fian would like everyone to know that college filters suck
Take from an Army man - that was an awesome reprimand scene just now.

Miller is made of Win.
Hey all you lazy-bone NSS Alliance members.

Me and Davis are planning a mini-JP so Rico's Fabulous Touring with Gran won't be so lumpy. Interested players who want in on Rico's massive ego-rubbing are welcome to attend and help the new kid.

We're aiming for this Tuesday, 8-9pmish Central, but if enough characters want to attend but can't make Tuesday, we can push it to Wednesday, at the most. Please post if you looking for a crackin' good time.
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