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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Also, assume that if no one responds from alpha team by tommarow Omega is able to land on the planet without being interupted.
Haha, well I don't know exactly how battles go on, as in if we have emplacement weapons or whatever.

I tried to read up on previous battles and read how the weapons work, but I have no idea what's going on.

I was kind of going to see what other people are doing, but that may be a problem.

Help please? I can't lead, I'm brand new.
Sunday at 7.... Meep. I think I can make it, but that will varry from week to week depending on my dinner scedual.

Vr sim right?
I wouldn't sweat it too much Blue...7pm is more of a 'try to be there at that time'. It isn't uncommon for someone to pop in a bit late and get an invite to the JP either, someone will usually keep you up to speed.

And Davis...on hindsight, perhaps picking names randomly out of a hat was not the best way to choose teams :? . If no player will take command, I suggest someone GM an NPC to at least get them on their way.
I'll be there... ^_^

oh and Benji'll take charge even more than the NPC's following him if no one objects or just neglects to speak up...
That's good...that means we'll have both leaders on opposing sides at the JP.

Lol, Davis. The Star Army of Nepleslia uses AIR2s. AIR1s are obsolete even in NAM service.

And Kokuten, you have only indicated that you are using a NAM Power Armor. Specify if it is an AIR2 or WATER2.
Haha, whoops. I was looking at the power armors rating page and didn't see the Air2 on there.

I don't know what the difference between them is.
Benji: *runs in circles screaming his lungs off*

Me: *shakes and shivers* I really shouldn't have done THAT!!!! *is freaking out*
ZOMFNEG! Sorry boys and girls for my absence. Took a trip down to NYC for a couple days, and who knew it would be so impossible to get on the webbernet there? But anyway, think we could bump the JP time to 8 EST? That would be 6 PM Moonman's time, fer those of you using his posts as reference material.
I can do that too... so long as i'm not allready freaking out and in histeria [see the alliance ooc]
I can only be there at seven thirty

Unless I skip my biology class, then I can be there at like, freaking six.
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