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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Sit tight, guys. We've got to wait for the Elysians to reply to get anything going.
There is also refitting the power armors with new guns and the ground team is going to need to get some weapons and armor.

Edit: While I'm at it we need to get everyone upgraded with the new brain chip thing.
Forum death? Haha. You guys have been here too little to know what that is.

This forum's been flying. We gotta slow down sometimes to fit into other schedules.

As soon as we get a clearance from Zakalwe, we can start landing and such.

Besides, once we get down and stuff, things are going to slow down a little just because there are more players involved.
Dudes, get in your machines and stand in the Rapid Launch bay, I dont want you guys still changing your undies when the Elysians fire on us.
Slow response from players who need to respond to keep things moving is going to kill this plot ship. I don't think the players want to slow down and I don't see any reason why we should if we can maintain a fun pace.
I know, but if our entire mission hangs on the Elysians, then we have no other choice. We don't have the right or power to NPC their empire.

Besides, more eyes than Nepleslia or Elysia are watching this.

The best we can do is drop off those who need dropping off and leave.
In the mean time I expect to see marines posting about getting in their machines and getting in the launch bay.
Mola said:
:/ Well if Zakalwe ever responds you might get a response... -_-'

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