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OOC [OOC] Bahram Wing Discussion

Re: [OOC] Surveys

1. Is there anything you want to see more of in the RP?

More examples of the Iroma as a people. What the Iroma do as fun, how they live when danger isn't a primary threat. What does shore leave look like to a Frame Runner?

2. Do you feel we need to integrate with the rest of the setting as soon as possible?


3. Is there any way you'd be willing to help flesh out the setting behind Bahram Wing?

I'll require payment in hot, sexy brown-bitches.

4. Are you satisfied with the pace and direction the plot is going?

We're heading towards something, that's for sure, but I'd like for us to pick up the pace.

5. Do we need to be a 18+ plot? This would allow us to have more mature (although not necessarily sexual) content in the plot without worrying.

I don't exactly have a PC that would get to enjoy such delectable endeavors, but it would certainly remove any limit on us.

Extra Question: What sort of music do you listen to get in the right mood for the plot?

The rippling symphony of a battalion of obese women slapping their guts onto the ground during a treadmill jog whilst they light sticks of nitrogen with friction of their thighs rubbing together.
Re: [OOC] Surveys

1. Is there anything you want to see more of in the RP?
2. Do you feel we need to integrate with the rest of the setting as soon as possible?
3. Is there any way you'd be willing to help flesh out the setting behind Bahram Wing?
If I had time, yes. Currently, no :(
4. Are you satisfied with the pace and direction the plot is going?
A bit of an increase would be nice. I occasionally forget to check how the plot is progressing because nothing happened the last time I had checked on it.
5. Do we need to be a 18+ plot? This would allow us to have more mature (although not necessarily sexual) content in the plot without worrying.
While I don't mind a bit of maturity in the plot, we could be alienating potential new folks. However, I am against RPing something overly sexual. ie: sex scenes. I don't believe that's needed and that's not why I'm here.
Extra Question: What sort of music do you listen to get in the right mood for the plot?
Well, depends on my mood. Techno, drum and bass, the very rare and occasional dubstep, heavy metal, classic rock, hard rock, alternative...etc. Honestly, just about anything. Though being a futuristic setting, more electronica than anything else.
Re: [OOC] Surveys

1. Is there anything you want to see more of in the RP? No.

2. Do you feel we need to integrate with the rest of the setting as soon as possible? If by this you mean Nep, Yam, etc. then HELL NAW.

3. Is there any way you'd be willing to help flesh out the setting behind Bahram Wing? I'd be happy to.

4. Are you satisfied with the pace and direction the plot is going? A little faster would be nice, but I dun think that's the GM's fault.

5. Do we need to be a 18+ plot? This would allow us to have more mature (although not necessarily sexual) content in the plot without worrying. It wouldn't hurt, but I don't find it necessary.

Extra Question: What sort of music do you listen to get in the right mood for the plot? Whatever Luca is linking that day. Tends to be exciting.
You currently have 20 or so IC seconds to react to the missile swarm. The more people intercept, deploy countermeasures or evade, the better chances are for the entire group to escape unscathed.
It's alright. Thanks for posting on time anyway.

Just for recap, the first enemy group is pretty much disabled. Mu'Tasim has to deal with an automaton on the end of his fist, about ready to explode.
Ookay. Sorry about the slowdown, had to deal with my thesis paper. Thanks for posting in again anyway, though.

We're back on schedule.