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OOC [OOC] Bahram Wing Discussion

Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: JP Friday, July 15th

Kokuten said:
But that's my no-no place!

We'd better alert Exhack that Bahram Wing is koku's no-no place!
It's been over a month since the last RP post. Is this plot still active?
It's been almost 2 months since there was an RP post so I'm removing this from the list of active plots and will archive the forum soon.
[OOC] Bahram Wing: Operation Midwinter

Hey Bahram Wing, I think I owe you all an apology for what's happened in the past few months, especially since I've spent them essentially floating around as a ghost without ever really talking to my players.

To make a long story short, a lot of drama with a pair of players who joined and dropped out of the plot in fairly dickish ways made it incredibly hard to continue the plot. I have a longstanding aversion to player dropout and autoing people (though I've made exceptions in the past), so I tend to take to these sorts of situations really badly. I should have asked the rest of you for help and maybe tried to continue on in some other format, but I'm also a little proud (another flaw I'll admit). But the fact that everyone I've spoken to seems to show some interest in the game, I've really felt encouraged to try and continue.

So I plan on resuming the plot in a very simple format. SP only, I'll post 1-2 times daily and hope everyone else can post every 1-2 days, and we'll see how things roll on from there.

As for the plot, the Astarte's yearlong mission is nearing its end, as it finally approaches the New Veyrin Republic homeworld based on the intelligence given by the prisoner Savitri. Initial roleplay will consist of pre-mission preparations by the player characters, maybe resolving whatever loose ends were going on, and then move to the battle proper and go with whatever happens.

I can't promise more than that I'll try to give you the plot you all deserve.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing: Operation Midwinter

It's great to hear this is going to get moving again. After you get an IC post or two up, PM me so I can move this out of the archive.
Just so we're clear, I'll be putting down a GM post every 1-2 days, depending on activity. If people fall behind, I'll move you along for keep the narrative flowing.
Oh man. I totally forgot Szemis.

By the way, Who's responsibility is it to put him on the Bahram Wing Wiki page?
I guess it'd be you, since he's your character, although I don't recall his rank changing since the last mission so it shouldn't be too hard.

In any case, anyone who hasn't posted in yet can be in other places on the ship. I'll try to address you each separately as long as people are active.
Sorry about the delays this week on posting. I'm going to move the scene Friday night, so squeeze whatever you want/can from your current dialogues before we advance to the briefing.

In other news, we hit three pages in two weeks. Great work everyone!
Don't worry about the loss of posting pace in the past few days. The holidays are busy and draining, though I'd like to get things rolling again by the 7th (which is coincidentally my birthday. >:( )
Aye, I assumed as much. I managed to sneak in a quick post between spending time with my family. :S
Need Bahram Wing plot audit!
[OOC] Surveys

Alright, we're nearing out third year of time as a running plot, so I'd like to get some feedback from players. Feel free to post your replies here or in PMs, I'm not too antsy about it.

1. Is there anything you want to see more of in the RP?

2. Do you feel we need to integrate with the rest of the setting as soon as possible?

3. Is there any way you'd be willing to help flesh out the setting behind Bahram Wing?

4. Are you satisfied with the pace and direction the plot is going?

5. Do we need to be a 18+ plot? This would allow us to have more mature (although not necessarily sexual) content in the plot without worrying.

Extra Question: What sort of music do you listen to get in the right mood for the plot?
Re: [OOC] Surveys

1. Is there anything you want to see more of in the RP?

2. Do you feel we need to integrate with the rest of the setting as soon as possible?
God no. The separation is nice.

3. Is there any way you'd be willing to help flesh out the setting behind Bahram Wing?
Whatever you need, ask, though I'm going to be a bit busier now that my plot is starting.

4. Are you satisfied with the pace and direction the plot is going?
Yup, though I'd like it if we could get back to doing JPs.

5. Do we need to be a 18+ plot? This would allow us to have more mature (although not necessarily sexual) content in the plot without worrying.
I wouldn't mind it.

Extra Question: What sort of music do you listen to get in the right mood for the plot?
Typically either the Nier soundtrack, or the Sherlock Holmes soundtrack.
Re: [OOC] Surveys

1. Is there anything you want to see more of in the RP?
Nope, we seem to be doing fine.

2. Do you feel we need to integrate with the rest of the setting as soon as possible?

In a word? No, let's take that huge hassle nice and easy and slow.

3. Is there any way you'd be willing to help flesh out the setting behind Bahram Wing?

-Coughs- I invented Iroma Space Cocaine and Spice. :| I help.

4. Are you satisfied with the pace and direction the plot is going?
Pace is fine and the direction good.

5. Do we need to be a 18+ plot? This would allow us to have more mature (although not necessarily sexual) content in the plot without worrying.

It could help things in not being censored such as cursing, but it would inhibit potential players from seeing the plot publicly. So I'm 50/50 on that.

Extra Question: What sort of music do you listen to get in the right mood for the plot?

ZOE Soundtrack, 1-2, Samurai Champloo OST, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn OST, And for some reason Lupin the Third.