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OOC [OOC] Cirrus Station Discussion

There's no pop-culture reference in my latest post, sadly.

Couldn't think of one in my current state

I'll do better for the next one, I promise.
Being drunk might have something to do with it.

All things considered though, it's not like getting Cassefin drunk is that hard. I figure she could drink straight club soda and get a lil tipsy.

It's all that health junk man.
If Cassefins gets it this easy, I'm surprised Purina doesn't get a buzz just by walking past bars.
Kokuten said:
If Cassefins gets it this easy, I'm surprised Purina doesn't get a buzz just by walking past bars.
Have you seen how Purina acts? Someone as laid back as her has got to have a history with chemical experimentation.
Kokuten said:
Really? Purina's never really struck me as that laid back, though.

All things considered, I think it's safe to say she's more laid back than Cassefin in many respects, wouldn't you say?
I just want to say, really great work on updating the Nepleslian CCG. The wiki can be a hard place to navigate as is, but pages like this really brighten the horizon.
Not a great or even a good post, but I'm going until weds today and I didn't want to leave anyone hanging until then.

When I get internet at my house...
You know, despite what Kokuten feels, I suddenly feel really bad about that outburst at Cassefin... Like, seriously bad.
Well, Cass wouldn't be so bad off if she was kinder. She brought it on herself. If anyone feels bad, should be Moon...though, since Cassefin started out this way it leaves much room for character growth (and there has been a good amount shown already; the mask of what is expected behavior from her has been slipping).

Edit: ...or Moon's playing with us. It is difficult to see where the schemes end and covering up the "real Cass" begins. A real schemer can cover chinks in armor by playing them off as calculated acting *smirks*
I think you might be giving Cassefin too much credit.

It's not like she's a super genius scientist with her own space station.

Wondering about the incredibly-ill-advised-and-also-genius shopping thing. Anyone else think a JP might be better for it than SP?
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