Star Army

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OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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The Goban is the 5th Odori medium freighter assigned to the Third Expedtionary Fleet, which recently received a fleet of 10 Odoris as part of its restructuring to Type 29 Fleet guidelines. Commanded by veteran logistics officer Ozaki Kyosuke, its first mission involves the delivery of a handwritten message to NovaCorp Shipyards out near Kohana. The mission is an odd one, as the message is sealed within a Zesuaium box and comes with two Custodian guards. The other cargo is general foodstuffs to a small outpost in the northern area of the system. The mission reeks of something very wrong, but orders are orders.

Post your character's information here to sign up for this ship.

Character Name:
Character Occupation:
Link to character bio:
Link to character orders:
Link to character inventory:
Player Name:
Player YIM:
Player Timezone:
SAPM said:

Shoi Ozaki Kyosuke (Bio) (Orders) (Inventory)
Notes: None at this time.
Player Jake YIM: Doshii_jun Timezone: GMT -8 (PST)

3rd Expeditionary Fleet Logo

YSS Goban Resource Handbook</center>

  • The YSS Goban
    • <a href="#Presentation">Presentation of the Goban Plotship</a>
    • <a href="#ShipMotto">Ship's Motto</a>
    • <a href="#History">History</a>
    • <a href="#Assignment">Current Assignment</a>
  • Roster
    • <a href="#CurrentCrew">Current Crew Members</a>
      • Commander Shoi Ozaki Kyosuke
      • Communication officer Heicho Nicholas Saiga
      • Sentry Lucas Hanley
      • Sentry Galar Vanatosk
      • Sentry Luca Pavone
      • Sentry Jason Travkai
    • <a href="#Quarters">Quarter Assignment</a>
    • Ship Manifest (Episode 01)
      • Message for NovaCorp Shipyards
      • New Harpy and Daisy prototype armors for YSS Celia
      • Specialized foodstuffs for Ushobrakflug
    • <a href="#FormerCrew">Former Crew Members</a>
      • None at this time.
<a name="Presentation"></a><center>
YSS Goban - NL-X3-05</center>



A Odori-class Medium Freighter built by Ketsurui Fleet Yards in YE 29
Part of the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet, 1st Logistical Group.

The Goban is a utility plotship dashing back and forth across the galaxy; JP (chat RP) are about non-existent right now due to the GM working evenings, so SPs (board RP) are on the rest of the time.

Any player new to the Goban would do well to pay special attention to the Military Code of the Star Army of Yamatai, though the commander does not always follow it to the letter. Also please review the Interacting with MEGAMI OoC note in the Sakura-class gunship description so you can be a little more autonomous about using the ship's computer.

YSS Goban Group (Required for all players in the Goban plot)

<a name="ShipMotto"></a><center>"On time, every time"
The Goban's Motto</center>

<a name="History"></a>HISTORY

The Goban, as its name suggests, is the fifth ship in the Third Expeditionary Fleet's new logistics group. The Goban also has the honor of being the fifth Odori-class ever constructed.

Its first assignment involved delivering a message (in the form of a Custodian android) to NovaCorp's main facility in the Kohana Cloud. Of course, the mission didn't go quite as planned -- after being blasted around by a Bellystabber II, the ship pulled out the W and staggered to the cloud.

The mission went further down hill when they made a rather odd discovery -- the message they'd been told to deliver was more or less an assassination order for two NH-X Nekos, which must've been hiding in the NovaCorp base. They found them, eventually. Sort of. The male one, who'd been masquerading as a NC employee stole the commander's identity and ... well ... stole the Goban.

NEVER FEAR! After stealing a shuttle and making it back to Yamatai, Shimada-Chusa took pity on them and issued a new ship, an old, formerly private Ketsueki, the Adauchi. In their new vessel, the crew dashed off to get their real ship back ...

<a name="Assignment"></a>CURRENT ASSIGNMENT

Episode 01


Episode 02

In progress. GET THE GOBAN BACK!

Ship's current location: Near an unnamed system.

<a name="CurrentCrew"></a>CREW MEMBERS


(Luca Pavone/Courtesy)


Shoi Ozaki Kyosuke (Bio) (Orders) (Inventory)
Notes: None at this time.
Player Jake YIM: Doshii_jun Timezone: GMT -8 (U.S. Pacific Standard Time)


Heicho Nicholas Saiga (Bio) (Orders)
Communications Officer
Player: Nick YIM: daidoji_kakashi Timezone: GMT -8 (U.S. Pacific Standard Time)


Jôtô Hei Lucas Hanley (Bio) (Inventory) (Orders)
Technical Sentry
Notes: None at this time.
Player Omega YIM:Omega_Fool Timezone: UTC -6 (MDT)


Nitô Hei Luca Pavone (Bio/Inventory)(Orders)
Technical Sentry
Player: Luca YIM: luca_s_pavone Timezone GMT +10 (Melbourne)
Notes: Most recent edit: Orders added and cleaned up.


Santô Hei Galan Vanatosk
Technical Sentry (Bio and Inventory) (Orders)
Player: Tyler "Teej" YIM: zephyrite_light Timezone: -6 GMT

Santô Hei Jason Travkai
Technical Sentry
Player Name: Anthony Folk YIM uglyducklin1450 Timezone - 6 central USA

<a name="Quarters"></a>Crew Quarters Assignments

Commander's Suite:

Odori Crew Quarters Description said:
Found around the middle of Deck 2, the Odori standard crew quarters are bigger and slightly less spartan than those on the Sakura-class gunship, but still do not provide much in the way of creature comforts. At six-by-six meters, they resemble college dorm rooms without desks (these fold out from the back wall to run parallel to the beds). There are 11 rooms; five on each side of a hallway near back of the ship. The commander's is seven-by-seven meters and located at the end of the hallway.

Twin-size beds fold down parallel from the side walls, with the left-side bed normally folded up (the commander's still has two fold out beds, but one is a double-size, and it has a cushy chair for the desk). The linens are made of a refined hemp; spares are kept the small closets next to the door of each room. To make up for the lack of flash, the linens have each ship's symbol and name in Japanese stitched in red into the blood-red comforters. The fabric used for the symbols is silk. Also to save on space, toilets and sinks fold out of the wall just beyond the foot of the bed, with bunched silk curtains placed in the ceiling around it. The curtains drop down when the sink and toilet are in use.

Occupant -
Ozaki Kyosuke

Regular rooms:

Occupants -
1: Nicholas Saiga
2: <s>Kayama Ameko</s>
3: <s>Yatani Tasuku</s>
4: <s>Mitchell Vair</s>
5: Lucas Hanley
6: Galar Vanatosk
7: Luca Pavone
8: Jason Travkai

<a name="FormerCrew"></a>FORMER CREW MEMBERS
Note: Ranks and occupations may be out of date.


Nitô Hei Yatani Tasuku (Bio) (Orders) (Inventory)
Weapons Officer
Notes: Former crew member of YSS Sakura(NG-X1-360); was looking for new assignment. Temporarily removed for lack of participation.
Player Scribbles YIM: dcm8211986 Timezone: GMT -5 (U.S. Eastern Standard Time)


Santô Hei Ameko Kayama (Bio) (Orders) (Inventory)
Notes: Player removed for lack of participation.
Player: Josh YIM: Kayama_Ameko Timezone: GMT -5 (U.S. Eastern Standard Time)


Santô Hei Mitchell Vair (Bio) (Orders)
Technical Sentry
Notes: Player removed for lack of participation.
Player: Mitchell Frazer YIM: Mitch4007 Timezone: GMT +10 (Austrailian Eastern Standard Time)

Shamelessly ported from Fred's YSS Sakura book. Brilliant work as always, Fred.
Thought it would be a good idea to start this thread.

Anyway, I think I'm fairly open for the next week, except I will be gone for the entirety of tomarrow(Sunday).
For future reference: I work from 3:30-9:30 PM Pacific Time every Saturday. Every other day of the week should be good for me, unless I get called to fill in for someone.
S'cool. Let's get our schedules down now, so we can work out a JP schedule. Raz has his in; Ameko and Scribbles, you're up.
For the next 10 days, I am free 24/7 and I don't mind games running til 12-2am if necessary, since I'm the one in EST.
If any engagments pop up, I'll give y'all a heads-up.
That's fine with me. I should be able to accept the invite if it happens.
Yo, Ameko -- don't worry about getting on again; we will reconvene tomorrow and finish up your part before going on to Saiga. We'll be meeting at 21:00 PST this time.

So everyone knows, SP will be available for the week starting Tuesday. We'll be leaving it on an appropriate note.

Scribbles, you're free to SP before that time, if you can. If not, and you can make the JP Monday, just lemme know.
I'm up for today should there be a JP.

In terms of schedule, I'm free until the 26th. On the 27th I return to university. After the 27th I'm unsure of when my availible times are going to be.
SAPM said:
Santô Hei Mitchell Vair (Bio) (Orders)
Technical Sentry
Notes: First Assignment, (unsure whether to make a new thread or post in the existing one for my intro, shall wait for an admin to post)
Player: Mitchell Frazer
YIM: Mitch4007
Timezone: GMT +10
NOTES: Player unable to participate.

Our next JP will be 18:00 Pacific Daylight Time on FRIDAY (17:00 PST for those not on any Daylight Saving time).

Mitch, you're an Aussie, right? Just want to make sure; it'd be 11:00 the next day for you at that time, I think. Does that work, or is there another time we can schedule it?
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