Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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just a heads up, this week is going to be real hectic for me. I may still be able to post, but it won't be as often. I have three speech tournaments. THREE. wtf. one single tourney takes an entire saturday!

However, on a good note, Knowlege Bowl is over so I have more time accordingly.
Im so glad that I went to speech today, holy crap! I wont be able to finish homework without killing myself, but I took FIRST!!!!!!!111oneoneone
So who wants to be the first among us to die?
*picks up Jason and throws him at the Mishhu*
I saved his ass twice from a custodian! It's about time he feels some pain!
Right then, I've been charged with the task of organising you lot to have a JP. However, I'm just as busy as you guys are. The long weekend's coming up and everything is planned. I also can't organise to sell cheese at a rat's picnic.

So let's try and get on ASAP at about 12:00 AM EST, any given day possible.
(So that's around 4 or 5 PM for me.)

Oh, and in other news:
Armour Dump! -
Luca's Backstory Dump! -
My apologies for this latest goof up of mine -- I put that post up to spur either SP or JP discussion among the characters, but it seems instead I've frozen everyone to the ground. I'm going to fix it tonight and we'll try and move on.
Our current situation puts a song into my head.

The first bits of the song show what sort of situation we're in. Looks like we're done for, toast, kaput, gone. And we're trying to get out of it.
The second half of the song contains a heroic-esque refrain, fitting for the "We are NOT gonna go down without a fight!" line.
sorry bout that inactivity during the weekend, I had 2 speech tournys and on sunday I was just dead. Ah well, Im back and as alive as ever.
Gobaneers! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we dine in Hell!


Oh, and prepare for this.

Shortly after the incident of the YSS Goban, the crew were not heard of for a while. Maybe they earned a few medals and compensation for the ordeals, of course. But what happened to the soldiers themselves once they split up? Did they get a transfer to the next ship or fade into obscurity? The truth was that they resolved to lay off the army for a month or two to calm their nerves. The crew remained mutual contacts and meet on occasion to see how everyone was coping. Eventually, they decided to simply retire from the Army life altogether and settle down.

That's when one of the younger members, hotshot Luca Pavone stood up, attempted to reunite the crew, for one last voyage, not for the army, for old times sake...
On his newly christened ship, the ISC Phoenix, he plans to do some exploring, following in the footsteps of his brother and looking for him. Along with trading safe, civilian goods on the side to make money, Luca will receive calls for the occasional shady job or gunfight, salvage and rescue mission or even explore unknown territory for people.

That's when everyone else knew that they were screwed.

ISC Phoenix – "Rise from the Past, Resolve the Present, Revolutionise the Future.â€
Luca said:
Gobaneers! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we dine in Hell!

"HEU HEU HEU! Our tentacles will blot out the sun! HEU HEU HEU!"
Post Eating Database is Eating Posts.

In other news:

It could run! (I made the banner myself)

Also... ... opygc8.jpg
You can't handle an explanation. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Now folks, as we're winding down, I'd like it if you please PM me with any desires to transfer your characters to ships, so I can talk to the GMs of said ships. Or, if your character is going to take the discharge (as it was offered to Luca) please let me know that too, as I want to hear your plans.

We're just about done, but not quite yet.
Since I'm going off on the independent branch of life and away from the Army, I'm going to give you all an offer. Wether you accept it or not is up to you.

Luca will leave SAoY, and opt for a life of the Odd-Jobber, the Hyperspace Deliveryman, Explorer, Salvager, Bounty Hunter and search for his long missing brother.

My question to you is: Who wants in? I've got 3 places on the Deix Shuttle once I buy it.

I've already got some missions planned out for the independent vessel.
The boards are full of suck recently, eh? Shit.

Anyway, folks -- we're about wound down to the end. I have to thank you guys for teaching me a lot I wouldn't have known about being a GM, being in a plot, learning to pace it, prod it, work it. I won't regret not being better for you because I know you'll go onto better places.


That being said, I've got plans from about half of you. I could use plans from the rest. Remember, I'd like to help you guys get placed where you want to be -- I can talk to GMs and help sell you as best I can. However, you've got to talk to me! So make sure to PM me and let me know!

I'll be doing up orders, medals and bonuses throughout this coming week, as my weekend was shot up.
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