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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread


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Miharu means "Protection." the Kanji for it is 養護. It is the first of the Himiko-class cruiser, and will be captained by Taii Kotori from the Sakura plot.

Let's decide on a motto and logo.

I'm pondering something with a shield for the logo.

Possible mottos that might fit:
  • Protect Yamatai
  • Strength Secures Peace
  • By Reason Or By Force
  • Dare to Explore
  • Armored Harmony
  • Excellence in Exploration
  • Prowess in Progress
Hmmmm ... you know, you could go double-meaning here.

Instead of using a European heater or tower shield or something, why not a Japanese shield fern? Since the Japanese used round shields, a logo might end up looking like a dot. A shield fern's distiguishable. They also provide protection for other plants and insects ... while slowly taking over a garden if you're not careful.

And they get this beautiful copper color to them. Kind of looks like dried blood. But seriously. Could work.

As for a motto, why not "Shield of Yamatai?" Or "Shield of the Empire?"
I don't think that ferns go too well with with the "Protection" theme. What about a torso of samurai armor instead?
But I liked it T_T

I'd have waited a bit longer before giving a new ship a motto... but personally, I'd rather go on ideals instead of dubiously bombastic statements.

Mine would be "Grace under Pressure". You may have seen it before ^_^;
I don't know if this is accurate or not, but the Miharu is an exploration/frontier defense ship, right? How about going with something like "The Frontier is Ours"?

As far as a logo goes, I kind of dig on the shield fern idea, but you could also go for something like a compass with a naginata pointing north instead of a regular compass needle. The compass is pretty standard in an of itself, being a classic symbol of navigation and exploration. Alternatively you can swap the compass/naginata motif with a naginata with a telescope crossed together like a pair of swords.

The naginata is considered to be a classical Japanese weapon that has strong defense due to its long reach and good offense particularly against cavalry (when wielded properly). Miharu is a feminine Japanese name, and the naginata was also considered a feminine weapon due to it's history in usage, and with the commander also being a woman, there's another set of lines for you. No clue about the armaments of a Himiko-class starship, but I could fathom a guess that if it has its strength in mid to long range combat, it would only reinforce the image of a naginata.
Nice to see you posting here Brady! XD

I guess I haven't really been fair about the Miharu, considering there isn't much info on it. I'll tell you what I can manage at the moment.

The YSS Miharu began it's development as a revision of the Sakura-class gunship but became a project of its own. It started around November 2005 and has seen several conceptual tweaks, sketches, internal layout plans, etc... I'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to detailing my own things.

Lately, I had to do a 3d project at school and I ended up deciding to make the ship itself as a model, to which I could refer to make internal plans and give generally very good information on a specifications sheet. However, how the ship itself is tends to be purely dependant on the model itself for information relating to scale and accurate interior arrangements, which would lead to how it's systems are, etc...

Here's how it looks at the moment:
https://stararmy.com/starchan/starships/ ... 976410.jpg

I've been posting samples regularly in StarChan, so, you can have a look there to see how it evolved. This one is my third try at a model and it's nearly complete (I'm hoping a few days more will do the trick for the mesh... but it's not that first time that I think the end is in sight and that I bust my deadline. So sorry about that... ).

While I'm working on the model, Wes and I have been having discussions over the kind of scenario the ship's first mission would be like. I'm hoping to plan for something solid which would, from a dramaturgy angle, make for the equivalent of a good pilot episode for a teleseries... so the extra time doesn't hurt that much. Besides, at the moment, the Miharu's commanding officer hasn't left the other ship she currently serves on.

Anyhow, on to info about the ship itself. Even though I'm not entirely done with it, I do have an idea of what it's supposed to be like. ~_^

<center>* * *</center>

The cruiser-class of vessel usually goes unused by the Star Army: the only type of cruiser it fields is the Ayame-class command cruiser, which aptly serves more as a very mobile command center which can deliver a small force of attack corvettes and scout destroyers along with many power armors.

The Himiko-class, in comparison, qualifies as a light cruiser. It's a comparatively much smaller hull that isn't quite a capital ship and more in the size range of the Nozomi-class scoutships and Sakura-class gunships. Instead of being a pocket battleship like the similarly-sized Sakura-class, the Himiko focuses on being very tough, fairly fast and having enough offensive punch to excel at ship-to-ship combat while not going overboard by packing the sort of anti-fleet weapons many other Star Army of Yamatai warship boast.

The Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Light Cruiser should serve better in Expeditionary Fleets than in Standard (War) Fleets: the ship is a decent skirmisher quite capable of handling patrol duties but it's mix of endurance, mobility, balanced array of weapons spacious crew accomodation makes it well suited to standalone long-range exploration missions (including diplomacy).

Enough about the sales' pitch though ^_^;

The Himiko-class is made to support 17 people instead of around 40 like other like-sized ships - that leaves more space for rooms and interior accomodation like recreation rooms, lounge and an observation deck/arboredum (the Himiko has room to house more, but works best at 17). Smaller crew means a relatively small power armor complement though.

https://stararmy.com/starchan/starships/ ... 350157.jpg

A large part of the Himiko's stern is actually an integrated auxiliary vessel (currently refered to as the Kansashi-class auxiliary ship). Drawing some of it's design lines from the similar Nozomi-class scoutship, the Kansashi is meant as a landing ship (to make for a better planetary base than a T4 Fox shuttle) and also serves as a mean to escape should the ship's main hull be critically compromised. If there is a major system failure in the main Himiko hull, the Kansashi's systems are designed to be able to serve as a backup for the entire ship, though it's capabilities will be more limited (but certainly better than just drifting there helplessly!). The Himiko focuses on carrying more land armors than spacy armors since it's auxiliary ship can help deploy them with ease, making it much better at planetary operation than most other vessels of it's size.

Thus far, the Himiko's STL speed is around 0.9c. It's Faster-Than-Light performance are split between it's Combined Field System ( 195 000c ) and it's Hyperspace Fold system ( 9 LY/m ). The ship is capable of atmospheric entry, though the Kansashi maneuvers far better than the entire ship. Both main hull and auxiliary ship have inertia control, are VTOL capable and have landing gear as well as elevator platform to offload cargo.

As the Himiko-class light cruiser is meant to last, it has very impressive battleship-grade armor, 3 times as thick as the Sakura gunship; it's distorsion field serves to shield it as well, though the decentralized (somewhat redundant) nature of the ship's power grid fails to have it's protective barrier be as impregnable as the Sakura gunship's - the shield does cope with abuse and recup from it very well though.

The ship's armament consist in an aether beam cannon which fires fast ship-killing pulses or a continuous beam to cut a swath even through potent protection or to quickly eliminate mecha - the aether beam cannon serves as the ship's primary weapon and is mounted slightly under it's nose. Two torpedo tubes rest in a pod mounted on a rollbar at the ship's midline, packing sixteen ship killing FTL torpedoes whom can be fired either to the front of back. The ship's secondary anti-vessel weapons rest in it six (to ten, it depends on how it looks on the 3d model) particle beam cannons whom are arranged to have (all together) a 720 degree firing arcs with at least 3 turrets able to hit one target at any given time (no blind spots). Finally, the light cruiser can produce 36 variable pods whom serve as point defense and anti-ship weapons as well; though the number of pods is low for a cruiser, the Himiko compensates by being able to produce a wider selection of pods and can deploy them in around 30 seconds (instead of 120).

The Himiko-class should pack around 12 to 20 power armors. Most of them are actually stored in the auxiliary ship and will be carried along with them in it detaches. The ship has two multi-function chambers whom can typically serve as cargo bays, but can be adapted to house and launch a shuttle (and perhaps even an Uriko torpedo bomber!), carry extra power armors or serve as a bunk room.
Interesting design. The shape loosely reminds me of the B-2 Stealth Bombers. Is this ship going to have any stealth parameters (if it does and I missed it, forgive me because I only skimmed your description)? I mean I like the sounds of it either way. A thing about the auxiliary ship though is who would command and fly it? Or is it really just a small 'shuttle' class so its not really significant?

Also, what with fleet battle evolving, I'm starting to wonder if Armor combat is becoming outdated. True we still have a strong presence and need for Armor but if ships are going to be moving faster then won't fighter ships begin to make a come back?
I noticed the similarity to the B-2 as well, though to tell you the truth, I mostly based myself on these two concept drawings for reference.

https://stararmy.com/starchan/starships/ ... 930394.jpg
https://stararmy.com/starchan/starships/ ... 592349.jpg

I think the B-2 shape may be toned down as I develop the blocky rollbar portion more and give the underbelly of the ship more detailing.

The Himiko-class has an 1.5 meter thick armored hull composed of mainly yamataium covered with armor plates made of Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium like the Nozomi, though the former does have a few transparent zesuaium windows (with shutter plating). It also can use it's CFS unit to render itself invisible to scalar radar, aetheric-energy sensors, other forms of detection by using the shield bubble to keep the ship in its own alternate plane of existence. The scalar fields can also simulate that photons and other sensory forms pass through the "empty space" and thus keep the ship's presence concealed.

Unless Wes can give me more counsel over this, it seems the Himiko should be everybit as well equipped as the Nozomi in terms of stealth. I'd have thought the Zesuaium windows might have had posed an impediment... but the open space rapid launch bays of the Nozomi-class don't impede it, so, I don't see why windows would.

As for the Kansashi auxiliary ship, it's two decks tall and around 70 to 90 meters long (scale being vague right now). It's defenitely not just a shuttle ^_^;

The reason why I'm giving the Himiko mostly ground armor types is because I've noticed that most power armor action tends to be inside the shield bubble of a ship (where even the slow-as-molasse Sylph can function at 70 mph) and GMs of single ships rarely let their pilot stray farther. I decided it'd be better to have non-overpowered power armors for ground operations and point defense; and keep a handful of space armors like a couple of Mindy, Kylie or *choke* Super Phalanx as trump cards. The power of spacy power armor is often discounted because they are very common - I'd like to encourage seeing them as trump cards instead of common usage.

Also, the reason I'm envisioning the use of shuttle/starfighters (even if it's just one or two) is for the few players whom want to go out and do stuff in a space battle to be able to pull their weight against spaceships. The Mindy is wonderful and all, but they don't pack ship killing torpedoes. I'm also considering making the T5 tactical shuttle to fill the role of both starfighter and transport... but leaning more on fighter than transport (unlike the Fox which leans more toward transport than fighter).

Ideally, if I build my mission scenario right, it should give the chance for just about anyone to shine. I admit it sucks to be stuck in one's ship dressed in power armor and fairly begging to go out and make a difference and not being about to because the contribution would be very risky and of doubtful import.

1st Expeditionary Fleet Logo

YSS Miharu Resource Handbook</center>

  • The YSS Miharu
    • <a href="#Presentation">Presentation of the Miharu Plotship</a>
    • <a href="#ShipMotto">Ship's Motto</a>
    • <a href="#History">History</a>
    • <a href="#Assignment">Current Assignment</a>
  • Roster
    • <a href="#CurrentCrew">Current Crew Members</a>
      • Taii Ketsurui Kotori, Commanding Officer
      • Chui Suzuka Yukari, Executive Officer
      • Nitô Juni Nyton Claymere, Tactical Officer
      • Santô Juni Kurohoshi Masako, Armor Wing Leader
      • Nitô Heisho Tom Freeman, Chief Engineer & Caretaker
      • Nitô Hei Amagasaki Chigusa, Technician (to be reassigned)
      • Santô Hei Saito Miyoko, Science Specialist
      • Santô Hei James Dige, Combat Arms (to be reassigned)
      • Santô Hei Leutre Veressis, Technician
      • Santô Hei Asher Orkin Westwood, Combat Arms
      • Santô Hei Nishimura Ryszard, Starship Operator (to be reassigned)
      • Yukisato Mizuho, Civilian Tactician
      • Mara, Sprite Starship Operator (NPC)
      • Hinoto, Sprite Starship Operator (NPC)
      • Ichigo, Sprite Technical Sentry (NPC)
      • Nimura, Sprite Technical Sentry (NPC)
      • Sigurd, Custodian War Android (NPC)
    • <a href="#Quarters">Quarter Assignment</a>
      • Not available
    • <a href="#Manifest">Ship Manifest</a>
      • Multifunction Bays
      • Cargo Storage
      • Armory
      • Power Armor Bay
      • Torpedo Storage
    • <a href="#FormerCrew">Former Crew Members</a>
      • Santô Hei Kamiyama Morita, Caretaker
<a name="Presentation"></a><center>

YSS Miharu - NJ-X1-00 Logo</center>


The prototype of the Himiko light escort-class built by Ketsurui Fleet Yards in YE 29
Registered as part of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet. Also working closely with the Star Army Intelligence (SAINT).

The Miharu plotship is an epic action/adventure plot which progresses with single posts (SP) mostly with the very occasional joint post (JP) added in here and there. Scheduling information can be found in this thread. Important In-Character information to be aware of can be viewed here.

YSS Miharu Group (Required for all players in the Miharu plot)

<a name="ShipMotto"></a><center>"Grace under Pressure"
The Miharu's Motto</center>

<a name="History"></a>HISTORY

The Miharu is the first built prototype of the Himiko-class Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Light Cruiser. After experiencing difficulties with its power system, the vessel was launched from the Secret Scorpio research base in the Ketsurui Nebula, and, under the command of Taii Ketsurui, made its way to the Taiie star system to collect a civilian tactician and to load up on supplies.

Pandemonium erupted, though, as the Mishhuvurthyar fleet lead by the Dark Mishhuvurthyar Melisson outmaneuvered the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet and field tested their new Shlarvasseroth-type flagship, eventually resulting in the nearly complete annihilation of 5th XF forces guarding the system and of the Taiie IV colony.

Following the retreat of the few refugee vessel`s flight to the Tsuyosa system, repercussions of an anti-FTL field the Shlarvasseroth had deployed were felt; all the escaping ships found their hyperspace fold drive systems innoperable.

Instead of retreating to continue her mission to investigate the Black Spiral (and an aforementioned Amaya's Gate Melisson revealed when they had been masquerading as a Black spiral vessel back in Taiie), Taii Kotori decided to make a stand and support the 5th XF Kinkou Carrier Group, which was acting as rear guard for the crippled transport vessels.

After forcing into retreat the command elements of an SMX skirmish battlegroup, the Miharu assisted the Kinkou Carrier Group in fighting the new elusive Mishhuvurthyar scoutships that had claimed many kills with barely any losses of their own. Building on the information gathered from the fallen, the Miharu managed to prevail using a clever combination of an expanding interphasic inversion field, graviton beams and a burst of projected energy beams, winning the day.

Kotori then ordered to effect rescue and salvage operations on one of the Kinkou group's crippled GSS Shikuka, a Yui 4-class scout destroyer, adding two of the ship's surviving members to her crew as well as salvaging its supply of AS-5 torpedoes to restore its own depleted reserves.

<a name="Assignment"></a>CURRENT ASSIGNMENT

Miharu Mission 1 -
The Miharu is acting as rear guard of a crippled group of refugee vessels bearing surviving colonists from Taiie. Supporting the remains of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet's Kinkou Carrier Group, the Miharu is to continue protecting the refugee-filled vessels until their fold drive system come back online and to root out possible Black Spiral involvement behind the operations of the Mishhuvurthyar.

According to Taii Kotori, the whereabouts of Amaya's Gate, their current lead on a possible Black Spiral agenda, will have to wait.

Ship's current location: Tsuyosa star system.

<a name="CurrentCrew"></a>CREW MEMBERS

SAPM said:

Taii Ketsurui Kotori (Bio) (Orders)
Commanding Officer
Notes: Brief appearance in YSS Mikomi Mission 3, participated to YSS Sakura Mission 4~Part 2 through to the conclusion of Mission 6.
Player Frederick YIM: kotori_ketsurui Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)

SAPM said:

Chui Suzuka Yukari (Bio) (Orders)
Executive Officer
Notes: Brief appearance in YSS Sakura Mission 4, participated in Taiie no Iori up to beginning of Mission 6 of YSS Sakura.
Player Jake YIM: Doshii_jun Timezone: GMT -8 (PST)

SAPM said:

Nitô Juni Nyton Claymere (Bio) (Orders) (Inventory)
Tactical Officer
Location: YSS Sakura
Notes: Served on the Sakura in Mission 1 and Mission 6. Participated to Mikomi Mission 1.
Player Blas YIM: Nyton12b

SAPM said:

Santô Juni Kurohoshi Masako (Bio) (Orders)
Combat Arms, Armor Wing Leader
Notes: Showed presence in the Nozomi and Confidence; and participated in Mikomi Mission 3
Player Matthew YIM: [email protected] Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)

SAPM said:

Nitô Heisho Tom Freeman (Bio) (Orders)
Chief Engineer & Caretaker
Location: Yamatai (Ralt)
Notes: Served on YSS Mikomi for its full tenure (Missions 1-3)
Player YIM: Tenebrismo2000

SAPM said:

Nitô Hei Amagasaki Chigusa (Bio) (Orders)
Player: Chi? YIM: chiamagasaki Timezone: GMT+9:00 (Japan Time)

SAPM said:

Santô Hei Saito Miyoko (Bio) (Orders)
Science Specialist
Player: Jed YIM: kelenar Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)


Santô Hei James Dige (Bio) (Orders) (Inventory)
Power Armor Pilot
Player: Jay YIM: esylumgamer Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)

SAPM said:

Santô Hei Leutre Veressis (Bio) (Orders)
Player: Jesse YIM: leutre_veressis Timezone: GMT -7 (Mountain Time)

SAPM said:

Santô Hei Asher Orkin Westwood (Bio) (Orders)
Player: Dakota Owen YIM: kokuten_chiaki Timezone: -6 (Central Time)

SAPM said:

Santô Hei Nishimura Ryszard (Bio) (Orders)
Player: Dana Higginbotham YIM: omgfenris Timezone: -8 (Pacific Time)

Yukisato Mizuho (Bio)
Civilian Tactician
Note: Former Star Army officer. Showed presence on the Mirai, the Nozomi, the Destiny, the Confidence and the Mikomi before being discharged. Commanded the 'Seion II' before it was destroyed. Was rescued by the Yggdrassil prior to being hired by Kotori.
Player: Sen YIM: sekizen_no_yume Timezone: GMT+9

Non-Player Character said:

NH-29A Sprite, Starship Operator

Notes: YSS Miharu's first sprite, serves as the Miharu's MEGAMI-IES proxy

Appearance: 5'2"; 98 lbs; B cup; shoulder-length ash blonde hair and similarly colored furred ears; sky blue almond-shaped eyes; caucasian skin tint; slender build; typically wears orange paneled skirt uniform with NSP 28C pistol (Miharu edition) and TA-14 diamond-edged knife.

Personality Quirks: Born recently, Mara is full of youthful exuberance. Her being closely bonded to the Miharu - an experimental vessel - makes her prone to being vain and wanting to show she can be good enough at whatever she or the ship needs to accomplish... she is very willing to pour extra effort into her actions just for the sake of showing off. She is very loyal toward her assigned crew, essentially those whom have placed their faith in her, and will do her utmost to support them as well as she is able.

Player: NPC (primarely controlled by Frederick)

Non-Player Character said:

NH-29A Sprite, Starship Operator

Notes: YSS Hoshi's first sprite, serves as the Hoshi's C-IES proxy

Appearance: 5'4"; 103 lbs; B cup; waist-length snow white hair with matching furred ears; silver-gray almond-shaped eyes; porcelain skin tint; lithe build; typically wears orange paneled skirt uniform with NSP 28C pistol (Miharu edition) and TA-14 diamond-edged knife.

Personality Quirks: Younger than Mara, Hinoto is awkward and shy where the other is expressive and upbeat. Her bond with the Hoshi gives her insight in the vessel that no other can match - that connection to the smaller auxiliary vessel makes Hinoto to be more cautious and sly in her approach to problems. Effectively set in a supportive role as a ship, Hinoto strives to be the very soul of dependability by being as helpful as she can and always trying to keep a cool head when she faces problems. Hinoto is kind and gentle and, like Mara, she cares greatly for her crew - especially seeing that she is so integral to the operations with power armors.

Player: NPC (primarely controlled by Frederick)

Non-Player Character said:

NH-29A Sprite, Technical Sentry

Notes: Second sprite of the Miharu. She functions mostly on the main deck or the subdeck (setting things up in the multi-function bay or assisting in engineering). Spends most of her time working with her twin Nimura.

Appearance: 5'1"; 105 lbs; A cup; shortly-cropped black hair; brown eyes, caucasian skin tint; slightly bulkier build than Mara; typically wears orange paneled stretchsuit uniform with NSP 28C pistol (Miharu edition) and TA-14 diamond-edged knife on the belt. Usually carries tools in both thigh pockets. Looks like Nimura's twin.

Personality Quirks: Not much of her personality has been explored, since she was recently born. While more outgoing than her 'sister', Ichigo still would rather stick to her duties.

Player: NPC (primarely controlled by Frederick or Jake)

Non-Player Character said:

NH-29A Sprite, Technical Sentry

Notes: Third sprite of the Miharu. She functions mostly on the main deck or the subdeck (setting things up in the multi-function bay or assisting in engineering). Spends most of her time working with her twin Ichigo.

Appearance: 5'1"; 105 lbs; A cup; shortly-cropped black hair; gray eyes, caucasian skin tint; slightly bulkier build than Mara; typically wears orange paneled stretchsuit uniform with NSP 28C pistol (Miharu edition) and TA-14 diamond-edged knife on the belt. Usually carries tools in both thigh pockets. Looks like Ichigo's twin.

Personality Quirks: Not much of her personality has been explored, since she was recently born. She avoids socializing, work and duties are less awkward to deal with.

Player: NPC (primarely controlled by Frederick or Jake)

Non-Player Character said:
No-J2-1a-00691 "Sigurd"

Custodian War Android

Appearance: 6'7"; 276 lbs; close cropped black hair; brown eyes; caucasian skin tint; massive 'herculean' build; typically wears a dark colored jumpsuit that looks like it is spray painted over his large muscles.

Personality Quirks: Sigurd has a cool demeanor. He seems pleasant and courteous, but rarely offers more than the shadow of a smile: he is never moved to mirth. Sigurd can discuss at length any technical details that he has studied, but is somewhat impaired in more mundane topics of discussion.

Sigurd is an android, and while sentient, he has no emotion.

Note: Sigurd is subserviant, but hardly stupidly so. He follows the proper chain of command and can refuse orders from enlisted crewmembers if he judges them inadequate. He will give strong consideration to warrant officers and will obey commisioned officers without fail, though priority rests with his assigned ship's executive officer, and then the commanding officer (i.e.: Sigurd obeys to Taii Kotori and Chui Suzuka over Taisho Yui).

Player: NPC (control primarely split between Frederick and Jake)

<a name="Quarters"></a>Crew Quarters Assignments

To be determined.

<a name="Manifest"></a>SHIP MANIFEST

Multifunction Bays
  • Main Hull, Port: Ke-V2-1B Uriko
  • Main Hull, Starboard: Xc-V3-2X Artemis "Hrist" (1)
  • Auxiliary Ship, Port: Fox T4 Combat Aeroshuttle (1)
  • Auxiliary Ship, Starboard: Fox T4 Combat Aeroshuttle (1)
Cargo Storage
  • Main Hull, Port: Repair Parts, Nodal base material, Foodstuffs, 6 AS-7 Tranphasic Aether torpedoes
  • Main Hull, Starboard: Repair Parts, Nodal base material, Foodstuffs, 6 AS-7 Anti-Matter torpedoes
  • Auxiliary Ship, Port: 2 AS-5a torpedoes
  • Auxiliary Ship, Starboard: Foodstuffs, Repair Parts, Environmental Gear
  • Auxiliary Ship, Port: Standard loadout
  • Auxiliary Ship, Starboard: Standard loadout
Power Armor Bay
  • Auxiliary Ship, Port - Capacity: 10
    • Mindy M2-2A Power Armor (2)
    • Harpy M5-1A Power Armor (1)
    • Daisy M6-1B Power Armor (7)
    Auxiliary Ship, Starboard - Capacity: 10
    • Mindy M2-2A Power Armor (2)
    • Harpy M5-1A Power Armor (1)
    • Daisy M6-1B Power Armor (7)
Torpedo Storage - Capacity: 48
(Ratio: AS-5 torpedoes take 1, Chibi-MEGAMI probes take 1, AS-7 torpedoes take 2)
  • AS-5a, Transphasic Aether (30)
  • AS-7-1-TA, Type 1 Transphasic Aether (3)
  • AS-7-1-AM, Type 1 Anti-Matter (3)
  • AS-7-1-SDM, Type 1 Subspace Detonator (3)
  • Kessaku Chibi-Megami Sensor/Communications Probes (0)

<a name="FormerCrew"></a>FORMER CREW MEMBERS
Note: Ranks and occupations may be out of date.


Santô Hei Kamiyama Morita (Bio) (Orders)
Player: Ted YIM: AldanteFax Timezone: GMT -7 (GMT)
You know, I must admit the merit of this idea path. Okay cool. Perhaps while we have the downtime in the station our characters can be training on simulators for the new ship functions?
I'm making a conference to ascertain player goals and set our schedule and the direction we'll take in Miharu Mission 1. I'm thinking of doing it Friday night, 8:30 PM EST. Try to be there ~_^
Might be late for tonight. Something came up tomorrow and things we were planning to do Saturday have to be done NOW. Look to an hour or 90 minutes late something.
Let's try a JP for next Friday, around 8:30 PM EST? (that's 5 PM pacific and next morning for Tom, I think)

We need to get that Tom Freeman person introduced!
I could do it anytime this week considering I have a cool summer vacation right now.

For future reference, my Saturday morning after vacation will be impossible to make as I work Saturday morning. :(

But right now, I can do it.

But how about sometime earlier this week?
I edited the last JP a bit, after I spotted a misuse of the word then (It should have been than). Everything else was just eliminating extra spaces (primarily in Tom Freeman posts and around ellipses. I also replaced a period with a comma for a speaking.


Incorrect: I'm different then the average neko girl.
Correct: I'm different than the average neko girl.

Incorrect: Tom smiled.(doublespace)He was pleased.
Correct: Tom smiled. He was pleased.
(Side note: The above could also be connected with a semicolon)

Incorrect: "That is odd." the lady told him.
Correct: "That is odd," the lady told him.
Raggghhhhh! I was raised to do double spaces after each sentence. Ack, I can't even stop myself from doing it right now.

Both forms are correct, from what I've read, but I'll try to correct my style to maintain one space... but it's gonna be pretty darn hard! :)