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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Abwehran Commander said:
And .... dare party? Isn't that a Sakura thing?

A good portion of the Miharu's crew is former Sakura members, remember? And despite the fact that ICly Kotori probably wouldn't do it, I just know Fred is itching for it. >.>

Tom Freeman: "Well if it's gonna be THAT kinda party, then I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!" ;)
"The dares you pick are only as perverted as the people whom wrote them are."

The possibility of a much cleaner dare party exists. Dare parties, despite the growing dislike Kotori and Yukari have of them (due to the tone inspired by the Sakura), have the advantage of irrevocably breaking the ice between characters. It makes it more likely that after it came by that characters are not going to just stay in a corner.

What grates a bit at me, though, is that I can't find a better idea for characters to get together other than a dare party (which would incidentally require a JP). We have recreation rooms with books, games and virtual reality room. We have a science lab that we can even convert into a movie theater!

But I still come up blank.

( *pokes Tom* this is not the scheduling thread and I didn't mean we'd do it right away )
Tom said:
Why not do a movie night? That seems pretty cool.

Eh, in my experience, RPing watching movies together is always one of two things: difficult or bland. You can either make everybody rent it in RL and then have the characters chat in an IM as you watch it (difficult), or just sorta fast-forward to afterward (usually bland). The latter option is okay, but in that case I like to just make up fake movies, with the details being established as people comment on them- since this just kinda leads to the plot being formed by consensus, it can be a bit interesting. The last movie one of my characters went to was apparently a touching girl-on-girl romance about people who turn into cars, which was all symbolic of puberty. (... wait, wasn't that the plot of Evangelion?)

Personally, I think dare party could be fun, if only because I enjoy RPing embarassment. If the call for suggestions comes up IC'ly, though, Tomi's going for a simulated hand-to-hand/small arms combat tournament in the VR chamber. Nothing like punching somebody in the face to get to know them!
I agree with both of you on the level that movie nights might be a good idea, but that fleshing them beyond narration might be in poor taste: it's a good thing for our characters to do, but not necessarely for us players to roleplay.
A concert perhaps? There would be more interaction since the characters get to show their moves.

(Damm I want a SAoY Char...)
We actually do have a few musicians on board. Although Nyton doesn't count. He's still just barely starting on his harmonica. <_<

I'd suggest a video game tournament but well... that kinda stumbles on the same lines that the movie does. Unless we paper/rock/scissors to see who wins the matches. ^^;;; Still lame tho.
Tom can dance... REALLY REALLY well.

Yukari can play an instrument/sing.

We can use lyrics and such from a real life song, etc.

Do other characters have musical/artistic skills?

A concert doesn't sound too bad.

Or maybe a play/musical? :)