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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Senzilla! Where are you?

Stop terrorizing Kyoto and come post for Mizuho! It's showtime for her ^_^
I don't see why the Iori didn't use its own interdiction system to stop it.
As was said in Kill Bill 2.

Aint noones a badass with two barrels of rock salt in the chest.

Akina took some figurative rock salt. Death commences!
Further posts should be made in Mission 1, not the Prologue. Mission 1 is actually nearly an immediate continuity anyways.

The threads for the Prologue have now been locked.

Chigusa, I don't mean to be raining down your parade (as I've already made you lose one post today), but there are a few things wrong with the above posts and I'd like to give you the opportunity to edit it before we move on.

The above quoted text has the Chigusa react to a situation mentioned, which is good. However, the next action has her committed to taking minutes to dressing up in a Mindy power armor and then talking to Kotori.

Minutes are a long time in battles. first of all, if a pilot isn't ready to launch within 60 seconds of battlestations, there's a problem somewhere (the Mindy has to get its modules outfitted too, and that's the job of the armorer too, which adds some time to this).

One minute is enough for the Miharu to get to the site of the battle and start getting shot at too. People on the bridge will be doing something else through that minute, and that mention of being ready for orders will fall kinda flat since other participants on the Miharu will not chronologically be on the same level.

I understand what you are most familliar with are Sakura JPs and, with the speed those progress, you sometime have to cram as many actions as you can (Kotori was known for her initiative and how quickly she got things done - I know where you come from ^_^; ). However, the Miharu is a single post-based plotship with very occasional JPs. Therefore, I advice any players (including you), not to jump ahead in time like that: it's just not to your advantage. Let me be the one doing that; that way, you can never screw up ^_^

Besides, what happens if Kotori doesn't want Chigusa to be boarding her Mindy? What if she gives an order to have Chigusa go help in the subdeck instead? Would Chigusa board the Mindy only to be told to get herself out of it and thus waste precious minutes of her time?

Don't worry about it. It's no big deal. The point is that you can make smaller posts which would declare intent, but not necessarely the result of the action. Like so:

Chigusa said:
Chigusa's mind clicked. The call was almost like a sort of trigger - Chigusa's defensive mechanisms reacted automatically. She rushed out of the wardroom and started making her way to the power armor bay.

With perhaps the addition of:
"MEGAMI, please inform the Taii I'm suiting up."
...so Kotori will become aware of what Chigusa is doing and perhaps comment on it.
Chi, Leutre is in his cabin, not engineering. He got banged on the head. The sprites Ichigo, Nimura, an NPCed Tom and Masako are there.

Masako is the only player character present in the engine room. Talk to her. She's the ranking officer.

<center>* * *</center>

Doshii Jun and Blas, it's up to you. Yukari and Nyton will have to coordinate their actions to get the most out of the ship while following Kotori's instructions.

Yukari, don't steal Nyton's job. He's the one at tactical, not you. *wags finger*
*snorts* So Yukari's job is to simply pilot and adjust throttle and such. Okay. I shall note this.
Yukari: *blushes and fumes* "I am NO SUCH THING! Such a disgusting insinuation ... I am an officer of the Empire!"

Tom: "But you bring me comfort."

Yukari: *partially defused* "T-that is not what he is talking about!"

Tom: "What?" *reads article* " ... I'm supposed to rape you?"

Yukari: *refuming* "Shut up!" *storms away*

Tom: " ... Dammit. I think that means I'm in my own room again."

(This means I'm also waiting for Blas to do the shooting. Rock.)
Lovely. I'll try not to hold things up. Figures this would happen on my last day of work for the week. >_>
I hope I was thorough enough. Had to reread all the weapon systems and config options as I was typing that out. ;p
Woo, finally back. Looks like I missed quite a bit of action. I'll get around to posting and rousing Leutre in a bit.
Looked good Blas. You'll get better at this after a couple of battles ^_^

<center>* * *</center>

Welcome back!

Have him come up whenever you like. Mara's on her way to the virtual room Mizuho went to, so, they might come across each other.

What's more, each torpedo launch makes a whole lot of light. Hard to notice considering he's heading through the wardroom (you know, those huge viewports ought to show a swirling view of stars as the ship maneuvers. However, enemy ships are probably out of range of naked eyesight).
Leutre Veressis said:
"Well, no worries Mara. You have me, and I have Lady Luck on my side. And everyone knows it's far better to be lucky than skilled."

Elisa: "You wanna get some coffee sometime?"
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