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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

*puckers* Okay ... can we not include the damage of all those other torpedoes if we don't have any? I realize I missed the actual payload we have ... but dammit, I made her sound stupid again!
I tried filling out the Manifest section of the "About the Miharu" thread just so players would know what we have. I still have the quarters section pending because, well, I didn't get to it... but I do track the power armor, shuttle and torpedo loadouts and change them frequently to keep them up to date.
No, I know, you were right ... I just went straight for the damage ratings and such. I assumed that because the ratings were listed, we must have some of those torpedoes -- my bad.

It was a good idea though, dammit. *grins*
FM said:
Elisa: "You wanna get some coffee sometime?"

Leutre: Coffeeeeee? With a female!? Hah! I need not such things! 'Companionship is for the weak,' my Da would always tell me, before he locked me in the closet for another week of punishment.

Anyways, finally caught Leutre up to speed and got him to engineering with my posting blitz. Yay me.
Elisa: "You wouldn't last 10 seconds on Sakura. If there's anyone for whom serving on that ship is a nightmare, it's engineers and loners."
Why wouldn't Leutre be able to last more than 10 seconds? If anything, the Miharu poses even more engineering challenges than the Sakura (a tested and proven powerful pocket battleship). >_>
Recently the Sakura has been half-dead after many of its engagements. Particularly this most recent one. I imagine any engineer would be stressed out after that sort of thing, many a time.

Maybe he'd last longer - as I've alluded, Elisa would probably take a liking to him.
Yeah, this most recent one was probably the time where the Sakura soaked in the greatest amount of damage while surviving.

The three other instances in which I remember the Sakura being in big trouble was when the Mishhuvurthyar-nekovalkyrja hybrid known as Pumpkin escaped Miles' Medlab to steal a Mindy and rampage inside the Sakura, going so far as to destroy the MEGAMI and disable most of the ship's power systems before getting out. Heck, even the NIWS unit was defeated by her.

The other time was when the Sakura encountered the Xianthrafruglu gunships for the first time. Because some other Star Army ships had requested the MEGAMI control to be under their supervision (we were framed as traitors) the ship wouldn't function as a big carrier came and tried to capture the Sakura. The ship itself didn't suffer much damage, but Pumpkin and a NIWS sort of batted away about any crewmember that got in their way.

Finally, there was the time when the Sakura fought a Xianthrafruglu in the Great Southern Nebula. After being nearly swallowed by a transposition annihiliation effect, the Sakura just broke out to get holes blown into it by the SMX gunship. The Nadeshiko ended up saving our bacon.
But still, she found something to laugh about. They almost died - she almost died - and they still won. So she laughed. Laughed, as she realized that 'Victory' wasn't about skill at all - it was about luck. And so too was the Sakura about luck.

Had she believed in gods, Elisa might have attributed the ship's continued survival to divine providence.

I was reading back through the Sakura logs of the days I was out of town, and found precisely what you meant when you were referencing my quote. Between their personalities and the above incident, it does indeed sound like they would be two peas in a pod if they ever had the opportunity to meet.
You know, the Sakura might have seen more battle than any other plotship. O,o
It's fine Blas. I do expect a lack of postage from December 23 to 26.

Still, thanks for telling us. I really appreciate it.

This said, I wish happy holidays to you all. ^_^
I should be able to post on 23 through 26! Except when Im recording, which will be a bit tommorrow and a bit the day after. Ill still be able to get posts in, most likely.

Keep in mind that the distances right now are mostly being measures in Astronomical Units. An Astronomical Unit isroughly the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

Light from the Sun takes only a bit more than 8 minutes to get there. Incidentally, it means that beam weapons in the SARP would take around the same time to cross over that distance.

Obviously enough, if you aren't a craft travelling at FTL but notice the attack coming, you can move out of the way. So, the trick in space combat is to close distance enough so that when you fire, the other will not be as able to react to the attack and dodge it. Even if the weapon's range lists it as 1 AU... that's actually only good at firing at something stationary.

Weapons like positron and particle cannons travel at almost 1c (close enough to consider it that way). The same goes for projected aether beams and the Miharu's main aether cannon in burst mode (which goes at the speed of light). The Miharu's torpedoes travel at 17 000c or so, making for nearly instantaneous hits at certain distances (which is why Nyton probably has a lot of problems watching their progress since they likely reach the travel as soon as he presses down the 'fire' button - even the slower AS-5 torpedoes, at 2500c, would get there pretty darn quickly). The aether cannon in continuous beam mode creates a 2 AU-long 10' diameter area which is flooded with aether... so, unless you can predict that sort of attack and avoid being in its area of effect... it's an instant hit.

Interdiction fields, in battle, serve a few purposes. One is to prevent a ship from escaping using its fold engines. Another is to limit the FTL capabilities of other systems, such as the Combined Field Systems (and thus preventing the hit-and-run attacks the Miharu has been making so far). Another is to keep ships traveling at Sublight speeds so that weaponry actually has a chance of hitting the target - if the ship travels at FTL, then weapons which travel at 1c are going to be hard pressed to hit.
*nods* well, hopefully the explanation will help some other people whom were wondering about the mechanics behind that ^_^;
How so?

Kotori might not agree with them, but she asks for second opinions so that she can get better perspective on her problems.

Disagreeing does not equal dislike.
Just the tone is all. She sounds like a teacher trying in vain to guide her students to the right answer. As if the students are not getting the whole picture.
When you are a beginner at something and that you go and try to do something which puts the lives of the people serving you at risk... the least you could do is show them you are taking calculated risks.

If Kotori had better explained herself before, Yukari might have placed the Miharu's main gun in a firing position before the battleship's shield recuperated. But Kotori didn't - she just expected everyone to follow her orders to the letter. Now, she's trying to show that she isn't just jumping ahead on a whim.

Would you rather she just say "Ganbatte!" and have the Miharu make a frontal attack? ~_^

Capacitors take a minute to charge. They talked more than was necessary. Kotori's just getting back to the business at hand.