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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Remember, you're bound by the military laws of Yamatai:
1. Any Star Army soldier who
(1) runs away;
(2) shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property which it is his duty to defend;
(3) through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such command, unit, place, or military property;
(4) casts away his arms or ammunition;
(5) is guilty of cowardly conduct;
(6) quits his place of duty to plunder or pillage;
(7) causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces;
(8) willfully fails to do his utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his duty so to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy; or
(9) does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the Star Army or their allies when engaged in battle;
shall be punished by death, unless he is a Taii or below that is following orders.
Wes, practically, since the Miharu is on a secret op mission I'm not sure she's actually supposed to be bound by most of the military laws you've quoted is reasonable reason stands for it. For example, it would be sort of futile for the Miharu to get destroyed in a battle concerning the 5th XF when 5th XF ships are already on it. The Miharu has her own mission to do.

However, yes, Kotori is helping out. She feels like helping them out because she was helpless to do anything at Taiie. The real reason of them being in Taiie really is to go after the Black Spiral ship that's there.
Asher Orkin Westwood said:
Look at it like algebra, luck is a variable, skill is the number. Meaning, no matter how much divine favor you've got, pure definate skills will just push through it.

Elisa: Hmph. It's better to be lucky than good. Even the best will get shot down, but the lucky ones are the ones who live to tell the tale.

The Miharu was, actually, 0.026 AU away from the Mishhu vessel. Which is why Yukari shouted for an opening, as it would only take about 13 seconds for a light-speed rated shot to hit a target -- something she assumed could be led into. But eh, so it goes.
My last Kotori post had an error. She should have said 0.002 AU, not 0.02... though the distance remains a 300 000 km. 4 000 000 km is a little far to expect a ship traveling at 0.75c + to be hit by a 1c velocity attack.

Sure, Nyton has a leading recticle and stuff, but that stuff is only really any good when the enemy has little chance of changing headings to avoid. Hence the requirement of being less than a light-second away.

This is possibly the wikipedia page I've visited the most these last couple of weeks. ^_^;
Dammit! I wouldn't have fired if I knew we weren't in range. You know I still don't quite understand these 'distances' and measurements. I got the AU thing, that's pretty straightforward from reading the weapons section but what's a C? >_<
*double-takes at Fred's post* Wait a second -- the Mishhu ship is going 0.75 c IN AN ASTEROID FIELD? Dammit, I've had Yukari dancing around at nothing close to that speed just to avoid the rocks! *snorts*
These Mishhu scouts have the large advantage of being able to phase through physical objects. The Yui-4s aren't losing because their ships are just old models: despite its age, the Yui-4 is no pushover.

However, each of those SMX scouts seems to be armed with a single positron cannon similar to the particle cannon turrets the Miharu has. Those can pretty much tear effortlessly through any kind of shields the KFY-made ships have... except for the Miharu's. They're also only slightly bigger than a Ketsueki escort corvette and their shielding doesn't seem that strong... but you'd have to hit them first!

The scouts seem fairly fast and don't need to worry about the obstruction. If anything, the obstruction helps them. The Yuis, despite their CDD engines being powerful enough to generate the sort of shielding which would smash through an asteroid, still have to maneuver carefully.

There's probably a strong chance the SMX scouts have something similar to WARMS on the Miharu. If that's so, its a wonder the Yuis even brought down one of them in such an unfavorable position.

Why are the Yuis in an asteroid field in the first place? They don't have much of a choice. If they are doing badly, imagine what the mishhu scouts would do to the Odoris and the Noujou.
It's doubtful that you'd find WARMS anywhere but on the latest KFY ships. I could see it on Mishhu ships via Black Spiral, but there's no Mishhu ship that has it yet. It'll take time for the Mishhu to integrate new stuff.

Also: Yui 4s are certainly a tough little ship! The YSS Yui (YD-30) is still around and fighting, for instance.
*playfully twaps Wes on the backside of the head* I mentioned they might have something similar to WARMS before back when the Sakura was confronted by those and you just nodded along.

I'm sticking to that. Those scouts aren't very resistant: even a Fox shuttle could actually destroy one with its aether cannons. They must have something that tells them when the should phase through shots or not: or else the Yui-4s weapon pods would have whittled them down already.