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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

If the scouts get close enough, you can emit a pulse that'll un-phase them. NIWS has done it before. Using the popular comparison of Xenosaga - it'd be like using the "Hilbert Effect" on the Gnosis.
So anything anti-wormhole, like subspace detonator, ought to work. I doubt the Star Army ever really needed to device a similar device that was meant to deal with something bigger than a ghost mishhu and inside a ship, not outside. Once things cool down, I bet they'll add something to that effect in their next refit. XD

A torpedo of that type would be needed. Miharu has 3.

Of course, we have to ICly figure it out!
So, what would Miyoko find if she started looking for ways to disrupt the scouts' phasing? I gather from searching the forums that there are known ways to do it, but none of the threads I looked at actually gave any hints how it works. Of course, it takes me five minutes to load some threads (GO, DIAL UP!), so I didn't exactly do an exhaustive search.
With the main sensors offline? You won't be able to make the sort of detailed scans you'd need to figure it out. The main sensors have to come back online to get more accurate readings and WARMS (yes, we don't have WARMS right now).

So, part of this is really up to the technicians in the subdeck... unless some other way can be found of compensating for the awesome dodging ability of those enemy ships...
Yui says: "Just keep a constant stream of fire on the enemy ships and they won't be able to un-phase and shoot without being destroyed. The Yui scouts have excelent sensors; they should to relay info to Miharu and other ships allowing them to create an unavoidable cone of fire."
That's what I've been trying to create with the weapon pods already. At least something to keep the majority busy phased while leaving one 'opening' for them to try and shoot wherein the guns would already be trained to shoot at.
Well, the Miharu has some weapon pods missing. That doesn't help. It's shields do grant it some increased longevity though - that does helps.

I am not commenting on how to beat the scouts though - I'm not spoiling you like Yui is - since Yui is not here :-P I've given you what answers I intended to with the tools you have. You need to figure out the rest.
A notice for the new guys:

Text you write should be in the past tense rather than present. That means using the 'responded' in place of 'respond'.
What? I thought this:

Doshii Jun said:
The Miharu had roughly pinned down where Asher was, but his transmissions were impeded by something.

Mean't that there was some sort of interference with communcation, and I figured he would just continue until he could get a clear signal.
I used that as an excuse to show why you didn't seem to be posting -- I'd thought you'd left for the day or something. Aheh!

Well, she's talking to you now!
A Yui-class destroyer's armory and its actual torpedo supply might be two different things. See this side view of the ship: https://stararmy.com/starships/ketsurui/ ... msdbig.gif

That's in addition to the top view I sent to you guys.

Now, I would tell you where the torpedo launchers and their munitions are stored... but problem is... I don't actually know. ?I always assumed the Yui's launchers were like the Ketsueki - now, I realize I just don't plain know.

Well, you guys carry on with whatever goes. If Wes has precisions, I'm sure he'll say. ^_^;
Ryszard -- fix'em your last postage so it isn't present tense in the first sentence, please? "Returns" is the culprit word.
Kotori said:
A Yui-class destroyer's armory and its actual torpedo supply might be two different things. See this side view of the ship: https://stararmy.com/starships/ketsurui/ ... msdbig.gif

That's in addition to the top view I sent to you guys.

Now, I would tell you where the torpedo launchers and their munitions are stored... but problem is... I don't actually know. ?I always assumed the Yui's launchers were like the Ketsueki - now, I realize I just don't plain know.

Well, you guys carry on with whatever goes. If Wes has precisions, I'm sure he'll say. ^_^;
They're in the sub-deck on either side of engineering.
Fred -- you keep inverting the Shikaku's name to "Shikuka."

EDIT: I don't have the energy to post right now. With an entire local family dead, an uncompliant reporter and photographer, and 3,000 troops dead, I have too much on my mind to sort through.

Fred, NPC Yukari so everyone can keep pace, please? Thanks.
I made the corrections. Sorry - I screwed up writing a name I introduced on my own - that's lame.

Nyton, a M6 Daisy doesn't have aDN, it has PSC (Psionic Signal Controller). Amounts to the same thing though except that PSC is more effective and has little to no sideeffects, unlike ADN.

Jake, it's New Year's Eve; I don't really expect people to be around and post much today or tommorow anyways... so, I don't mind the slowdown. I mean, I turned in for the night and the next thing I know you people went on a posting spree behind my back. ^_^;