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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

If that ends up having to be done off-camera, we can do that. Yukari keeps getting dragged into these meetings! Oh the officer's life.
I'm going to be out for a convention for the next three days, so now probably isn't the best time for me to start something, but after that, it sounds like people're up for the debriefing thing.
Matt! Masako and Rolf should totally do something! Because we all know she wants to hang out with an upstanding guy like Rolf.
I'll be out of town from Friday until Monday. Internet is probably a no go. Please feel free to NPC move my character as needed.
I left a PM for Blas on how he and Yukari should proceed. If I don't hear from him in a couple days, I'll just post.
I thought you guys might be interested to know that Nimura got a significant wiki page overhaul, which includes artwork for her (on which you can click to see a larger version).

You can see it here.
Very nice! I posted a link on the Star Army facebook so other members could check out the new art.
Wow. People have liked Nimura's new artwork so much that they haven't commented on it at all.

* * *

This said, I posted. I did my part. If there's no replies, I can't make things go forward.
Most of us have commented to you directly by now, haven't we? Lord knows I certainly love it!

Posting now. Sorry I haven't posted yet; was on the other side of the state.
*shrugs* This "Most of us" includes... only 2 people that are part of this plot.

I'm just mildly surprised that this didn't generate more interest in the forum where it was supposed to do so the most, considering the expense and how that one was the first of several.
To be fair- I was away with very little internet until today.

Having now seen that picture, I would like to give major props to the artist- that is a very good picture, and the detail is something we don't quite often see in SARP commissions.

I'd always had a different picture of Nimura every time I imagined her, so having a concrete "This is how she looks" is nice.
I just got back from my trip, so I'm a bit wonky. Had no internet during that time.

But the picture of Nimura looks fantastic!
Sorry for the post flurry, Blas. I'm trying to keep a brisk pace so we can end this before Fred's done.
Meh it's fine. Yukari is mor the expert in those things. If Mel clowns him for suggesting something stupid then it still narrows down the dumber ideas.
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