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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Better he be the voice of reason anyway; Yukari's not very reasonable.

On that note, though, I need to be done for the night. Crunch time at work.
Abwehran Commander said:
By the way Kel, if you're back from your weekend would you be interested in a JP later?

Sure. I'll probably be out for most of the night, but after today, I should be mostly free through the end of the weekend.
So... I've been away for a while and haven't had time to post or comment and such sooooo yeah.

Nimura's art is nice! Different from what I imagined her to look like, but then my imagination of her looks didn't follow her description anyway.
Ok, I feel like a dumbass for asking this, but can you give me a quick rundown of the three plans, Fred? i went back and reread the thread a couple times, and I can't understand why Kotori is ok with a plan (manipulate the AIs) she did not like before.
Well, it's basically because it simply wasn't an option before.

One of the things limiting them from pretending everything was fine and returning to Yamatai were the computers of all the ships, whom would very well know what was going on and not spare any details with Yui.

But if a way can be done to break them, then fix them and have them restart with their memory a blank slate, they won't have any bearing on the changes that happened to the personnel of the fleet when Miharu's crew rescued them.

Since Kotori dying is no longer an option and that the task of fixing all thier minds collectively looks very daunting, it serves as a tempting 'doable' alternative.
Perhaps you guys would like to have a gander at Suzume's newly created wiki page? It has new art too!

You may remember Suzume: she's a sprite that started showing up in Mission 4 and helped Miyoko and Takuma crack the stolen Bowhordia computer databanks so that they could access the information.

Suzume later showed up as a power armored Daisy whom helped Nyton recover from the bit of shrapnel that got lodged in his back when a enemy Mindy teleported on the bridge and loosed mini-missiles all around. Later, she helped defend the medlab, taking on another enemy Mindy power armor and barely managing to survive against her more seasoned opponent.

Then she was helping evacuate the subdeck after the torpedo hit that crippled the main hull and helped Tom avert an overheating CFS tearing the engineering apart by destroying it before it did a meltdown.

After that, she showed up here and there.

Some of her wiki information is still pending. Need more time to figure out what I'll write about her. Unlike the older and better established Nimura, Suzume was more an investment in a character I thought could become interesting in the future.
Wowwwwwww. Man, she turned out so well! Such a different presence than Nimura, obviously, but it's more than that. She seems like she would flash a really nice smile at you.
I'd like to know whom is interested in making a 'Mission 6' out of the upcoming Battle of Nataria - if so, what role would you hope to play.
That sounds like a great idea. Kind of like the 'Extra Mission" after the final climactic battle. I like the infiltration mission. You could have Yukari command the mission while Kotori has more direct command of the main fleet. Just challenging enough while not being too insane. Maybe we can operate how we've always theorized therefore contributing to the future redesign of Miharu.
That's nice, but I'm going to need more than just one person to chirp in about this. If it's only a handful of people, it's not really worth delving more deeply into than beyond narrative.
I wouldn't mind getting involved.

As far as what to do- I'm not entirely sure about that. Kai's a Power armor pilot with most of his experience in Ground combat. Unless we'll be dropping PA on Nataria, I'm not entirely sure what he'd do.
I'm going to go ahead and throw my lot in, also. Bear in mind we are about to deploy again and so soon I will be available SP-only.

Yuzuki does what Yuzuki does.
I've been out of the loop in most because of vacation time at the beach. I'll be back full time on September 1st.

Check out the OOC forum for more detail, I suppose.

See ya'll soon!
Yeah I figure it would have some submarine like tension during the infiltration. It would then be followed by a PA engagement to neutralize attempts by the enemy to destroy the supply depot.
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