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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I'm mildly confused.

Are the Black Knights deploying again?

Might it be a good idea to tell the people who would be involved in that, in-character?
Wow August IS over already, isn't it? Where does the time go? >_>

BTW, Annie and I just found out recently that we are expecting our third child.

If you're preparing to deploy the Hoshi, it might be a good idea to man it.

Hint. Hint.

(Also, congratulations on the new child!)
I posted it all up, but stopped to allow Kotori to jump in if she wanted to connect up, or maybe one of the officers speak up.
There's two things you might want to take under account for your post before we move on:

1. Hoshi does not have a fold drive, therefore she was never able to create an Anti-FTL field.

2. The site's outlook changed in regard to FTL interdiction technology - interdiction fields are no longer used in the setting and what slows ships down is when they are within orbit distance of a planet's gravity well, when they get struck by an FTL-disabling weapon like the SDMs, or when under the directed application of a graviton beam.

ICly, the data Yukari has on the NMX ship spec could be the rationale to understand what would work and what wouldn't.

Also, nitpick on my part: I'd prefer if there was only one Chujo.
See, I read 'interdiction' and that was the first thing that came to mind. Der.

I'll get on those edits.
Just give me a sign once you're done and I'll make a reply post for Yukari.

Regarding the upcoming Battle of Nataria:
Seeing the number of people I have interested, but Hoshi's increasingly doubtful role in the attack, I'm uncertain of what role PCs will have in it.

What I do know is that if I go beyond just narrative of the battle, I'll likely adopt a writing format similar to the 'dream sequences' with Melisson - as in: give you a story hook to built upon and flesh out with your own post.

If that happens.

* * *

Has anyone seen Tom around since his "I am back" post?
Right now, I'm good for a reply. The ground invasion portion of what Yukari said will need to be countered.
Tom said:
I'm still around. Just been lurking more than anything.

Whatcha need me to do?

Just wondering why you seem more active and communicative over Andrew's plot, but haven't really done anything with Tom here, or chattered with us and stuff.
Tom, you may want to respond to Nyton's post.

By the way, as soon as I get some closure on your side (which is probably tied to Nyton reporting his info, and a decision being made in light of that info) - after that, we'll proceed to another thread which will be the Battle of Nataria.

* * *

Doshii, I should've pointed this out before: the Second Draconian Fleet's surviving ships don't have Kyoto carriers. If Yukari wishes to pay mind to the ground portion, the ships better suited for her attention are either the Ayames and Irims, or the 25 Yuumi-class battleships.

I figured telling you here was better than having Kasami reply: "But Shosa, we have no Kyoto carriers."
I am officially back now, after being out of town unexpectedly since my teacher gave us the last half of the week off for Labor day weekend. As soon as I catch up and figure out where to post, I'll be back in.
No where to post at the moment, it's just officers coordinating stuff for the next mission.
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