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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

New thread here:

We're the eight day after the Battle against Eve and Melisson. The fleet has swooped into Nataria and layed the Mishhu to waste.

It's my assumption that Yukari and Kotori are on the Mokuren. The rest of the crew, under Nyton's command, should be on Hoshi. Hoshi's bridge crew (Nyton, Tom, Miyoko, Hinoto) should be the most aware of what went on in the battle and of Kotori's communication. They may even have a communication link to the Mokuren's bridge too.

Kotori would've preferred to keep Hoshi on the sidelines doing recon and only have more powerful warships of the Second Draconian Fleet. This said, I'm leaving it up to you guys to make up, within reason, how you spent the last few days and the battle itself.

Bear note that while I expect banter between the crew and reactions to the present events, the focus of the thread is more likely to be Yui coming back into contact again with Kotori and the ensuing debrief. I may make it a separate thread when that happens to keep an outlet open for you guys to post while a fewer number interact with Yui - whom I expect Wes will roleplay.
Fred said:
This said, I'm leaving it up to you guys to make up, within reason, how you spent the last few days and the battle itself.

Bear note that while I expect banter between the crew and reactions to the present events, the focus of the thread is more likely to be Yui coming back into contact again with Kotori and the ensuing debrief. I may make it a separate thread when that happens to keep an outlet open for you guys to post while a fewer number interact with Yui - whom I expect Wes will roleplay.

That's what I addressed here, I believe.

This may not be satisfying to you to yet again have to create your own roleplay - which is basically what I'm asking. I'm sorry for this much. But, as I said, my goal is to focus on pushing the plot itself forward as much as possible. One event I'm hoping will include a lot more in the way of interaction will be the award ceremony I want you guys to have after this.

...and then, we're pretty much done. The Miharu, as a plotship, will be over.
I think I'm going to refrain from posting unless someone has some other idea. Yuzuki's role in the battle is comparatively minor and would probably not have been noted so the lack of description shouldn't be missed unless someone can come up with a compelling argument to the contrary.

The exception is that I'm currently standing by on a final JP with Kai that will probably take place in the battle's interrum. I was going to try to do this through e-mail, but I suppose we can SP it out just as easily. Whatever works.

Other than that, I for one am happy to finally be watching Yamatai's own MacArthur retaking the Philippines. Here's hoping her flair is as successful.

HEY KOKU, Imma send you a PM.
Wellllll, would you look at that?

Tori's got something to say to Yuzuki, and she did just that! And most everyone else is in the same place, able to mingle!

Don't fail Tori. She'll fuck you up.

I like the way Tori views Kai.

I wasn't so sure about the Pretty Kai arts when they first came in, but, damn, they've grown on me.

Post post post.

This is like the only thread I check bi-daily. You have free and open reign while Wes wordsmiths. Go. Go go go.

-throws things-
Hey all. I'm headed to Portland today to see Duran Duran. I'll be posting later tomorrow, but in general, you can expect Yukari to be thoughtful, and Tori to be dry and somewhat salty.
Whoo, very prompt reply from Wes. Thanks Wes. Yui's certainly not wasting time. ~_^

I'll delay my answers a bit to allow more reaction posts from my players (Yukari's, for example). In "a few minutes", a few might've chosen to banter more.

I plan to answer later Sunday, or sometime Monday.
I think this marks the first time that Kai has Cussed ICly.

Whoo! You know you're being stupid when Goody-two-shoes cusses at you.
And at the same time, finally got a bit of a JP up there. Settling out that Kyou does actually know he's Rolf, not Asher, and confirming a couple other things.

Turned out well, and should be continued soon.
Okay. Seriously actually back for real now, I think. I kinda had a little mental breakdown that made it hard for me to focus on anything for longer than three minutes for the past couple of months, but I'm functional now, and I think I've skimmed over enough of the backlog to have a decent idea of what's going on. How should I go about insinuating Miyoko back into stuff.
Miyoko's on Hoshi's bridge. Most of the 8th day's event ought to be a pertinent read for you to catch up and know where she's situated. The rest is up to you.
I've been tossing around this idea in my head: maybe Kotori could lend the Black Knights to the Eucharis? I don't know if Wes has any concrete plans to have down on Nataria, but having the armor assets of both ships roleplay together in a ground mission of Wes' choosing could give the rest of you guys something to do - if this appeals to you.

If Wes likes that idea, he'd be the GM having responsability over those of this plot that would volunteer.

Tell me what you think.
I wouldn't mind doing a ground mission. Kai was trained on Nataria, and has some firsthand experience fighting mishhu on the planet from the first Mishhu war, so, it could be neat for him to go back.
I'm willing to GM that if you guys are interested. We'd be taking over an NMX operated neko production facility to try to get the "source code" for NMX neko minds.
Well, we'll deal with that once everything is set up for it.

Tom, Blas - I'm setting up your characters to be present during the debrief to Yui. Be there, please.