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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Fred said:
Miyoko's on Hoshi's bridge. Most of the 8th day's event ought to be a pertinent read for you to catch up and know where she's situated. The rest is up to you.

I'll try to finish reading and get a post in tomorrow, then.
I don't remember seeing Tom around at all of late. I sent him a PM requesting participation in our plot. Hopefully, he's not too tied up and will be able to chip in some.
Our pace would have to speed up, their pace would have to slow down.

Just a thought.

Also, Tom is dealing with tsunami goodness. So am I, but I'm relatively safe because I am enclosed in a giant hunk of floating metal.
I'm all for faster pacing, personally. However, the people that would go along probably should be the ones that are going to be active.

Wes is going to be their GM for the time they become involved and under his wing (not mine), so if you get involved but can't keep active... you're liable to suffer the consequences Wes reserves for inactive players. I'm more lenient than he is.

Another point of importance is my perception of the talent and accumulated experience your characters have earned throughout the missions I've GMed for you. You'll notice that there are times where stuff happens, and that I'm the one whom briefly takes control of your characters and make them do what I think their professional training and experience would have them do.

As far as I know, Wes does not do that (or not as much) nor does he know your characters as well as I do - so he'll likely base himself only on the content of what you'll post. I'm not implying that Wes is the Big Bad Wolf or anything (after all, he was my first GM here and I enjoyed myself); just making a point of saying that if you decide to go along, you have to be aware of his GMing style and what it entails.

* * *

And awesome. Tom posted. That tsunami goddess had nothing on him. =P
Flooding rivers results in a FLOOD OF CREATIVE ENERGY.

Too bad it doesn't stop the Shonai river from flooding into the most beautiful park in the city. :(
Just for reference, I intend to go overboard with descriptions of our away team.

Because we're badass and spec-ops awesome.
As long as you don't get too stuck on the writing about the trees in the forest we end up in, or some nonsense like that.
The wind rustled through the surface of Nataria.

Great belluvians climbed far, far overhead, overhanging the battlescarred complex in front of the group as if it were a causeway, specially created - which it might have been. This was the architecture of Yamatai; it was built with nature in mind, with a respect for nature inherent in the design.

This was spoiled somewhat by the blasted black rubble of the formerly white structure, the destruction of large part of this forest, and the fires that still burned.

Ash blew across the path, kicking up with the dark colored dust and dried leaves upon the forest floor.

And the badass awesome Kurokishi-black-knights with their iron wings and ginormous weapons strode like CLINT EASTWOOD THROUGH A DUSTY TOWN ROAD GOING FOR HIGH NOON COFFEE WITH THE DUKE.

Err, I mean, into Wes's plot...
I'm waiting for Doshii Jun to have Yukari respond to Kotori's demand that Yui be given more information about Kikyo's involvement; and for Nyton's response to Rolf, before moving on.

Hoshi ought to be taking off fairly soon.
What he was given:

"Yuzuki-Heisho tol' me t'tell you 'dat tha' sprites are hunkerin' in Power Armors t'preserve their memories or somethin'. I dunno what. I think this whole bid'ness wit' tha' Taisho's freakin'm out, sir!"

What he got from it:

"Hinoto-san, Rolf tells me that Nimura and several members of the crew have suited up to isolate themselves from PANTHEON. The impression I got from his report is that they appear to be nervous. Could you address this while we entertain our guests? Let me know if the matter gets out of your hands."

Nyton Claymere, master of communication.
Exactly. :D

Now would be an appropriate time contextually for Yui to react to that unveiling. I'll wait on Wes to post next.

I'll take care of the ship docking after that.
Can we get some updates on the Miharu wiki page? It hasn't been updated in two years.