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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

No, i's okay. I just promised her and all, so, I'd like to keep my promise if possible.

At this point I'm not even sure she cares... but I'll do the good deed if I can. *nods*
I'm not going to RP out Miyoko actually analyzing the goo.
1. I really don't have any idea how one would go about identifying unknown biomatter in this setting.
2. More importantly, it's not something she'd really know how to do off of the top of her head. So, she'll be pestering the MEGAMI to bring up all sorts of reference material as she works, and it could take days to do that much back-and-forth.

So, she's going to be shut up in the lab until I decide she's had enough time or somebody interrupts her.
<_< Um...are the armors in a location that has air? otherwise that would be an issue...

-shrugs- otherwise I guess the others have seen Rys naked already XD
The power armor bays are open to space, but the Star Army has atmospheric retention field technology - so vacuum isn't a problem as long as main power and emergency battery reserves hold out.
The Shikaku is dead. No power there at all. On the other hand, the Shikaku only had M1 Lamia power armor - only NH-12 nekos can use those.

I was refering to the Hoshi's power armor bay, which should hve been the place where you guys boarded your Daisy power armors.
I would like the salvage operation and the tour of the probes to come to a close by the end of next Monday - I think we got the most that we could out of those activities.

Failing completion by that time, I'll simply fastforward to the point where the torpedoes are retrieved and have Yukari return from her recon. Both ships should have all their members complete their tasks and return on board. I'll have them rejoin to reconnect shortly.

You can all assume the rest of what you are doing will proceed without further problems... well, unless Leutre starts juggling live torpedoes or something ^_^;
Leutre: WEEEEHEHEHEHE!!! *Starts juggling the Torpedoes*

*Drops one*

Asher, Ryszard, and Masako: OSHI-

._. I am totally lost, I can't see where we moved to the hoshi, as far as I could tell or see, I've been on the Shikaku the entire time...
Well, I believe Nyton narrated the group got back to the Hoshi at some point, at which you guys got suited and then you went back to the Shikaku to help with offlading the torpedoes and loading them in the Hoshi's multifunction bays.
okay! I missed the narration part <_<;; even if I read everything -was looking specifically for references for Nishimura or Ryszard so likely skipped over it as it was thought to be unrelated-
I've tried twice to post Yukari doing her thing on the probes, and each time my computer decides it can't do two things at once and crashes. So I said, "Fuck it." Sorry Fred.
*Smites Doshii Jun with his +4 Moderator Bane Morning Star of Violent Impact*

I shall smack my miscontentment upon your very soul!
Most of the people busy with salvaging the Shikuka should now be on the Hoshi, disembarking their power armors. Yukari should have had managed to returned, either through one of the main bays or the same way as the others. Doesn't really matter.

Tom still remains in the main engineering painstakingly working on his own with the disabled fold drive. That's how he's been going so far as an NPC. Tom, if you come back and can post in here, feel free to pick up your character whenever you want and have him do stuff - his only companion right now is Chigusa, and Chigusa no longer has a player and has been relegated to NPC status until I can remove the character from the plot.

As for the rest of you, well, Nyton is with Kotori and that should be straightforward enough. The power armored people are split between the new characters whom are ending up on a ship which, while obviously KFY in design, isn't anything they recognise - not to mention that their previous ship was destroyed, most of their personnal effects are probably lost and they have no idea what might happen to them now.

For Masako and Leutre, well, there's helping the new guys settle in and dealing with the workload that awaits them (loading the torpedoes, fixing the fold drive along with doing damage control over the hurts the Miharu had from the last battle -- when they went out in armor, they had the same view of the damage that Yukari had) - they probably have enough to do for the next day, at least, and they haven't even eaten yet! XD
Does a hemosynth tank just heal injuries, or does it take care of other things too? Paralytic agents tend to make resperation difficult and cause irregular heartbeats, which would need to be taken care of before she's dunked in the tank if it's not going to fix them.
Well, an hemosynthetic tank is exactly just that, a tank filled with blood laced with a whole lot of femtomachines (nanomachines, just better).

A neko can survive in a Hemosynth tank since the blood inside the tank can transmit the oxygen the neko needs to live. The neko could absorb that through her skin, or her hemosynthetic ports (a NH-17S has a few, namely the belly button).

Also, possibly one of the other useful uses of the hemosynth tank would be to help the neko resupply herself with a fresher supply of blood which wouldn't carry the neurotoxins... possibly speeding up the rate of recovery dramatically. Again, that could go on well enough with the HS ports.

Though Mizuho being unconscious doesn't help. there are methods of access a neko's operating system, though. I think you'll likely find good references for that in the document describing the NH-7. Wes told me many of that stuff carried over for the PNUgen made nekos and that's exactly what Mizuho is.