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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Holy crap. I had no idea nekos had that many add-ons in there.

... I'll post IC'ly this afternoon, I swear. I just spent all of my morning time reading that, eh-heh.
Gah, I just read an offline message Leutre left me on YIM. Apparently is going away for a couple of days.

Yo! Leutre here. Going out of town for the next two or three days, so I might not be able to update during that time. Mind posting on the Miharu OOC thread for me? I'm about to leave but my internet is being extremely sluggish at the moment.
Kel said:
Holy crap. I had no idea nekos had that many add-ons in there.

... I'll post IC'ly this afternoon, I swear. I just spent all of my morning time reading that, eh-heh.

The NH-29 were supposedly streamlined a lot, so, stuff in that document might not apply to them anymore, but the NH-17 should still have a lot of similarities - at least on the level of the OS and the overrides.

The NH-7 document is an excellent reference, but the other nekos weren't made with such exacting details after that.

Gah, I just read an offline message Leutre left me on YIM. Apparently is going away for a couple of days.

This really goes in the schedule thread, but thanks all the same. Let's have Leutre be NPC and stay in the armory to secure the torpedoes and stuff for the moment.
Note: nekos apparently don't have hearts; their whole circulatory system actually moves the blood through their bodies.

How do they do that? I have no clue. But nekos are heartless. ~_^

Yamataians do have a centralized blood pump, though.
Kotori said:
Note: nekos apparently don't have hearts; their whole circulatory system actually moves the blood through their bodies.

How do they do that? I have no clue. But nekos are heartless. ~_^


NH-7 Technical Manual said:
The MSS organ is located near the center of the chest, opposite the heart.

NH-5 Technical Manual said:
...if necessary the oxygen needed by the body can be obtained through the skin and delivered without the heart via rhythmic contractions of the blood vessels.

Is the lack of a heart something unique to the newer models, or what?
*pauses, staring at the text*

I really hope the wiki will help us get more consistancy *sigh*

Yes, newer nekos (NH-12B, NH-27, NH-29A) along with the NH-17 series definitely have no hearts to speak off and instead have the blood vessels themselves to the work.

How this ends up not making the neko constantly bulge as if a thousand worms were writhing in her is unknown to me, but it is supposed to work this way (with no outward sign of that, picking a nekos pulse might be hard too, since this is a more gradual, all-body process).
Kokuten, is it really necessary to quote people at every post you make? I'd understand this if it was one page away... but you doing this just seems a bit redundant overlong.

Please try not to use quotes so frequently, at any rate. If you want to be more precise, you can link yourself contextually to past statement through narration.

"After hearing Nyton's last words, he pondered on... bla bla bla..."

Please ^_^
Translation: It's a good thought Kokuten, and we appreciate it -- but it isn't necessary. Keep at it, dude.
Kel said:
As she watched the tank get to work patching Mizuho's injuries, she absently told the air, "Miharu, please tell Suzuka-chui that I'd like to meet with her sometime today, at her convenience."

Doshii, remember that Miyoko sent Yukari a message.

Also, yeah, you can get dibs on inventing the name of the leading Irim-class heavy gunship and its commander - maybe even roleplay that person too (odds are she/he is a Chusa or a Taisa).

Though if you don't want to deal with the NPC, that's fine. I can handle it.
*nods* I remember. Yukari will get down there probably at the end of the "workday," as it were.

As for the ship and NPC ... you honor me. Anything you had in mind, or am I free to just come up with something?
Hullo Tom!

I'll give you a summary.

The Miharu escaped Taii successfully. The Taii star had exploded, wiping out most of what was in system and would later turn into a nebula. The Mishhu fleet commander, instead of stopping to fix her ships, pursued the fleeing refugee ships to the nearby systems.

Trouble struck the fleeing ships by the way of fold engine troubles apparently leftover by the anti-FTL effect the Mishhu super-battleship had used. Most of the circuitry went haywire and replacing the units would take a long time. Tom and the rest of the techs at first began working on this and on raising the performance of the CFS units, which weren't working as well as they ought to.

Miharu was now in the Tsuyosa system, part of the 5th XF had fled to it while fleeing in the direction of Vaalad, the last 5th XF base, instead of following the rest of the refugee ships going toward Hanako's Star and regrouping at Kimura, where the 1st XF had more ships to protect the ships with malfunctioning fold drives. With only the Kinkou carrier group in system, they began engaging a mishhu skirmish battlegroup.

In the midst of this battle, Leutre at first didn't do all that well as a tech thanks to his devil-may-care attitude, but with Masako overseeing his work, he actually started to show improvements.

Miharu tried to take down the leading battleship, but only managed to take down one of its escorts before the mishhu commander's vessel escaped. It then turned to helping the Kinkou group tangle the new SMX scouts, which were blowing up large holes in the Yui-4 scout destroyers that were defending the less able Odori-class frieghters carrying refugees.

Miharu went to the scene and managed to forcefully unphase the new mishhu vessels and finally take them down, though the shields had to be sacrificed in the process and the ship got more than its share of holes in the hull.

NPC Tom has mostly been taking care of trying to figure out what was wrong with the fold engine along with NPC Chigusa (since the latter player left this plot to join the Sakura instead). By now, most of the people on the ship have been woken up earlier than usual, not everyone had the time to groom/wash themselves properly, had time to make a stop by the restroom, time to dress properly or time to eat (and by now some stomachs are growling) - but Kotori gave no sign that the crew was going to be permitted those small allowances anytime soon. Plus, the workload he has on his hand will probably take more than a day to fixed; the tech crew are being swamped with work.
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