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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Oh, no problems with the goodies. The rank is the only thing bothering me.

Besides, I know Star Army logistics was promoting a free slugthrower a while back, so, some extra KS and a NSP29 isn't something I see as bad. ~_^
I'm giving you guys until this weekend to resolve the things you have going on. I'm going to take advantage of the weekend to resolve what I need Kotori to cover with the Ketsurui clan so that I know what's up with that and end up with a direction to give to this plot by next week.

Wes, Blas and Kim... this means that I need to set up a JP somewhere in the weekend so we can resolve this meeting. I'd propose Saturday evening (I'm eastern time, GMT -5) somewhere around 20h00.

Bear in mind that I don't plan to be waiting around another week if we miss the opportunity to do it this weekend. If only Wes and I can show up, I'll try to do something with Wes anyhow. If Wes himself can't show up this weekend (and odds are I'll have a D&D game Sunday, which will make it difficult for me to JP) then I'll likely skip over the entire thing, gloss over it with some lame narrative and go on with the plot.

Bear in mind, my priority is to breathe some life back in the Miharu and give her players something to do which won't involve downtime and chitchatting. We might have been doing all of the former for a little too long and Miharu has grown a little stale thanks to that. I wish to correct this, for the benefit of this plotship's playerbase.
I've got non-refundable tickets to see a play that night, and am supposed to meet with Lauren's mom. The play is at 2pm but I'm not sure how soon I'll be home.
I should be good for that timeframe since it is later in the day. Annie is throwing a birthday something for me on Saturday so it will have to be afterwards. I guess its up to whenever that ends to see if I can make it but if we can do the late night thing I should be good.
If we could hold off long enough for Sanjuro to give Miyoko his "gift", I'd appreciate it muchly. But either way I'm sure whatever happens will work out. Usually does.
Well, shoot. :/ Saturday night is really bad for me. Going up to the Cheery Blossom Festival early in the day and then heading over to a friend's going away/25th birthday party, so I am probably not going to be home until way way late.
MoonMan said:
If we could hold off long enough for Sanjuro to give Miyoko his "gift", I'd appreciate it muchly. But either way I'm sure whatever happens will work out. Usually does.

If it doesn't get in, PM me and we can set up a mini-JP.
Then I guess I'll have to skip over that event.

Wes, any ideas on how to deal with this? Can this be solved with a narrative sort of pointing new stuff out or does this really really have to happen? I could - reluctantly - extend this to somewhere next week provided I get off the evening shift at my job...
Hmmm am I even still in this? I just recently got my computer back, which means I just recently got MMOs back so I've been kind of erm... Slipping on taking care of things I really should be taking care of. Damn addictiveness of MMOs.
SP works, though I wanted to deal with it with more alacrity. Well, better than nothing, I guess.

Krisslanza... as I keep telling Jake: there are no excuses to not roleplay. Just have Yuril butt in abd make yourself a spot which would allow you to mingle with the others.

It's already under way from the looks of it, so we might not have to. If worse comes to worse, a mini-JP should work fine.
I might just start another thread to do the SP/JP stuff I need done on Yamatai with the Ketsurui and allow you guys to still mingle and party and stuff in the aftermath thread. No sweat.
The datapad itself was one of the newest releases of the Awesomecorp DataJockey, the most expensive one on the market at the time from first appearances.

Clever bastard!

Awwww fuck! I dare say that was a MIGHTY burn.

I sense rageface for Miyoko.
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