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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I am giving you people until next Monday to go around and do your things in Scorpio Base. Then, I'm skipping to the next morning.

Sorry, but one of my jobs in making sure this plot doesn't slow down or stall... and I am seeing a noticable slowdown. Let's keep things moving, okay? ~_^
Sorry about that. Trying to keep things moving along. Actually what I would like to do tonight or tomorrow (I know really short notice, shoot me) is to hack a short JP on the shopping trip. If we can't manage that then just give us a quick 'these are the shops you see, blah blah' and we'll type if we bought stuff or not.
Give yourself some credit Blas playing assisant GM and all. No one tries harder, bless you. And yeah, sorry for the post delay. Was a bit busy myself. But I'll be in typing up two seperate papers this weekend, so I should be around for the JP assuming it's not too late throughout the day. I need my beauty sleep.
Blas' effort did not go unnoticed.

There are probably small restaurants, offering from heartier meals to food on the go for those people whom are in a hurry. I'd bet there are one or two noodle stands, at the very least. ^_^;

Also, there should be a library for both electronic and paper publications, as well as field manuals. I'd bet there's a barber. Add in probably a souvenir shop with some oriental art pieces from laminated paintings to ceramic sculptures, postcards, etc. Might also be a place to buy the more popular weapons that are in the gun shop (probably just stuff sold in Yamatai and popular for starship use).

Also, don't forget to take into account Taisho Yui's latest order. I don't expect you to agree, be happy about it or anything, but for you geshrin/nepleslian players, it should elicit a reaction once you become aware of it (Kotori will mention it next morning anyhow).
Hm, guess I wasn't paying close attention while making my rounds on the forums. I usually notice things like new orders and that one was posted the 12th.

F'ing F dude. I totally dropped the ball and missed out on stuff dude. Had to read four pages worth of backlog just to catch up.
Anyways, about here was where I was hoping to be able to JP out the shopping part but if we can't then it's not really gonna hurt anything. If we can swing it this evening it would be cool, but if not then yeah I know it was short notice. No big. We'll just cut it here and state what we bought in the next day.
I'm fine with you guys narrating what you might have bought on the next morning if time doesn't allow. Just remember that 1 KS is roughly equal to 1$ US and take that amount out of your character's earnings.

Which reminds me: you people should try to straighten up your inventories if you haven't done so yet. Just so it's clean before the ship launches.
Sorry guys but my server went down in case anyone was looking for me. I had YIM up for a while but next thing I knew my screen gave me the 'no connect' signs. Looks like its just gonna be 'so whadja bring for show and tell' the next day.

Speaking of which I need to do a price and availability check on some items.
Leutre will find out that the trip from the baths to the Dining Room really just takes about a minute. From the elevator, it's really just down the hall. They can expect western style breakfast from the menu.
I'm going to fast forward over the meal, if no one has anything against it. We sort of need to...err... make haste to accomodate the addition of another player.
Normally, I'd play it all out and wouldn't mind it if nobody else did. However, I need to keep reasonable pace with MM007's Yggdrasil plotship if we are to get Mizuho onboard. If Mizuho leaves, we certainly will not be tracking her down.
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