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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

5tar, while I don't object, I'm sort of puzzled by how Sumaru seems to be a little in awe of Kôsuka.

That she is his senior, I get. That she has a higher effective rank, I get as well. But I thought the person Sumaru chose for 'idol-worshiping' was Sakai Yuuko, so Sumaru's view of Kôsuka as a rolemodel is pretty strange.

True, I consider Kôsuka to be the best player-controlled samurai character on the site, but one thing I did not think Kôsuka was, was famous. Kôsuka served mostly as a stealth sentinel, one of those invisible samurai nekos you don't ever see unless you happen to bring harm to the Imperial family within the palace; then some as a yojimbo to a Kessaku Taisho and then some time spent as an instructor. Seeing her accomplishments, she was certainly a senior samurai, but hardly a high profile one.

Though on second thought, I do remember Jo Midori helping him a bit in training him - and Jo greatly benefited from her time with Kôsuka. Mmm...
Jo Midori wasn't just helping; she was his primary teacher in the samurai way. The lessons learned afterwards at the palace were just a fine tuning of the stuff she had taught him as her student. So in a way he considers her his mentor, if theres any real idolizing, it'd be there. But mild, I assure you. So I'm sure her name was mentioned at least once or twice, and stories would also be said of things Jo Midori had learned from her teachers, no?

Another thing to keep in mind too, is that because of Sumaru's outward appearance and previously Yamataian self, he's probably dealt with much scrutiny and patronizing all throughout his process of becoming a samurai. So being with a experienced samurai, no matter who they are really, and considered a equal. Or at least something of the sort, is something he finds to be well, for the lack of a better word at the moment; great!

Though you may be seeing it as idolizing, Sumaru is a person who highly regards anyone with seniority in the fields he is a part of. Just like many people in Japanese culture, with the need for honorifics to one's seniors so stressed in use. Sort of a way of acknowledging that they have more experience than him and are someone worth learning from. It's really not idol worship at all, even his gratitude towards Sakai Yuuko isn't really idol warship, it's all just a understanding that he is always learning. So, who better to learn from, then someone who's been there before him and has more lessons learned then himself. In that very same sense, he approaches most people more experienced than him in the same humble manner.
I'm doing Sanri's reply tomorrow and having Kotori make her entrance. I'm more or less done on the things I needed to prepare, so, we can get this ball rolling faster now.

Jake, get better. That's an order.
I switch back to day work next week so I'll be more readily available for posting again since... I enjoy my sleep in mornings on Night work a little too much. ^^;
I'd move on, but I don't want to cut in on conversations - Sanjuro and Yuril, namely (Krisslanza, post! ).

If you guys still want to keep chatting, feel free to - as long as you remain active. Otherwise, I can't cover for the minority whom are still interacting and will have to push things onward for the good of most of the participants.
Sorry, sorry. Working on it now

I have a very randomly fluctuating mood. Sometimes I feel like doing things, other days... Well yeah. *cough*
Getting right on it!

I kind of winged it on how to do Sanjuro's rank correctly.. Did I do it right or did I mess up? <<
Thanks Krisslanza. No problem.

I'll be ending the main course tonight (my time) and proceeding to give a mission overview with Kotori. If there are any loose ends to take care of, now is the time, though note that I will not longer delay (don't start anything requiring a reply, else I'll risk cutting in and interrupt).
I'm done for now, Sora is gonna be Ms. Sulky for a little bit longer until I can get my work/free time stuff straight.

Well I'm much to tired to keep things all in consideration and post as Sumaru appropriately, there are many things I need to take into mind with the twist in this recent ordeal. Because as a player I'd like some clarifications done in private, if possible, from you Fred. Then as my character, I have to properly think trough his reply, even though it'll be saved for after the dinner and mission briefing.
Man everytime I see 'Yuri' I keep thinkings it 'Yuril'. XD;
Just my random babbling. I'll work on a post either tomorrow after work, or the day after. A night shift kills me.
Won't be posting until it's appropriate.

Probably a little after the briefing or something, depending on what happens. If I can find an opening I'll sneak in. If not, I'd rather wait till an opportunity presents itself than elbow in.
Aoiko's queries to the computer can probably glean the amount of information Kotori revealed to the crew in Mission 2. you can view the briefing she gave then, starting at this link.
So I've had minor back surgery.

I'll keep posting, but it might be a bit light. Sort of. It all depends on how well I can sit in my seat.

Sorry all.
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