Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Hey, whoa whoa, wait.

Good initiative, but these first posts I see from you guys in awhile. I sort of thought the lull was because of the onset of summer and Doshii's wedding too... I mean, I've been trying to catch Doshii on IRC but I haven't seen him lately. *Fred looks at the dates of the posts* Okay, so, that's posted today... didn't I make an answer post for Nyton already? I was waiting on a reply.

*Fred goes look at the Samurai house thread and notices a blatant lack of the post he wrote last saturday* The fuck? It's gone! Kotori's witty response is gone! So it's my fault the forum ate my post or something? BLARGH!

Otherwise, I'm fine. Sort of. Seeing the lack of replies, I was just keeping myself busy with sketching, drawing and 3d modeling. I really thought the lull was because of summer vacations and the wedding so I took it easy.
Ahhhh, so that's what it was. Well, chalk this up to miscommunication and nevermind it all then.

Forum post-eating is not cool. I was waiting for Fred to post, too.

What's the next move then, Fredmaster?
This is summer, vacation time and such... plus Miharu's been slow so I don't expect people to expect much from her right now. Given that, even though I wanted to go and leap into the action soon after the Yamatai storylines resolved themselves, I believe it might be best to get the new characters settled in on the ship first, establish the next goals (I'm not making it a lengthy briefing-like event. Just a mission update over dinner or something) and then we go.

So, a warm-up session to give those folks we still have active the chance to realize something is going on and be ready to pitch in... and an opportunity for the new characters to try and settle in. Those players whom become active, we'll accomodate... those whom don't we will have them tag along as 'faceless' NPCs just like we did for some folks in the first mission to give them a chance to hop on if they 'wake up late'.

Seems like the best deal to me.

Jake, I'm not in writing mood at the moment (*stares up* well, not a creative/inventive one anyways - probably because it sucks to have to rewrite something); want to wrap this up and move back to the ship and deal with the arrivals? That's likely going to take a bit, so, we could get started soonish.
I'm going to be out of town camping for the next week. I haven't been very active I apologize, I plan to fix it when I come back now that school is over and I'll have a week of chilling at a lake :D.

If need be, anyone considered a leader on the plot can NPC Takuma. As long as I don't come back and he is without an arm because he tried to hack a toaster and install Kessaku on it...
I'm still here, starting to get active again now that school is over and i suddenly have a good deal of free time.
I as well am alive. Wait.... *Yoroko checks his vital signs* nope...sorry I'm dead. Well in that case, meet your first ever zombie roleplayer. Brraaaiin err...let's have fun? Nah, Seriously though I'm good to go.
Sorry for the delay. RL.

Get your basic "I'm here and I'm doin' stuff" posts out of the way at the top of your first post, then mosey to the wardroom. I'm gonna try and pace this until Fred gives the go-ahead to get with the mission.
Is it okay if i say Kai went and shopped and bought himself new clothes? cause... he kinda needs something other than his uniform and trenchcoat.
I've no problem with it. Just narrate that he did.

As for his purchases, I'll trust you to handle them. All you need to do is look up on the web the clothing you'd like and deduct their price in US dollars from Kai's KS account.
Oops, my bad...I need to edit my post to say that I was working with the armors. Sorry about that, will fix as soon as I have the time (I'm at my parents helping them put together a comp right now).

Edit: Okay, fixed it.
Okay, so I, er, took a week longer than I originally predicted. Sorry about that. I just kept trying to think of something Miyoko would have bought and coming up empty.